From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


local anchor_id_list = mw.loadData ('Module:Footnotes/anchor_id_list/sandbox').anchor_id_list;

local code_open_tag = '<code class="cs1-code">';								-- cs1-code class defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css

local lock_icons = {															--icon classes are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css

	'registration' = {'cs1-lock-registration', 'Free registration required'},

	'limited' = {'cs1-lock-limited', 'Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required'},

	'subscription' = {'cs1-lock-subscription', 'Paid subscription required'},


--[[--------------------------< T A R G E T _ C H E C K >------------------------------------------------------

look for anchor_id (CITEREF name-list and year or text from |ref=) in anchor_id_list

the 'no target' error may be suppressed with |ignore-err=yes when target cannot be found because target is inside

a template that wraps another template; 'multiple targets' error may not be suppressed


local function target_check (anchor_id, ignore)

	local number = anchor_id_listanchor_id];									-- nil when anchor_id not in list; else a number

	local msg;

	local category;

	if not number then

		if ignore then

			return '';															-- if ignore is true then no message, no category


		msg = 'no target: ' .. anchor_id;										-- anchor_id not found in this article

	elseif 1 < number then

		msg = 'multiple targets (' .. number .. '×): ' .. anchor_id;			-- more than one anchor_id in this article


	category = 0 == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace and '[[Category:Harv and Sfn template errors]]' or '';	-- only categorize in article space

--use this version to show error messages

	return msg and ' <span class="error harv-error" style="display: inline; font-size:100%">Harvc error: ' .. msg .. ' ([[:Category:Harv and Sfn template errors|help]])</span>' .. category or '';

--use this version to hide error messages

--	return msg and ' <span class="error harv-error" style="display: none; font-size:100%">Harvc error: ' .. msg .. ' ([[:Category:Harv and Sfn template errors|help]])</span>' .. category or '';


--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------

Whether variable is set or not.  A varable is set when it is not nil and not empty.


local function is_set( var )

	return not (var == nil or var == '');


--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ Y E A R S >--------------------------------------------------------

evaluates params to see if they are one of these forms with or without lowercase letter disambiguator (same as in





	c. YYYY

	YYYY–YYYY	(separator is endash)

	YYYY–YY		(separator is endash)

when anchor_year present, year portion must be same as year param and must have disambiguator

returns empty string when params have correct form; error message else


local function check_years (year, anchor_year)

	local y, ay;


	if not is_set (year) then													-- year is required so return error message when not set

		return ' missing ' .. code_open_tag .. '|year=</code>.';



	local patterns = {															-- allowed year patterns from Module:Footnotes (captures added here)

		'^(%d%d%d%d?)%l?$',														-- YYY or YYYY

		'^(n%.d%.)%l?$',														-- n.d.

		'^(nd)%l?$',															-- nd

		'^(c%. %d%d%d%d?)%l?$',													-- c. YYY or c. YYYY

		'^(%d%d%d%d–%d%d%d%d)%l?$',												-- YYYY–YYYY

		'^(%d%d%d%d–%d%d)%l?$'													-- YYYY–YY


	for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do										-- spin through the patterns

		y = year:match (pattern);												-- y is the year portion

		if y then

			break;																-- when y is set, we found a match so done



	if not y then

		return ' invalid ' .. code_open_tag .. '|year=</code>.';												-- y not set, so year is malformed



	if is_set (anchor_year) then												-- anchor_year is optional

		for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do									-- spin through the patterns

			ay = anchor_year:match (pattern);									-- ay is the year portion

			if ay then

				break;															-- when ay is set, we found a match so done



		if not ay then

			return ' invalid ' .. code_open_tag .. '|anchor-year</code>.';						-- ay not set, so anchor_year is malformed



		if not anchor_year:match ('%l$') then

			return ' ' .. code_open_tag .. '|anchor-year=</code> missing dab.';					-- anchor_year must end with a disambiguator letter



		if y ~= ay then

			return ' ' .. code_open_tag .. '|year=</code> / ' .. code_open_tag .. '|anchor-year=</code> mismatch.';	-- 'year' portions of year and anchor_year must be the same




	return '';																	-- both years are good; empty string for concatenation


