From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- This module implements the lion's share of (what is currently called) Template:LDS/sandbox.

local p = {}

-- TODO:

--	Take out the assert statements and handle errors more gracefully?

--	Add support for links to BoM Title page and testimonies of 3/8 witnesses

--  Handle situations where the book name parameter is mistakenly left out (e.g., {{LDS/sandbox|Alma|7|11}}). If the "bookParam" evaluates to a number, shift all the parameters "down" one (i.e., bookParam->chapterParam, chapterParam->verseParam, etc.) and treat the display text (minus any period or other punctuation) is the bookParam.


	First: define bomBooks, dcBooks, pogpBooks, and bibleBooks

	These tables (one for each Standard Work) are the heart of the module.

	They have the following structure:

		The key is the "correct" name of the book, defined as how it is titled

			on Wikisource

		The value for each book is an array of other names it might be known by.

			Some of these are standard abbreviations, some are common typos 

			(e.g., "Revelations"), and some are included to ensure backwards 

			compatibility with the original {{LDS}} template (e.g., 1_jn).

			NB: The values do not contain capitalization variants, as those will

			be tested for in the logic (since these tables are already huge).


	The four tables are then themselves stored in an array titled standardWorks


local bomBooks = {

	"1 Nephi" = {"1-ne", "1_ne", "1ne"}, 

	"2 Nephi" = {"2-ne", "2_ne", "2ne"}, 

	"Jacob" = {"jac"}, 

	"Enos" = {"en"}, 

	"Jarom" = {"jar"},

	"Omni" = {"omn"}, 

	"Words of Mormon" = {"w-of-m", "wofm", "w_of_m"}, 

	"Mosiah" = {}, 

	"Alma" = {}, 

	"Helaman" = {"hel"}, 

	"3 Nephi" = {"3-ne", "3_ne", "3ne"}, 

	"4 Nephi" = {"4-ne", "4_ne", "4ne"}, 

	"Mormon" = {"morm", "mormon"}, 

	"Ether" = {}, 

	"Moroni" = {"moro", "moroni"}


local dcBooks = {

	"The Doctrine and Covenants" = {"dc", "d-c", "d&c", "d & c",

		"doctrine and covenants"},

	"Official Declaration" = {"od", "official declaration"}


local pogpBooks = {

	"Moses" = {},

	"Abraham" = {"abr", "fac-1", "fac1", "fac-2", "fac2", "fac-3", "fac3"},

	"JST Matthew" = {"js-m", "jsm", "joseph smith matthew", "jst matt",

		"jst-matt", "jst-matthew", "js matthew"}, -- NB: This is a special case!

