From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

//  _________________________________________________________________________________________

// |                                                                                         |

// |                    === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===                                  |

// |                  Changes to this page affect many users.                                |

// | Please discuss changes on the talk page or on [[Wikipedia_talk:Gadget]] before editing. |

// |_________________________________________________________________________________________|


// Imported from version 312947638 as of September 10, 2009 from [[User:Splarka/contribsrange.js]]

// See notes below

/* Special:Contributions Wildcard/CIDR lookup, version [0.2.7]

Originally from: /info/en/?search=User:Splarka/contribsrange.js


* Uses the API which is faster than most CIDR contrib tools.

** Needs 1.14 r42198+ for advanced continue.

* Currently uses a GET json via <script src=""> to avoid ajax problems.

* Only currently works if submitted (or called by URL parameter, eg Special:Contributions/User).

** Checks namespace and date options in form.

** Also utilizes &ucstart and &ucend date parameters if supplied manually (not supported in the UI atm).

*** These parameters override the form date options.

* Uses: Submit any IP CIDR range /16 or from /24 to /32. Submit any string (at least 3 characters) with a suffixed asterisk.

** eg: [ ] or [123.123.123.* ] or [Willy* ].

* Now keeps searching until it finds crMax (or forever with crshowall=true URI parameter).

** Puts them in a nice collapsed div stack, like enhanced recent changes.

* /25 and /26 ranges now disabled, since they are inaccurate (50 parameter limit), please use /24 (ucuserprefix) or /27 (32 parameters)

To do:

* use ajax (let sysops/bots = 5000)?


/*jshint scripturl:true*/

/*global jQuery, mediaWiki, prefixContribs, prefixContribsToggleDiv, prefixContribsToggleAll */

( function ( mw, $ ) {

function prefixContribsInit() {

  var options;

  var show = document.getElementById('contentSub') || document.getElementById('topbar');

  if(show) show.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' \u2022 JavaScript-enhanced contributions lookup 0.2 enabled. You may enter a CIDR range or append an asterisk to do a prefix search. For IPv6, you must use capital letters for gadget matching; native contribution matching is not case-sensitive.'));

  var ucfrm = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];

  if(! return;

  //general optionlets independent of type of search.

  var opt_ns = "";

  if( typeof ucfrm.namespace != "undefined" ) {

    opt_ns = (parseInt(ucfrm.namespaceucfrm.namespace.selectedIndex].value) > -1) ? '&ucnamespace=' + ucfrm.namespaceucfrm.namespace.selectedIndex].value : '';


  var opts_ts = '';

  var dateStart = ucfrm.start.value;

  var dateEnd = ucfrm.end.value;

  if(dateStart) opts_ts += '&ucstart=' + dateStart + 'T23:59:59Z';

  if(dateEnd) opts_ts += '&ucend=' + dateEnd + 'T23:59:59Z';

  var opts_se = '';

  if(queryString('ucstart')) opts_se += '&ucstart=' + encodeURIComponent(queryString('ucstart'));

  if(queryString('ucend')) opts_se += '&ucend=' + encodeURIComponent(queryString('ucend'));

  if(opts_se === '') {

    options = opt_ns + opts_ts + '&ucdir=newer';

  } else {

    options = opt_ns + opts_se + '&ucdir=newer';


  var patternCIDR = /(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/(2[7-9]|3[0-2]|24|16)/i ;

  var patternWild = /^.{3,}\*$/i ;

  var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&format=json&callback=prefixContribs&rawcontinue=&list=usercontribs' + options + '&uclimit=' + parseInt(crLimit);

  if( === 0) {


    var cidr =[0];

    var range = cidr.match(/[^\/]\d{1,2}$/i)[0];

    if(range == 24 || range == 16) {

      //prefixable CIDR, lets do-er

      if(range == 24) {

        cidr = cidr.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./)[0];

      } else {

        cidr = cidr.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./)[0];


      url += '&ucuserprefix=' + cidr;

    } else {

      //complex CIDR, lets figure it out

      var oct3 = cidr.match(/\.\d{1,3}\//i)[0].replace(/(\.|\/)/g,'');

      cidr = cidr.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./)[0];

      var num = Math.pow(2,32 - range);

      var start = oct3 - oct3 % num;

      url += '&ucuser=';

      for(var i=start;i<=start + num;i++) {

        url += '' + cidr + i;

        if(i != start + num) url += '|';



  } else if( === 0) {

    //very simple wildcard, lets do-er


    var prefix =\*$/,'');

    prefix = prefix.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + prefix.substr(1);

    url += '&ucuserprefix=' + prefix;



  crContURI = url;



 * Attach the range contributions box as the given node’s child node.