--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ N A M E >------------------------------------------------------------

Assembles last, first, link, or mask into a displayable contributor name.


local function make_name (last, first, link, mask)

	local name = last;


	if is_set (first) then

		name = name .. ', ' .. first;											-- concatenate first onto last



	if is_set (link) then

		name = '[[' .. link .. '|' .. name .. ']]';								-- form a wikilink around the name



	if is_set (mask) then														-- mask this author

		if tonumber(mask) then

			name = string.rep ('—', mask)										-- make a string that number length of mdashes


			name = mask;														-- mask is not a number so use the mask text




	return name;


--[[--------------------------< C O R E >----------------------------------------------------------------------

Assembles the various parts provided by the template into a properly formatted bridging citation.  Adds punctuation

and text; encloses the whole within a span with id and class attributes.

This creates a CITEREF anchor from |last1= through |last4= and |year=.  It also creates a CITEREF link from |in1= through

|in4= and |year=.  It is presumed that the dates of contributions are the same as the date of the enclosing work.

Even though not displayed, a year parameter is still required for the CITEREF anchor


local function core( args )

	local span_open_tag;														-- holds CITEREF and css

	local contributors = '';													-- chapter or contribution authors

	local source = '';															-- editor/author date list that forms a CITEREF link to a full citation

	local in_text = ' In ';

	local result;																-- the assemby of the above output

-- form the CITEREF anchor

	if is_set ( then = mw.uri.anchorEncode (

		span_open_tag = '<span id="' .. .. '" class="citation">';		-- for use when contributor name is same as source name


		local citeref = 'CITEREF' .. table.concat (args.citeref) .. (is_set (args'anchor-year']) and args'anchor-year' or args.year);

		citeref = mw.uri.anchorEncode (citeref);

		span_open_tag = '<span id="' .. citeref .. '" class="citation">';




form the contributors display list:

	if |name-list-format=harv, display is similar to {{sfn}} and {{harv}}, 1 to 4 last names;

	if |display-authors= is empty or omitted, display is similar to cs1|2: display all names in last, first order 

	if |display-authors=etal then displays all author names in last, first order and append et al.

	if value assigned to |display-authors= is less than the number of author last names, displays the specified number of author names in last, first order followed by et al.


	if 'harv' ~= args.name_list_format then										-- default cs1|2 style contributor list

		local i = 1;

		local count;

		local etal = false;														-- when |display-authors= is same as number of authors in contributor list


		if is_set (args.display_authors) then

			if 'etal' == args.display_authors:lower():gsub("[ '%.]", '') then	-- the :gsub() portion makes 'etal' from a variety of 'et al.' spellings and stylings

				count = #args.last;												-- display all authors and ...

				etal = true;													-- ... append 'et al.'


				count = tonumber (args.display_authors) or 0;					-- 0 if can't be converted to a number

				if 0 >= count then

					args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' invalid ' .. code_open_tag .. '|display-authors=</code>';	-- if zero, then emit error message



			if count > #args.last then

				count = #args.last;												-- when |display-authors= is more than the number of authors, use the number of authors


			if count < #args.last then											-- when |display-authors= is less than the number of authors

				etal = true;													-- append 'et al.'



			count = #args.last;													-- set count to display all of the authors



		while i <= count do

			if is_set (contributors) then

				contributors = contributors .. '; ' .. make_name (args.lasti], args.firsti], args.linki], args.maski]);			-- the rest of the contributors


				contributors = make_name (args.lasti], args.firsti], args.linki], args.maski]);			-- first contributor's name


			i = i+1;															-- bump the index


		if true == etal then

			contributors = contributors .. ' et al.';							-- append et al.

		elseif 'yes' == args.last_author_amp then

			contributors = contributors:gsub('; ([^;]+)$', ' & %1')				-- replace last separator with ' & '


	else																		-- do default harv- or sfn-style contributor display

		if 4 <= #args.last then													-- four or more contributors (first followed by et al.)