	"History" = {"js-h", "jsh", "js history", "joseph smith history", "js-hist"},

	"Articles of Faith" = {"a-of-f", "a_of_f", "aoff", "the articles of faith"}


local bibleBooks = {						-- adapted from Module: Bibleverse

	"Genesis" = {"gen", "gn"},			-- Old Testament/Tanakh

	"Exodus" = {"exod", "ex"},

	"Leviticus" = {"lev", "lv"},

	"Numbers" = {"num", "nm"},

	"Deuteronomy" = {"deut", "dt"},

	"Joshua" = {"josh" , "jo"},

	"Judges" = {"judg", "jgs"},

	"Ruth" = {"ru", "ruth"},

	"1 Samuel" = {"1sam", "1sm", "1_sam", "1-sam"},

	"2 Samuel" = {"2sam", "2sm", "2_sam", "2-sam"},

	"1 Kings" = {"1kgs", "1-kgs", "1_kgs"},

	"2 Kings" = {"2kgs", "2-kgs", "2_kgs"},

	"1 Chronicles" = {"1chron", "1chr", "1-chr", "1_chr"},

	"2 Chronicles" = {"2chron", "2chr", "2-chr", "2_chr"},

	"Ezra" = {},

	"Nehemiah" = {"neh"},

	"Esther" = {"est", "esth"},

	"Job" = {"jb"},

	"Psalms" = {"ps", "pss", "psalm"},

	"Proverbs" = {"prov", "prv"},

	"Ecclesiastes" = {"eccles", "eccl", "qoheleth"},

	"Song of Solomon" = {"songofsol", "songofsongs", "song", "songs", "sg", 

		"canticles", "canticleofcanticles", "songs of solomon"},	-- catch typos

	"Isaiah" = {"isa", "is"},

	"Jeremiah" = {"jer"},

	"Lamentations" = {"lam"},

	"Ezekiel" = {"ezek", "ez"},

	"Daniel" = {"dan", "dn"},

	"Hosea" = {"hos"},

	"Joel" = {"jl"},

	"Amos" = {"am"},

	"Obadiah" = {"obad", "ob"},

	"Jonah" = {"jon"},

	"Micah" = {"mic", "mi"},

	"Nahum" = {"nah", "na"},

	"Habakkuk" = {"hab", "hb"},

	"Zephaniah" = {"zeph", "zep"},

	"Haggai" = {"hag", "hg"},

	"Zechariah" = {"zech", "zec", "zach", "zac"},		-- catch typos

	"Malachi" = {"mal"},

	"Matthew" = {"matt", "mt"},						-- New Testament

	"Mark" = {"mk"},

	"Luke" = {"lk"},

	"John" = {"jn"},

	"Acts" = {"actsoftheapostles", "the acts"},

	"Romans" = {"rom", "roman"},

	"1 Corinthians" = {"1cor", "1-cor", "1_cor"},

	"2 Corinthians" = {"2cor", "2-cor", "2_cor"},

	"Galatians" = {"gal"},

	"Ephesians" = {"eph"},

	"Philippians" = {"phil", "philip"},

	"Colossians" = {"col"},

	"1 Thessalonians" = {"1thess", "1thes", "1-thes", 

		"1_thes", "1-thess", "1_thess"},					-- catch typos

	"2 Thessalonians" = {"2thess", "2thes", "2-thes", 

		"2_thes", "2-thess", "2_thess"},					-- catch typos

	"1 Timothy" = {"1tim", "1tm", "1-tim", "1_tim"},

	"2 Timothy" = {"2tim", "2tm", "2-tim", "2_tim"},

	"Titus" = {"ti"},

	"Philemon" = {"philem", "phlm"},

	"Hebrews" = {"heb", "hebrew"},						-- catch typos

	"James" = {"jas"},

	"1 Peter" = {"1pet", "1pt", "1-pet", "1_pet"},

	"2 Peter" = {"2pet", "2pt", "2-pet", "2_pet"},

	"1 John" = {"1jn", "1-jn", "1_jn"},

	"2 John" = {"2jn", "2-jn", "2_jn"},

	"3 John" = {"3jn", "3-jn", "3_jn"},

	"Jude" = {},

	"Revelation" = {"rev", "apocalypse", "apoc", "rv", 

		"revelations"},										-- catch typos


-- This table holds the titles of the Standard Works themselves, as found on WS

local standardWorks = {

	"Book of Mormon (1981)" = bomBooks, 

	"The Doctrine and Covenants" = dcBooks, 

	"The Pearl of Great Price (1913)" = pogpBooks, 

	"Bible (King James)" = bibleBooks


local wsBaseURL = "[[s:"

local wsStandardWorks = "Portal:Mormonism#LDS_Standard_Works_(Scriptures)"

	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --

-- [===========[   HELPER FUNCTIONS  ]===========] --

	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --


	local function getFullBookName(bookParam)

	Returns the full name of a book of scripture based on the name/abbrev./alias provided

	NB: Because both Matthew in the NT and JST Matthew have just the title

		"Matthew" on Wikisource, this function returns "JST Matthew" as the full name

		of the latter, so that must be dealt with as a special case when constructing

		the actual link to Wikisource (i.e., you can't just sub that "full name" in 

		like you can for all other books!)


local function getFullBookName(bookParam)

	assert(bookParam, "No book name provided")


	for title,bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do

		if bookListbookParam then 

			return bookParam -- fully correct name provided already! Done!