 * @param {Node} parent Node to attach the box to.


function prefixContribsStartbox(parent) {

  var res = document.createElement('div');



  addlinkchild(res,'javascript:prefixContribsToggleAll();','toggle all','prefixcontribs-tog');

  var spin = document.createElement('span');




  mw.loader.using('jquery.spinner', function () {

    if (!loadingReady) {







 * Process the API call’s result (JSONP callback function). API documentation:


 * @param {object} obj The API response object.


window.prefixContribs = function (obj) {

  if(!obj.query || !obj.query.usercontribs) return;

  var cidr = obj.query.usercontribs;

  var res = document.getElementById('results-from-CIDR');

  if(!cidr.length) {

    res.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' No changes were found for this wildcard/CIDR range.'));




  for(var i=0;i<cidr.length;i++) {

    var id = 'cr-' + escapeID(cidri].user);

    // group each result set based on the user name, create new div for new names

    if(!document.getElementById(id)) {

      var hdiv = document.createElement('div');

      hdiv.setAttribute('id','d-' + id);

      addlinkchild(hdiv,'javascript:prefixContribsToggleDiv("' + id +'")',cidri].user,'m-' + id,'cr-toggle-hidden');



      var rul = document.createElement('ul');


       rul.setAttribute('class','cr-list'); = 'none';




    var ul = document.getElementById(id);


    var li = document.createElement('li');

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cidri].timestamp.replace(/T[\d:]*Z/,' ')));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Contributions/' + cidri].user ), cidri].user);

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ('));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( 'User_talk:' + cidri].user ), 'talk','','mw-mightexist');

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(') edited ('));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( cidri].title, { curid: cidri].pageid, diff: 'prev', oldid: cidri].revid } ), 'diff');

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(') '));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( cidri].title, { curid: cidri].pageid } ), cidri].title);

     if(cidri].comment) li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' (' + cidri].comment + ')'));



  mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire($('.cr-list'));


  crMax = crMax - cidr.length;

  var prog = document.getElementById('prefixcontribs-prog');

  if(!obj'query-continue' || !obj'query-continue'].usercontribs || !obj'query-continue'].usercontribs.uccontinue) {






  var url = crContURI + '&uccontinue='+ obj'query-continue'].usercontribs.uccontinue;

  if(crMax <= 0 && queryString('crshowall') != 'true') {

    prog.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Whoa! Finding a lot. To see them all click '));

    var ga = document.createElement('a');

     var gaurl = document.location.href;

     if(gaurl.indexOf('#') != -1) gaurl = gaurl.substr(0,gaurl.indexOf('#'));

     if(gaurl.indexOf('?') == -1) gaurl += '?';

     gaurl += '&crshowall=true';




    prog.appendChild(document.createTextNode('. (Warning: May bog down browser!)'));



  } else {






 * Remove the jQuery spinner if the spinner ResourceLoader module is

 * ready. If it’s not ready yet, the spinner hasn’t been added in the

 * first place; set `loadingReady` to true to prevent its addition in

 * the future.


function removeSpinner() {

  loadingReady = true;

  if (mw.loader.getState('jquery.spinner') === 'ready') {





 * Add the number of edits next to each user found. This only opens the

 * contributions for the found user if there’s only one.


function prefixContribsNumerate() {

  var lsts = $( '' );

  for(var i=0;i<lsts.length;i++) {

    var dv = document.getElementById('d-' + lstsi].getAttribute('id'));

    dv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + lstsi].getElementsByTagName('li').length + ' found'));


  if(lsts.length == 1) prefixContribsToggleDiv(lsts0].id);



 * Toggle the contributions listing for all users. The direction depends

 * on the first user listing’s state: if it’s collapsed, all users are

 * uncollapsed; if it’s uncollapsed, all users are collapsed.


window.prefixContribsToggleAll = function () {

  var lsts = $( '' );

  if(!lsts.length) return;

  var togglefrom = lsts0].style.display;

  for(var i=0;i<lsts.length;i++) {

    if(lstsi].style.display == togglefrom) prefixContribsToggleDiv(lstsi].id);




 * Toggle the contributions listing of a given user.