			contributors = args.last1 .. ' et al.';

		elseif 3 == #args.last then												-- three (display them all)

			contributors = args.last1 .. ', ' .. args.last2 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.last3];

		elseif 2 == #args.last then												-- two (first & second)

			contributors = args.last1 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.last2];

		elseif 1 == #args.last then												-- just one (first)

			contributors = args.last1];


			args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' no authors in contributor list.';	-- this code used to find holes in the list; no more



--form the source author-date list

	if is_set (args.in4) and is_set (args.in3) and is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1 .. ' et al.';

	elseif not is_set (args.in4) and is_set (args.in3) and is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1 .. ', ' .. args.in2 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.in3;

	elseif not is_set (args.in4) and not is_set (args.in3) and is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.in2;

	elseif not is_set (args.in4) and not is_set (args.in3) and not is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1;


		args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' author missing from source list.'


	source = source .. ' ' .. .. args.year .. args.close;				-- add the year with or without brackets

--assemble CITEREF wikilink

	local anchor_id;

	local target_err_msg;


	if '' ~= args.ref then

		anchor_id = mw.uri.anchorEncode (args.ref)


		anchor_id = mw.uri.anchorEncode(table.concat ({'CITEREF', args.in1, args.in2, args.in3, args.in4, args.year}));



	target_err_msg = target_check (anchor_id, args.ignore);						-- see if there is a target for this anchor_id

	source = '[[#' .. anchor_id .. "|" .. source .. "]]";

--combine contribution with url to make external link

	if args.url ~= '' then

		args.contribution = '[' .. args.url .. ' ' .. args.contribution .. ']';	-- format external link

		if args'url-access' then

			if lock_iconsargs'url-access']] then

			args.contribution = table.concat ({									-- add access icon markup to this item

				'<span class="',												-- open the opening span tag; icon classes are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css

				lock_iconsargs'url-access']][1],								-- add the appropriate lock icon class

				'" title="',													-- and the title attribute

				lock_iconsargs'url-access']][2],								-- for an appropriate tool tip

				'">',															-- close the opening span tag


				'</span>',														-- and close the span





	if is_set (args'anchor-year']) then

		contributors = contributors .. ' (' .. args'anchor-year' .. ')' .. args.sepc;

	elseif args.sepc ~= contributors:sub(-1) and args.sepc .. ']]' ~= contributors:sub(-3) then

		contributors = contributors .. args.sepc;								-- add separator if not same as last character in name list (|first=John S. or et al.)


-- pages and other insource location

	if args.p ~= '' then

		args.p = args.page_sep .. args.p;

	elseif args.pp ~= '' then

		args.p = args.pages_sep .. args.pp;										-- args.p not set so use it to hold common insource location info



	if args.loc ~= '' then

		args.p = args.p .. ', ' .. args.loc;									-- add arg.loc to args.p


--wrap error messages in span and add help link

	if is_set (args.err_msg) then

		args.err_msg = '<span style="font-size:100%" class="error"> harvc:' .. args.err_msg .. ' ([[Template:Harvc|help]])</span>';


	if ',' == args.sepc then

		in_text = in_text:lower();												-- CS2 style use lower case


-- and put it all together

	result = span_open_tag .. contributors .. ' "' .. args.contribution .. '"' .. args.sepc .. in_text .. source .. args.p .. .. args.err_msg .. target_err_msg .. '</span>';

	return result;


--[[--------------------------< H A R V C >--------------------------------------------------------------------

Entry point from {{harvc}} template.  Fetches parent frame parameters, does a bit of simple error checking


local function harvc (frame)

	local args = {

		err_msg = '',

		page_sep = ", p.&nbsp;",

		pages_sep = ", pp.&nbsp;",

		sepc = '.',

		ps = '.',

		open = '(',																-- year brackets for source year

		close = ')',

		last = {},

		first = {},

		link = {},

		mask = {},

		citeref = {}


	local pframe = frame:getParent();


	args.contribution =  pframe.args.c or										-- chapter or contribution

				pframe.args.chapter or

				pframe.args.contribution or ''; = or '';