-- OK so the correct full name wasn't provided to begin with, so we search

--		in more depth. First we loop through all the Standard Works and pull out

--		the bookLists (e.g., bomBookList or bibleBookList)

	for title,bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do

		-- next we loop through the bookList and do a case-insensitive compare 

		--		between the full name of each book and the book name provided

		for fullName,abbrevs in pairs(bookList) do

			if string.lower(fullName) == string.lower(bookParam) then

				-- great news, they passed in e.g. "job", which matches "Job"! Done!

				return fullName


			-- ok they didn't just pass in a different-cased version of the full name

			--		so we have to do a case-insensitive compare between all the

			--		book abbreviations/aliases and the book name provided

			for i,abbrev in pairs(abbrevs) do

				-- In theory all the abbrev's should be all lowercase anyway, 

				--		but who knows if later people maintaining this code will

				--		keep that convention so we lower both strings.

				if string.lower(abbrev) == string.lower(bookParam) then

					-- found an abbreviation/alias that matches! Done!

					return fullName






	-- At this point we've searched, without regard to case, creed, or color,

	--	for the alleged book of scripture they provided, but it ain't here!

	assert(false, "Book <" .. bookParam .. "> not found in Standard Works")

	return ""

end --function getFullBookName(bookParam)


	local function getStandardWork(bookParam)

	returns the Standard Work (as titled by Wikisource) that contains the book 

		passed in.


local function getStandardWork(bookParam)


	assert(bookParam, "No book name provided")


	local book = getFullBookName(bookParam)

	assert(book, "Book <" .. bookParam .. "> not found in Standard Works")


	-- check the standardWorks table for any values that have a key with the 

	-- full name of the book; if so, return the key (the title of the SW)

	for title,bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do

		if bookListbook then return title end



	assert(false, "Book <" .. book .. "> is not a full book name found in Standard Works")


-- Preconditions: book, and chapter are non-nil

local function buildBookmark(book, chapter, verse)


	if string.find(book, "^Section") then

		if verse then

			return "#" .. verse -- D&C sections just use the verse number


			return "" -- if they're just citing a Section then no bookmark needed at all




	if verse then

		return "#" .. chapter .. ":" .. verse


		return "#chapter_" .. chapter



local function buildFinalDisplayText(displayText, chapter, verse, endVerse, endVerseFlag)

	local t = displayText

	if chapter then t =  t .. " " .. chapter end

	if verse then

		t = t .. ":" .. verse

		if endVerse then

			if endVerseFlag then

				t = t .. endVerse


				t = t .. "–" .. endVerse




	return t


local function handleOD(displayTextParam, chapter)

	if chapter == "1" then

			return wsBaseURL .. "The_Doctrine_and_Covenants/Official_Declaration_1|" .. displayTextParam .. " 1]]"

		elseif chapter == "2" then

			return "[ " .. displayTextParam .. " 2]"


			assert(false, "No such Official Declaration")



local function handleFewParams(displayTextParam)

	if not displayTextParam then

		-- no parameters provided to the template at all

		return wsBaseURL .. wsStandardWorks .. "|LDS Standard Works]]"


	-- otherwise same link but displaying the text they provided

	return wsBaseURL .. wsStandardWorks .. "|" .. displayTextParam .. "]]"


local function trimSpaces(arg)

	if arg then

		return string.match(arg, "^%s*(.-)%s*$")


		return nil



local function extractParams(args)

	local displayTextParam = trimSpaces(args1])

	local bookParam = trimSpaces(args2])

	local chapterParam = trimSpaces(args3])

	local verseParam = trimSpaces(args4])

	local endVerseParam = trimSpaces(args5])

