From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- module timing individual functions

-- @license (CC-BY-SA-3.0)

-- @copyright John Erling Blad <>

-- @var The table holding this modules exported members

local p = {

	'_count' = 100,

	'_sets' = 10,


-- access function for the number of items in each sets

-- @param number new count of items in each set

-- @return number of items in each set

function p.count( num )

	if num then

		assert(num>0, "Value of 'num' can\'t be zero")

		p._count = num


	return p._count


-- access function for the number of sets

-- @param number new count of sets

-- @return number of sets

function p.sets( num )

	if num then

		assert(num>0, "Value of 'sets' can\'t be zero")

		p._sets = num


	return p._sets


-- calculate the statistics for time series, and report mean and variance

-- for some background on this calculation, see [[w:en:average]] and [[w:en:Standard deviation]]

-- @param table timing is a sequence of time differences

-- @return table of mean and variance

function p.stats( timing )

	local minVal = timing1

	local maxVal = timing1

	local sqr,mean=0,0

	for i,v in ipairs(timing) do

		minVal = v < minVal and v or minVal

		maxVal = v > maxVal and v or maxVal

		mean = v + mean

		sqr = math.pow(v,2) + sqr


	mean = mean / #timing

	local var = (sqr / #timing) - math.pow(mean,2)

	return { mean, var, minVal, maxVal }


-- runner that iterates a provided function while taking the time for each chunk of iterations

-- @param function func that is the kernel of the iterations

-- @return table of runtime for the given function

function p.runner(func, ...)

	-- measure the function

	local time = {}

	for i=1,p._sets do

		timei = os.clock()

		for j=1,p._count do



		timei = os.clock() - timei



	assert(#time>0, "No entries for time measurements")


	return time


-- combine the measurements into a new form

-- for some background on this calculation, see [[w:en:Sum of normally distributed random variables]]

-- @param table tick stats for the baseline

-- @param table tack stats for the observed function

-- @return table with the combined stats, shifted from variance to standard deviation

function p.combine(tick, tack)

	-- adjust the actual measurement for the baseline

	return { tack1 - tick1], math.pow(tack2 + tick2], 0.5), tick3], tick4 }


-- formatter for the result produced by the runner

-- @param table timing as a mean and a standard deviation

-- @return string describing the result

function timing )

	local messages = {}

	messages'call-result' = 'Each call was running for about $1 seconds.\n'

	messages'mean-result' = '\tMean runtime for each set was $1 seconds,\n\twith standard deviation of $2 seconds,\n\tminimum $3, maximum $4.\n'

	messages'overall-result' = '\tTotal time spent was about $1 seconds.\n'

	messages'load-result' = 'Relative load is estimated to $1.\n'


	local function g( key, ...)

		local msg = 'timing-' .. key )

		if msg:isBlank() then

			msg = mw.message.newRawMessage( messageskey )


		return msg



	local function f(formatstring, nums)

		local formatted = {}

		for _,v in ipairs(nums) do

			formatted1+#formatted = string.format( formatstring, v )


		return formatted



	local strings = {

		g('call-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1e', timing1]))):plain(),

		g('mean-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1e', timing2]))):plain(),

		g('overall-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1e', timing3]))):plain(),

		g('load-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1f', timing4]))):plain()


	return table.concat(strings, '')


-- a dummy function that is used for a baseline measure

-- @return nil

function p.nop()

	return nil


-- metatable for the export

local mt = {

	-- call-form of the table, with arguments as if it were runner()

	-- @paramfunction func that is the kernel of the iterations

	-- @return string describing the result

	__call = function (self, func, ...)

		-- resolve to the same level

		local f1 = p.nop

		local f2 = func


		-- start the clock

		local tick = os.clock()


		local baseline = self.stats( self.runner(f1, ...) )

		local actual = self.stats( self.runner(f2, ...) )


		local combined = self.combine(baseline, actual)

		local tack = os.clock()

		return{{ combined1 / p._count }, combined, { tack - tick }, {actual1/baseline1]}})



-- install the metatable

setmetatable(p, mt)

-- done

return p
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- module timing individual functions