	args.in1 = pframe.args'in' or pframe.args.in1 or '';						-- source editor surnames; 'in' is a Lua reserved keyword

	args.in2 = pframe.args.in2 or '';

	args.in3 = pframe.args.in3 or '';

	args.in4 = pframe.args.in4 or '';

	args.display_authors = pframe.args'display-authors'];						-- the number of contributor names to display; cs1|2 format includes first names

	args.name_list_format = pframe.args'name-list-format'];					-- when set to 'harv' display contributor list in sfn or harv style

	args.last_author_amp = pframe.args'last-author-amp' or					-- yes only; |last-author-amp=no does not work (though it does in cs1|2)

				pframe.args'lastauthoramp' or '';

	args.last_author_amp = args.last_author_amp:lower();						-- make it case agnostic


	if is_set (pframe.args.last) or is_set (pframe.args.last1) or

		is_set ( or is_set (pframe.args.author1) then		-- must have at least this to continue

			args.last1 = pframe.args.last or pframe.args.last1 or or pframe.args.author1;		-- get first contributor's last name

			args.citeref1 = args.last1];										-- add it to the citeref

			args.first1 = pframe.args.first or pframe.args.first1;			-- get first contributor's first name

			args.link1 = pframe.args'author-link' or pframe.args'author-link1'];	-- get first contributor's article link

			args.mask1 = pframe.args'author-mask' or pframe.args'author-mask1'];	-- get first contributor's article link


			local i = 2;														-- index for the rest of the names

			while is_set (pframe.args'last'..i]) or is_set (pframe.args'author'..i]) do	-- loop through pframe.args and get the rest of the names

				args.lasti = pframe.args'last'..i or pframe.args'author'..i];	-- last names

				args.firsti = pframe.args'first'..i];						-- first names

				args.linki = pframe.args'author-link'..i];					-- links

				args.maski = pframe.args'author-mask'..i];					-- masks

				if 5 > i then

					args.citerefi = args.lasti];								-- collect first four last names for CITEREF anchor


				i = i + 1														-- bump the index



	args.p = pframe.args.p or '';												-- source page number(s) or location

	args.pp = pframe.args.pp or '';

	args.loc = pframe.args.loc or '';

	args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or '';						-- used to match |ref=<text> in cs1|2 source template

	args.ignore = 'yes' == pframe.args'ignore-err'];							-- suppress false-positive 'no target' errors

	if 'cs2' == pframe.args.mode then = '';															-- set postscript character to empty string, cs2 mode

		args.sepc = ',';														-- set seperator character to comma, cs2 mode


	do																			-- to limit scope of local temp

		local temp = or pframe.args.postscript;


		if is_set (temp) then

			if 'none' == temp:lower() then										-- if |ps=none or |postscript=none then = '';													-- no postscript

			else = temp;													-- override default postscript



	end																			-- end of scope limit

	if 'yes' == pframe.args.nb then												-- if no brackets around year in link to cs1|2 template = '';															-- unset these

		args.close = '';



	args.url = pframe.args.url or												-- url for chapter or contribution

			pframe.args'chapter-url' or

			pframe.args'contribution-url' or '';


	args'url-access' = pframe.args'url-access'];


	args.year = pframe.args.year or '';											-- required

	args'anchor-year' = pframe.args'anchor-year' or '';

	args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. check_years (args.year, args'anchor-year']);

	if not is_set (args.contribution) then

		args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' required contribution is missing.';	-- error message if source not provided

		args.contribution = args.url;											-- if set it will give us linkable text



	if args.last1 == args.in1 and

		args.last2 == args.in2 and

		args.last3 == args.in3 and

		args.last4 == args.in4 and

		not is_set ( then

			args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' required ' .. code_open_tag .. '|id=</code> parameter missing.';		-- error message if contributor and source are the same


	return table.concat ({core (args), frame:extensionTag ('templatestyles', '', {src='Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css'})});