 * @param {string} id ID of the user to toggle.


window.prefixContribsToggleDiv = function (id) {

  var i = document.getElementById(id);

  var m = document.getElementById('m-' + id);

  if(!i || !m) return;

  if( == 'none') { = 'block';

    m.className = 'cr-toggle-shown';

  } else { = 'none';

    m.className = 'cr-toggle-hidden';




 * Create a link and append to the given element.

 * @param {Node} obj Node to add the link child to.

 * @param {string} href The link target.

 * @param {string} text The link text.

 * @param {string} [id] The link anchor ID.

 * @param {string} [classes] Classes to apply to the link as a space-separated list.

 * @returns {HTMLAnchorElement} The newly created link element.


function addlinkchild(obj,href,text,id,classes) {

  if(!obj || !href || !text) return false;

  var a = document.createElement('a');



  if(id) a.setAttribute('id',id);

  if(classes) a.setAttribute('class',classes);


  return a;



 * Escape a text to make it suitable to be used in an HTML ID.

 * @param {string} txt The text to escape.

 * @returns {string} The escaped text.


function escapeID(txt) {

  var id = txt;

  id = id.replace(/ /g,'_');

  id = encodeURIComponent(id);

  id = id.replace(/\%3A/g,':');

  id = id.replace(/\%/g,'.');

  return id;



 * Get a query string parameter from the document’s URL.

 * @param {string} p The parameter’s name.

 * @returns {string|null} The parameter’s value, or `null` if the

 *  parameter is not found.


function queryString(p) {

  var re = RegExp('[&?#]' + p + '=([^&#]*)');

  var matches = re.exec(document.location);

  if (matches) {

    try { 

      return decodeURI(matches1]);

    } catch (e) {



  return null;


if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == 'Contributions') { 

  var crContURI = ''; //query URI for continuing later

  var crLimit = 500; //limit for each query

  var crMax = 10000; //bypass with &crshowall=true URI parameter

  var loadingReady = false; // whether the loading has been finished and the spinner should not be added anymore

  var crImgHid = '//';

  var crImgSho = '//';

  mw.util.addCSS('.cr-list {padding-left:5px;}\ {padding-left:16px;background: transparent no-repeat center left url("' + crImgHid + '")}' +

    '\ {padding-left:16px;background: transparent no-repeat center left url("' + crImgSho + '")}\ {font-style:italic;}' +

    '\n#results-from-CIDR {border:1px solid black;padding:.5em}\n#prefixcontribs-tog {float:right;border:1px solid black;text-decoration:none;color:black;padding:0 5px;}');



}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

//  _________________________________________________________________________________________

// |                                                                                         |

// |                    === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===                                  |

// |                  Changes to this page affect many users.                                |

// | Please discuss changes on the talk page or on [[Wikipedia_talk:Gadget]] before editing. |

// |_________________________________________________________________________________________|


// Imported from version 312947638 as of September 10, 2009 from [[User:Splarka/contribsrange.js]]

// See notes below

/* Special:Contributions Wildcard/CIDR lookup, version [0.2.7]

Originally from: /info/en/?search=User:Splarka/contribsrange.js


* Uses the API which is faster than most CIDR contrib tools.

** Needs 1.14 r42198+ for advanced continue.

* Currently uses a GET json via <script src=""> to avoid ajax problems.

* Only currently works if submitted (or called by URL parameter, eg Special:Contributions/User).

** Checks namespace and date options in form.

** Also utilizes &ucstart and &ucend date parameters if supplied manually (not supported in the UI atm).

*** These parameters override the form date options.

* Uses: Submit any IP CIDR range /16 or from /24 to /32. Submit any string (at least 3 characters) with a suffixed asterisk.