	-- the 6th and 7th parameters, for footnotes and cross-references, have no

	--	use on Wikisource (and don't seem to work even on, but whatever)

	local endVerseFlag = trimSpaces(args8])

	return displayTextParam, bookParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag


	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --

-- [===========[    MAIN FUNCTION    ]===========] --

	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --

-- function p.main(frame)

-- This function returns a wikitext link to the cited LDS scripture on Wikisource

--	(except for Official Declaration 2, which is copyrighted)

function p.main(frame)

	local args = frame:getParent().args -- the args to the template that invokes this module

	local displayTextParam, bookParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag = extractParams(args)


	local wikiText = ""


	if not bookParam then --fewer than two parameters provided to the template

		return handleFewParams(displayTextParam)



	local fullBookName = getFullBookName(bookParam)

	local standardWork = getStandardWork(fullBookName)


	if fullBookName == "Official Declaration" then

		return handleOD(displayTextParam, chapterParam)



	wikiText = wsBaseURL .. standardWork -- start of the wikilink text


	-- Special case for JST Matthew (safe to do since we've already determined 

	--	which Standard Work we're linking to)

	if fullBookName == "JST Matthew" then fullBookName = "Matthew" end


	-- Special case for sections of the Doctrine and Covenants

	if fullBookName == "The Doctrine and Covenants" then

		if chapterParam then

			fullBookName = "Section " .. chapterParam


			fullBookName = nil		-- The user has not provided a chapter (section) so this is treated as wanting to cite the D&C generally



	if fullBookName then

		wikiText = wikiText .. "/" .. fullBookName

		if chapterParam then

			wikiText = wikiText .. buildBookmark(fullBookName, chapterParam, verseParam)




	wikiText = wikiText .. "|"

	wikiText = wikiText .. buildFinalDisplayText(displayTextParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag)

	wikiText = wikiText .. "]]"		-- DON'T FORGET!!!

	return wikiText


return p
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- This module implements the lion's share of (what is currently called) Template:LDS/sandbox.

local p = {}

-- TODO:

--	Take out the assert statements and handle errors more gracefully?

--	Add support for links to BoM Title page and testimonies of 3/8 witnesses

--  Handle situations where the book name parameter is mistakenly left out (e.g., {{LDS/sandbox|Alma|7|11}}). If the "bookParam" evaluates to a number, shift all the parameters "down" one (i.e., bookParam->chapterParam, chapterParam->verseParam, etc.) and treat the display text (minus any period or other punctuation) is the bookParam.


	First: define bomBooks, dcBooks, pogpBooks, and bibleBooks

	These tables (one for each Standard Work) are the heart of the module.

	They have the following structure:

		The key is the "correct" name of the book, defined as how it is titled

			on Wikisource

		The value for each book is an array of other names it might be known by.

			Some of these are standard abbreviations, some are common typos 

			(e.g., "Revelations"), and some are included to ensure backwards 

			compatibility with the original {{LDS}} template (e.g., 1_jn).

			NB: The values do not contain capitalization variants, as those will

			be tested for in the logic (since these tables are already huge).