--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------


return {

	harvc = harvc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


local anchor_id_list = mw.loadData ('Module:Footnotes/anchor_id_list/sandbox').anchor_id_list;

local code_open_tag = '<code class="cs1-code">';								-- cs1-code class defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css

local lock_icons = {															--icon classes are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css

	'registration' = {'cs1-lock-registration', 'Free registration required'},

	'limited' = {'cs1-lock-limited', 'Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required'},

	'subscription' = {'cs1-lock-subscription', 'Paid subscription required'},


--[[--------------------------< T A R G E T _ C H E C K >------------------------------------------------------

look for anchor_id (CITEREF name-list and year or text from |ref=) in anchor_id_list

the 'no target' error may be suppressed with |ignore-err=yes when target cannot be found because target is inside

a template that wraps another template; 'multiple targets' error may not be suppressed


local function target_check (anchor_id, ignore)

	local number = anchor_id_listanchor_id];									-- nil when anchor_id not in list; else a number

	local msg;

	local category;

	if not number then

		if ignore then

			return '';															-- if ignore is true then no message, no category


		msg = 'no target: ' .. anchor_id;										-- anchor_id not found in this article

	elseif 1 < number then

		msg = 'multiple targets (' .. number .. '×): ' .. anchor_id;			-- more than one anchor_id in this article


	category = 0 == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace and '[[Category:Harv and Sfn template errors]]' or '';	-- only categorize in article space

--use this version to show error messages

	return msg and ' <span class="error harv-error" style="display: inline; font-size:100%">Harvc error: ' .. msg .. ' ([[:Category:Harv and Sfn template errors|help]])</span>' .. category or '';

--use this version to hide error messages

--	return msg and ' <span class="error harv-error" style="display: none; font-size:100%">Harvc error: ' .. msg .. ' ([[:Category:Harv and Sfn template errors|help]])</span>' .. category or '';


--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------

Whether variable is set or not.  A varable is set when it is not nil and not empty.


local function is_set( var )

	return not (var == nil or var == '');


--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ Y E A R S >--------------------------------------------------------

evaluates params to see if they are one of these forms with or without lowercase letter disambiguator (same as in





	c. YYYY

	YYYY–YYYY	(separator is endash)

	YYYY–YY		(separator is endash)

when anchor_year present, year portion must be same as year param and must have disambiguator

returns empty string when params have correct form; error message else


local function check_years (year, anchor_year)

	local y, ay;


	if not is_set (year) then													-- year is required so return error message when not set

		return ' missing ' .. code_open_tag .. '|year=</code>.';



	local patterns = {															-- allowed year patterns from Module:Footnotes (captures added here)

		'^(%d%d%d%d?)%l?$',														-- YYY or YYYY

		'^(n%.d%.)%l?$',														-- n.d.

		'^(nd)%l?$',															-- nd

		'^(c%. %d%d%d%d?)%l?$',													-- c. YYY or c. YYYY

		'^(%d%d%d%d–%d%d%d%d)%l?$',												-- YYYY–YYYY

		'^(%d%d%d%d–%d%d)%l?$'													-- YYYY–YY


	for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do										-- spin through the patterns

		y = year:match (pattern);												-- y is the year portion

		if y then

			break;																-- when y is set, we found a match so done



	if not y then

		return ' invalid ' .. code_open_tag .. '|year=</code>.';												-- y not set, so year is malformed



	if is_set (anchor_year) then												-- anchor_year is optional

		for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do									-- spin through the patterns

			ay = anchor_year:match (pattern);									-- ay is the year portion

			if ay then

				break;															-- when ay is set, we found a match so done



		if not ay then

			return ' invalid ' .. code_open_tag .. '|anchor-year</code>.';						-- ay not set, so anchor_year is malformed



		if not anchor_year:match ('%l$') then

			return ' ' .. code_open_tag .. '|anchor-year=</code> missing dab.';					-- anchor_year must end with a disambiguator letter



		if y ~= ay then

			return ' ' .. code_open_tag .. '|year=</code> / ' .. code_open_tag .. '|anchor-year=</code> mismatch.';	-- 'year' portions of year and anchor_year must be the same




	return '';																	-- both years are good; empty string for concatenation