-- @license (CC-BY-SA-3.0)

-- @copyright John Erling Blad <>

-- @var The table holding this modules exported members

local p = {

	'_count' = 100,

	'_sets' = 10,


-- access function for the number of items in each sets

-- @param number new count of items in each set

-- @return number of items in each set

function p.count( num )

	if num then

		assert(num>0, "Value of 'num' can\'t be zero")

		p._count = num


	return p._count


-- access function for the number of sets

-- @param number new count of sets

-- @return number of sets

function p.sets( num )

	if num then

		assert(num>0, "Value of 'sets' can\'t be zero")

		p._sets = num


	return p._sets


-- calculate the statistics for time series, and report mean and variance

-- for some background on this calculation, see [[w:en:average]] and [[w:en:Standard deviation]]

-- @param table timing is a sequence of time differences

-- @return table of mean and variance

function p.stats( timing )

	local minVal = timing1

	local maxVal = timing1

	local sqr,mean=0,0

	for i,v in ipairs(timing) do

		minVal = v < minVal and v or minVal

		maxVal = v > maxVal and v or maxVal

		mean = v + mean

		sqr = math.pow(v,2) + sqr


	mean = mean / #timing

	local var = (sqr / #timing) - math.pow(mean,2)

	return { mean, var, minVal, maxVal }


-- runner that iterates a provided function while taking the time for each chunk of iterations

-- @param function func that is the kernel of the iterations

-- @return table of runtime for the given function

function p.runner(func, ...)

	-- measure the function

	local time = {}

	for i=1,p._sets do

		timei = os.clock()

		for j=1,p._count do



		timei = os.clock() - timei



	assert(#time>0, "No entries for time measurements")


	return time


-- combine the measurements into a new form

-- for some background on this calculation, see [[w:en:Sum of normally distributed random variables]]

-- @param table tick stats for the baseline

-- @param table tack stats for the observed function

-- @return table with the combined stats, shifted from variance to standard deviation

function p.combine(tick, tack)

	-- adjust the actual measurement for the baseline

	return { tack1 - tick1], math.pow(tack2 + tick2], 0.5), tick3], tick4 }


-- formatter for the result produced by the runner

-- @param table timing as a mean and a standard deviation

-- @return string describing the result

function timing )

	local messages = {}

	messages'call-result' = 'Each call was running for about $1 seconds.\n'

	messages'mean-result' = '\tMean runtime for each set was $1 seconds,\n\twith standard deviation of $2 seconds,\n\tminimum $3, maximum $4.\n'

	messages'overall-result' = '\tTotal time spent was about $1 seconds.\n'

	messages'load-result' = 'Relative load is estimated to $1.\n'


	local function g( key, ...)

		local msg = 'timing-' .. key )

		if msg:isBlank() then

			msg = mw.message.newRawMessage( messageskey )


		return msg



	local function f(formatstring, nums)

		local formatted = {}

		for _,v in ipairs(nums) do

			formatted1+#formatted = string.format( formatstring, v )


		return formatted



	local strings = {

		g('call-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1e', timing1]))):plain(),

		g('mean-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1e', timing2]))):plain(),

		g('overall-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1e', timing3]))):plain(),

		g('load-result'):numParams(unpack(f('%.1f', timing4]))):plain()


	return table.concat(strings, '')


-- a dummy function that is used for a baseline measure

-- @return nil

function p.nop()

	return nil


-- metatable for the export

local mt = {

	-- call-form of the table, with arguments as if it were runner()

	-- @paramfunction func that is the kernel of the iterations

	-- @return string describing the result

	__call = function (self, func, ...)

		-- resolve to the same level

		local f1 = p.nop

		local f2 = func


		-- start the clock

		local tick = os.clock()


		local baseline = self.stats( self.runner(f1, ...) )

		local actual = self.stats( self.runner(f2, ...) )


		local combined = self.combine(baseline, actual)

		local tack = os.clock()

		return{{ combined1 / p._count }, combined, { tack - tick }, {actual1/baseline1]}})



-- install the metatable

setmetatable(p, mt)

-- done

return p


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