	The four tables are then themselves stored in an array titled standardWorks


local bomBooks = {

	"1 Nephi" = {"1-ne", "1_ne", "1ne"}, 

	"2 Nephi" = {"2-ne", "2_ne", "2ne"}, 

	"Jacob" = {"jac"}, 

	"Enos" = {"en"}, 

	"Jarom" = {"jar"},

	"Omni" = {"omn"}, 

	"Words of Mormon" = {"w-of-m", "wofm", "w_of_m"}, 

	"Mosiah" = {}, 

	"Alma" = {}, 

	"Helaman" = {"hel"}, 

	"3 Nephi" = {"3-ne", "3_ne", "3ne"}, 

	"4 Nephi" = {"4-ne", "4_ne", "4ne"}, 

	"Mormon" = {"morm", "mormon"}, 

	"Ether" = {}, 

	"Moroni" = {"moro", "moroni"}


local dcBooks = {

	"The Doctrine and Covenants" = {"dc", "d-c", "d&c", "d & c",

		"doctrine and covenants"},

	"Official Declaration" = {"od", "official declaration"}


local pogpBooks = {

	"Moses" = {},

	"Abraham" = {"abr", "fac-1", "fac1", "fac-2", "fac2", "fac-3", "fac3"},

	"JST Matthew" = {"js-m", "jsm", "joseph smith matthew", "jst matt",

		"jst-matt", "jst-matthew", "js matthew"}, -- NB: This is a special case!