--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ N A M E >------------------------------------------------------------

Assembles last, first, link, or mask into a displayable contributor name.


local function make_name (last, first, link, mask)

	local name = last;


	if is_set (first) then

		name = name .. ', ' .. first;											-- concatenate first onto last



	if is_set (link) then

		name = '[[' .. link .. '|' .. name .. ']]';								-- form a wikilink around the name



	if is_set (mask) then														-- mask this author

		if tonumber(mask) then

			name = string.rep ('—', mask)										-- make a string that number length of mdashes


			name = mask;														-- mask is not a number so use the mask text




	return name;


--[[--------------------------< C O R E >----------------------------------------------------------------------

Assembles the various parts provided by the template into a properly formatted bridging citation.  Adds punctuation

and text; encloses the whole within a span with id and class attributes.

This creates a CITEREF anchor from |last1= through |last4= and |year=.  It also creates a CITEREF link from |in1= through

|in4= and |year=.  It is presumed that the dates of contributions are the same as the date of the enclosing work.

Even though not displayed, a year parameter is still required for the CITEREF anchor


local function core( args )

	local span_open_tag;														-- holds CITEREF and css

	local contributors = '';													-- chapter or contribution authors

	local source = '';															-- editor/author date list that forms a CITEREF link to a full citation

	local in_text = ' In ';

	local result;																-- the assemby of the above output

-- form the CITEREF anchor

	if is_set ( then = mw.uri.anchorEncode (

		span_open_tag = '<span id="' .. .. '" class="citation">';		-- for use when contributor name is same as source name


		local citeref = 'CITEREF' .. table.concat (args.citeref) .. (is_set (args'anchor-year']) and args'anchor-year' or args.year);

		citeref = mw.uri.anchorEncode (citeref);

		span_open_tag = '<span id="' .. citeref .. '" class="citation">';




form the contributors display list:

	if |name-list-format=harv, display is similar to {{sfn}} and {{harv}}, 1 to 4 last names;

	if |display-authors= is empty or omitted, display is similar to cs1|2: display all names in last, first order 

	if |display-authors=etal then displays all author names in last, first order and append et al.

	if value assigned to |display-authors= is less than the number of author last names, displays the specified number of author names in last, first order followed by et al.


	if 'harv' ~= args.name_list_format then										-- default cs1|2 style contributor list

		local i = 1;

		local count;

		local etal = false;														-- when |display-authors= is same as number of authors in contributor list


		if is_set (args.display_authors) then

			if 'etal' == args.display_authors:lower():gsub("[ '%.]", '') then	-- the :gsub() portion makes 'etal' from a variety of 'et al.' spellings and stylings

				count = #args.last;												-- display all authors and ...

				etal = true;													-- ... append 'et al.'


				count = tonumber (args.display_authors) or 0;					-- 0 if can't be converted to a number

				if 0 >= count then

					args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' invalid ' .. code_open_tag .. '|display-authors=</code>';	-- if zero, then emit error message



			if count > #args.last then

				count = #args.last;												-- when |display-authors= is more than the number of authors, use the number of authors


			if count < #args.last then											-- when |display-authors= is less than the number of authors

				etal = true;													-- append 'et al.'



			count = #args.last;													-- set count to display all of the authors



		while i <= count do

			if is_set (contributors) then

				contributors = contributors .. '; ' .. make_name (args.lasti], args.firsti], args.linki], args.maski]);			-- the rest of the contributors


				contributors = make_name (args.lasti], args.firsti], args.linki], args.maski]);			-- first contributor's name


			i = i+1;															-- bump the index


		if true == etal then

			contributors = contributors .. ' et al.';							-- append et al.

		elseif 'yes' == args.last_author_amp then

			contributors = contributors:gsub('; ([^;]+)$', ' & %1')				-- replace last separator with ' & '


	else																		-- do default harv- or sfn-style contributor display

		if 4 <= #args.last then													-- four or more contributors (first followed by et al.)

			contributors = args.last1 .. ' et al.';

		elseif 3 == #args.last then												-- three (display them all)

			contributors = args.last1 .. ', ' .. args.last2 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.last3];

		elseif 2 == #args.last then												-- two (first & second)

			contributors = args.last1 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.last2];

		elseif 1 == #args.last then												-- just one (first)

			contributors = args.last1];


			args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' no authors in contributor list.';	-- this code used to find holes in the list; no more



--form the source author-date list

	if is_set (args.in4) and is_set (args.in3) and is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1 .. ' et al.';

	elseif not is_set (args.in4) and is_set (args.in3) and is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1 .. ', ' .. args.in2 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.in3;

	elseif not is_set (args.in4) and not is_set (args.in3) and is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.in2;

	elseif not is_set (args.in4) and not is_set (args.in3) and not is_set (args.in2) and is_set (args.in1) then

		source = args.in1;


		args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' author missing from source list.'


	source = source .. ' ' .. .. args.year .. args.close;				-- add the year with or without brackets

--assemble CITEREF wikilink

	local anchor_id;

	local target_err_msg;


	if '' ~= args.ref then

		anchor_id = mw.uri.anchorEncode (args.ref)


		anchor_id = mw.uri.anchorEncode(table.concat ({'CITEREF', args.in1, args.in2, args.in3, args.in4, args.year}));



	target_err_msg = target_check (anchor_id, args.ignore);						-- see if there is a target for this anchor_id

	source = '[[#' .. anchor_id .. "|" .. source .. "]]";

--combine contribution with url to make external link

	if args.url ~= '' then

		args.contribution = '[' .. args.url .. ' ' .. args.contribution .. ']';	-- format external link

		if args'url-access' then

			if lock_iconsargs'url-access']] then

			args.contribution = table.concat ({									-- add access icon markup to this item

				'<span class="',												-- open the opening span tag; icon classes are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css

				lock_iconsargs'url-access']][1],								-- add the appropriate lock icon class

				'" title="',													-- and the title attribute

				lock_iconsargs'url-access']][2],								-- for an appropriate tool tip

				'">',															-- close the opening span tag


				'</span>',														-- and close the span





	if is_set (args'anchor-year']) then

		contributors = contributors .. ' (' .. args'anchor-year' .. ')' .. args.sepc;

	elseif args.sepc ~= contributors:sub(-1) and args.sepc .. ']]' ~= contributors:sub(-3) then

		contributors = contributors .. args.sepc;								-- add separator if not same as last character in name list (|first=John S. or et al.)


-- pages and other insource location

	if args.p ~= '' then

		args.p = args.page_sep .. args.p;

	elseif args.pp ~= '' then

		args.p = args.pages_sep .. args.pp;										-- args.p not set so use it to hold common insource location info



	if args.loc ~= '' then

		args.p = args.p .. ', ' .. args.loc;									-- add arg.loc to args.p


--wrap error messages in span and add help link

	if is_set (args.err_msg) then

		args.err_msg = '<span style="font-size:100%" class="error"> harvc:' .. args.err_msg .. ' ([[Template:Harvc|help]])</span>';


	if ',' == args.sepc then

		in_text = in_text:lower();												-- CS2 style use lower case


-- and put it all together

	result = span_open_tag .. contributors .. ' "' .. args.contribution .. '"' .. args.sepc .. in_text .. source .. args.p .. .. args.err_msg .. target_err_msg .. '</span>';

	return result;


--[[--------------------------< H A R V C >--------------------------------------------------------------------

Entry point from {{harvc}} template.  Fetches parent frame parameters, does a bit of simple error checking


local function harvc (frame)

	local args = {

		err_msg = '',

		page_sep = ", p.&nbsp;",

		pages_sep = ", pp.&nbsp;",

		sepc = '.',

		ps = '.',

		open = '(',																-- year brackets for source year

		close = ')',

		last = {},

		first = {},

		link = {},

		mask = {},

		citeref = {}


	local pframe = frame:getParent();


	args.contribution =  pframe.args.c or										-- chapter or contribution

				pframe.args.chapter or

				pframe.args.contribution or ''; = or '';