	"History" = {"js-h", "jsh", "js history", "joseph smith history", "js-hist"},

	"Articles of Faith" = {"a-of-f", "a_of_f", "aoff", "the articles of faith"}


local bibleBooks = {						-- adapted from Module: Bibleverse

	"Genesis" = {"gen", "gn"},			-- Old Testament/Tanakh

	"Exodus" = {"exod", "ex"},

	"Leviticus" = {"lev", "lv"},

	"Numbers" = {"num", "nm"},

	"Deuteronomy" = {"deut", "dt"},

	"Joshua" = {"josh" , "jo"},

	"Judges" = {"judg", "jgs"},

	"Ruth" = {"ru", "ruth"},

	"1 Samuel" = {"1sam", "1sm", "1_sam", "1-sam"},

	"2 Samuel" = {"2sam", "2sm", "2_sam", "2-sam"},

	"1 Kings" = {"1kgs", "1-kgs", "1_kgs"},

	"2 Kings" = {"2kgs", "2-kgs", "2_kgs"},

	"1 Chronicles" = {"1chron", "1chr", "1-chr", "1_chr"},

	"2 Chronicles" = {"2chron", "2chr", "2-chr", "2_chr"},

	"Ezra" = {},

	"Nehemiah" = {"neh"},

	"Esther" = {"est", "esth"},

	"Job" = {"jb"},

	"Psalms" = {"ps", "pss", "psalm"},

	"Proverbs" = {"prov", "prv"},

	"Ecclesiastes" = {"eccles", "eccl", "qoheleth"},

	"Song of Solomon" = {"songofsol", "songofsongs", "song", "songs", "sg", 

		"canticles", "canticleofcanticles", "songs of solomon"},	-- catch typos

	"Isaiah" = {"isa", "is"},

	"Jeremiah" = {"jer"},

	"Lamentations" = {"lam"},

	"Ezekiel" = {"ezek", "ez"},

	"Daniel" = {"dan", "dn"},

	"Hosea" = {"hos"},

	"Joel" = {"jl"},

	"Amos" = {"am"},

	"Obadiah" = {"obad", "ob"},

	"Jonah" = {"jon"},

	"Micah" = {"mic", "mi"},

	"Nahum" = {"nah", "na"},

	"Habakkuk" = {"hab", "hb"},

	"Zephaniah" = {"zeph", "zep"},

	"Haggai" = {"hag", "hg"},

	"Zechariah" = {"zech", "zec", "zach", "zac"},		-- catch typos

	"Malachi" = {"mal"},

	"Matthew" = {"matt", "mt"},						-- New Testament

	"Mark" = {"mk"},

	"Luke" = {"lk"},

	"John" = {"jn"},

	"Acts" = {"actsoftheapostles", "the acts"},

	"Romans" = {"rom", "roman"},

	"1 Corinthians" = {"1cor", "1-cor", "1_cor"},

	"2 Corinthians" = {"2cor", "2-cor", "2_cor"},

	"Galatians" = {"gal"},

	"Ephesians" = {"eph"},

	"Philippians" = {"phil", "philip"},

	"Colossians" = {"col"},

	"1 Thessalonians" = {"1thess", "1thes", "1-thes", 

		"1_thes", "1-thess", "1_thess"},					-- catch typos

	"2 Thessalonians" = {"2thess", "2thes", "2-thes", 

		"2_thes", "2-thess", "2_thess"},					-- catch typos

	"1 Timothy" = {"1tim", "1tm", "1-tim", "1_tim"},

	"2 Timothy" = {"2tim", "2tm", "2-tim", "2_tim"},

	"Titus" = {"ti"},

	"Philemon" = {"philem", "phlm"},

	"Hebrews" = {"heb", "hebrew"},						-- catch typos

	"James" = {"jas"},

	"1 Peter" = {"1pet", "1pt", "1-pet", "1_pet"},

	"2 Peter" = {"2pet", "2pt", "2-pet", "2_pet"},

	"1 John" = {"1jn", "1-jn", "1_jn"},

	"2 John" = {"2jn", "2-jn", "2_jn"},

	"3 John" = {"3jn", "3-jn", "3_jn"},

	"Jude" = {},

	"Revelation" = {"rev", "apocalypse", "apoc", "rv", 

		"revelations"},										-- catch typos


-- This table holds the titles of the Standard Works themselves, as found on WS

local standardWorks = {

	"Book of Mormon (1981)" = bomBooks, 

	"The Doctrine and Covenants" = dcBooks, 

	"The Pearl of Great Price (1913)" = pogpBooks, 

	"Bible (King James)" = bibleBooks


local wsBaseURL = "[[s:"

local wsStandardWorks = "Portal:Mormonism#LDS_Standard_Works_(Scriptures)"

	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --

-- [===========[   HELPER FUNCTIONS  ]===========] --

	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --


	local function getFullBookName(bookParam)

	Returns the full name of a book of scripture based on the name/abbrev./alias provided

	NB: Because both Matthew in the NT and JST Matthew have just the title

		"Matthew" on Wikisource, this function returns "JST Matthew" as the full name

		of the latter, so that must be dealt with as a special case when constructing

		the actual link to Wikisource (i.e., you can't just sub that "full name" in 

		like you can for all other books!)


local function getFullBookName(bookParam)

	assert(bookParam, "No book name provided")


	for title,bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do

		if bookListbookParam then 

			return bookParam -- fully correct name provided already! Done!




-- OK so the correct full name wasn't provided to begin with, so we search

--		in more depth. First we loop through all the Standard Works and pull out

--		the bookLists (e.g., bomBookList or bibleBookList)

	for title,bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do

		-- next we loop through the bookList and do a case-insensitive compare 

		--		between the full name of each book and the book name provided

		for fullName,abbrevs in pairs(bookList) do

			if string.lower(fullName) == string.lower(bookParam) then

				-- great news, they passed in e.g. "job", which matches "Job"! Done!

				return fullName


			-- ok they didn't just pass in a different-cased version of the full name

			--		so we have to do a case-insensitive compare between all the

			--		book abbreviations/aliases and the book name provided

			for i,abbrev in pairs(abbrevs) do

				-- In theory all the abbrev's should be all lowercase anyway, 

				--		but who knows if later people maintaining this code will

				--		keep that convention so we lower both strings.

				if string.lower(abbrev) == string.lower(bookParam) then

					-- found an abbreviation/alias that matches! Done!

					return fullName






	-- At this point we've searched, without regard to case, creed, or color,

	--	for the alleged book of scripture they provided, but it ain't here!

	assert(false, "Book <" .. bookParam .. "> not found in Standard Works")

	return ""

end --function getFullBookName(bookParam)


	local function getStandardWork(bookParam)

	returns the Standard Work (as titled by Wikisource) that contains the book 

		passed in.


local function getStandardWork(bookParam)


	assert(bookParam, "No book name provided")


	local book = getFullBookName(bookParam)

	assert(book, "Book <" .. bookParam .. "> not found in Standard Works")