	args.in1 = pframe.args'in' or pframe.args.in1 or '';						-- source editor surnames; 'in' is a Lua reserved keyword

	args.in2 = pframe.args.in2 or '';

	args.in3 = pframe.args.in3 or '';

	args.in4 = pframe.args.in4 or '';

	args.display_authors = pframe.args'display-authors'];						-- the number of contributor names to display; cs1|2 format includes first names

	args.name_list_format = pframe.args'name-list-format'];					-- when set to 'harv' display contributor list in sfn or harv style

	args.last_author_amp = pframe.args'last-author-amp' or					-- yes only; |last-author-amp=no does not work (though it does in cs1|2)

				pframe.args'lastauthoramp' or '';

	args.last_author_amp = args.last_author_amp:lower();						-- make it case agnostic


	if is_set (pframe.args.last) or is_set (pframe.args.last1) or

		is_set ( or is_set (pframe.args.author1) then		-- must have at least this to continue

			args.last1 = pframe.args.last or pframe.args.last1 or or pframe.args.author1;		-- get first contributor's last name

			args.citeref1 = args.last1];										-- add it to the citeref

			args.first1 = pframe.args.first or pframe.args.first1;			-- get first contributor's first name

			args.link1 = pframe.args'author-link' or pframe.args'author-link1'];	-- get first contributor's article link

			args.mask1 = pframe.args'author-mask' or pframe.args'author-mask1'];	-- get first contributor's article link


			local i = 2;														-- index for the rest of the names

			while is_set (pframe.args'last'..i]) or is_set (pframe.args'author'..i]) do	-- loop through pframe.args and get the rest of the names

				args.lasti = pframe.args'last'..i or pframe.args'author'..i];	-- last names

				args.firsti = pframe.args'first'..i];						-- first names

				args.linki = pframe.args'author-link'..i];					-- links

				args.maski = pframe.args'author-mask'..i];					-- masks

				if 5 > i then

					args.citerefi = args.lasti];								-- collect first four last names for CITEREF anchor


				i = i + 1														-- bump the index



	args.p = pframe.args.p or '';												-- source page number(s) or location

	args.pp = pframe.args.pp or '';

	args.loc = pframe.args.loc or '';

	args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or '';						-- used to match |ref=<text> in cs1|2 source template

	args.ignore = 'yes' == pframe.args'ignore-err'];							-- suppress false-positive 'no target' errors

	if 'cs2' == pframe.args.mode then = '';															-- set postscript character to empty string, cs2 mode

		args.sepc = ',';														-- set seperator character to comma, cs2 mode


	do																			-- to limit scope of local temp

		local temp = or pframe.args.postscript;


		if is_set (temp) then

			if 'none' == temp:lower() then										-- if |ps=none or |postscript=none then = '';													-- no postscript

			else = temp;													-- override default postscript



	end																			-- end of scope limit

	if 'yes' == pframe.args.nb then												-- if no brackets around year in link to cs1|2 template = '';															-- unset these

		args.close = '';



	args.url = pframe.args.url or												-- url for chapter or contribution

			pframe.args'chapter-url' or

			pframe.args'contribution-url' or '';


	args'url-access' = pframe.args'url-access'];


	args.year = pframe.args.year or '';											-- required

	args'anchor-year' = pframe.args'anchor-year' or '';

	args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. check_years (args.year, args'anchor-year']);

	if not is_set (args.contribution) then

		args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' required contribution is missing.';	-- error message if source not provided

		args.contribution = args.url;											-- if set it will give us linkable text



	if args.last1 == args.in1 and

		args.last2 == args.in2 and

		args.last3 == args.in3 and

		args.last4 == args.in4 and

		not is_set ( then

			args.err_msg = args.err_msg .. ' required ' .. code_open_tag .. '|id=</code> parameter missing.';		-- error message if contributor and source are the same


	return table.concat ({core (args), frame:extensionTag ('templatestyles', '', {src='Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css'})});


--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------


return {

	harvc = harvc



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