	-- check the standardWorks table for any values that have a key with the 

	-- full name of the book; if so, return the key (the title of the SW)

	for title,bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do

		if bookListbook then return title end



	assert(false, "Book <" .. book .. "> is not a full book name found in Standard Works")


-- Preconditions: book, and chapter are non-nil

local function buildBookmark(book, chapter, verse)


	if string.find(book, "^Section") then

		if verse then

			return "#" .. verse -- D&C sections just use the verse number


			return "" -- if they're just citing a Section then no bookmark needed at all




	if verse then

		return "#" .. chapter .. ":" .. verse


		return "#chapter_" .. chapter



local function buildFinalDisplayText(displayText, chapter, verse, endVerse, endVerseFlag)

	local t = displayText

	if chapter then t =  t .. " " .. chapter end

	if verse then

		t = t .. ":" .. verse

		if endVerse then

			if endVerseFlag then

				t = t .. endVerse


				t = t .. "–" .. endVerse




	return t


local function handleOD(displayTextParam, chapter)

	if chapter == "1" then

			return wsBaseURL .. "The_Doctrine_and_Covenants/Official_Declaration_1|" .. displayTextParam .. " 1]]"

		elseif chapter == "2" then

			return "[ " .. displayTextParam .. " 2]"


			assert(false, "No such Official Declaration")



local function handleFewParams(displayTextParam)

	if not displayTextParam then

		-- no parameters provided to the template at all

		return wsBaseURL .. wsStandardWorks .. "|LDS Standard Works]]"


	-- otherwise same link but displaying the text they provided

	return wsBaseURL .. wsStandardWorks .. "|" .. displayTextParam .. "]]"


local function trimSpaces(arg)

	if arg then

		return string.match(arg, "^%s*(.-)%s*$")


		return nil



local function extractParams(args)

	local displayTextParam = trimSpaces(args1])

	local bookParam = trimSpaces(args2])

	local chapterParam = trimSpaces(args3])

	local verseParam = trimSpaces(args4])

	local endVerseParam = trimSpaces(args5])

	-- the 6th and 7th parameters, for footnotes and cross-references, have no

	--	use on Wikisource (and don't seem to work even on, but whatever)

	local endVerseFlag = trimSpaces(args8])

	return displayTextParam, bookParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag


	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --

-- [===========[    MAIN FUNCTION    ]===========] --

	-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]=======] --

-- function p.main(frame)

-- This function returns a wikitext link to the cited LDS scripture on Wikisource

--	(except for Official Declaration 2, which is copyrighted)

function p.main(frame)

	local args = frame:getParent().args -- the args to the template that invokes this module

	local displayTextParam, bookParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag = extractParams(args)


	local wikiText = ""


	if not bookParam then --fewer than two parameters provided to the template

		return handleFewParams(displayTextParam)



	local fullBookName = getFullBookName(bookParam)

	local standardWork = getStandardWork(fullBookName)


	if fullBookName == "Official Declaration" then

		return handleOD(displayTextParam, chapterParam)



	wikiText = wsBaseURL .. standardWork -- start of the wikilink text


	-- Special case for JST Matthew (safe to do since we've already determined 

	--	which Standard Work we're linking to)

	if fullBookName == "JST Matthew" then fullBookName = "Matthew" end


	-- Special case for sections of the Doctrine and Covenants

	if fullBookName == "The Doctrine and Covenants" then

		if chapterParam then

			fullBookName = "Section " .. chapterParam


			fullBookName = nil		-- The user has not provided a chapter (section) so this is treated as wanting to cite the D&C generally



	if fullBookName then

		wikiText = wikiText .. "/" .. fullBookName

		if chapterParam then

			wikiText = wikiText .. buildBookmark(fullBookName, chapterParam, verseParam)




	wikiText = wikiText .. "|"

	wikiText = wikiText .. buildFinalDisplayText(displayTextParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag)

	wikiText = wikiText .. "]]"		-- DON'T FORGET!!!

	return wikiText


return p


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