** eg: [ ] or [123.123.123.* ] or [Willy* ].

* Now keeps searching until it finds crMax (or forever with crshowall=true URI parameter).

** Puts them in a nice collapsed div stack, like enhanced recent changes.

* /25 and /26 ranges now disabled, since they are inaccurate (50 parameter limit), please use /24 (ucuserprefix) or /27 (32 parameters)

To do:

* use ajax (let sysops/bots = 5000)?


/*jshint scripturl:true*/

/*global jQuery, mediaWiki, prefixContribs, prefixContribsToggleDiv, prefixContribsToggleAll */

( function ( mw, $ ) {

function prefixContribsInit() {

  var options;

  var show = document.getElementById('contentSub') || document.getElementById('topbar');

  if(show) show.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' \u2022 JavaScript-enhanced contributions lookup 0.2 enabled. You may enter a CIDR range or append an asterisk to do a prefix search. For IPv6, you must use capital letters for gadget matching; native contribution matching is not case-sensitive.'));

  var ucfrm = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];

  if(! return;

  //general optionlets independent of type of search.

  var opt_ns = "";

  if( typeof ucfrm.namespace != "undefined" ) {

    opt_ns = (parseInt(ucfrm.namespaceucfrm.namespace.selectedIndex].value) > -1) ? '&ucnamespace=' + ucfrm.namespaceucfrm.namespace.selectedIndex].value : '';


  var opts_ts = '';

  var dateStart = ucfrm.start.value;

  var dateEnd = ucfrm.end.value;

  if(dateStart) opts_ts += '&ucstart=' + dateStart + 'T23:59:59Z';

  if(dateEnd) opts_ts += '&ucend=' + dateEnd + 'T23:59:59Z';

  var opts_se = '';

  if(queryString('ucstart')) opts_se += '&ucstart=' + encodeURIComponent(queryString('ucstart'));

  if(queryString('ucend')) opts_se += '&ucend=' + encodeURIComponent(queryString('ucend'));

  if(opts_se === '') {

    options = opt_ns + opts_ts + '&ucdir=newer';

  } else {

    options = opt_ns + opts_se + '&ucdir=newer';


  var patternCIDR = /(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/(2[7-9]|3[0-2]|24|16)/i ;

  var patternWild = /^.{3,}\*$/i ;

  var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&format=json&callback=prefixContribs&rawcontinue=&list=usercontribs' + options + '&uclimit=' + parseInt(crLimit);

  if( === 0) {


    var cidr =[0];

    var range = cidr.match(/[^\/]\d{1,2}$/i)[0];

    if(range == 24 || range == 16) {

      //prefixable CIDR, lets do-er

      if(range == 24) {

        cidr = cidr.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./)[0];

      } else {

        cidr = cidr.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./)[0];


      url += '&ucuserprefix=' + cidr;

    } else {

      //complex CIDR, lets figure it out

      var oct3 = cidr.match(/\.\d{1,3}\//i)[0].replace(/(\.|\/)/g,'');

      cidr = cidr.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./)[0];

      var num = Math.pow(2,32 - range);

      var start = oct3 - oct3 % num;

      url += '&ucuser=';

      for(var i=start;i<=start + num;i++) {

        url += '' + cidr + i;

        if(i != start + num) url += '|';



  } else if( === 0) {

    //very simple wildcard, lets do-er


    var prefix =\*$/,'');

    prefix = prefix.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + prefix.substr(1);

    url += '&ucuserprefix=' + prefix;



  crContURI = url;



 * Attach the range contributions box as the given node’s child node.

 * @param {Node} parent Node to attach the box to.


function prefixContribsStartbox(parent) {

  var res = document.createElement('div');



  addlinkchild(res,'javascript:prefixContribsToggleAll();','toggle all','prefixcontribs-tog');

  var spin = document.createElement('span');




  mw.loader.using('jquery.spinner', function () {

    if (!loadingReady) {







 * Process the API call’s result (JSONP callback function). API documentation:


 * @param {object} obj The API response object.


window.prefixContribs = function (obj) {

  if(!obj.query || !obj.query.usercontribs) return;

  var cidr = obj.query.usercontribs;

  var res = document.getElementById('results-from-CIDR');

  if(!cidr.length) {

    res.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' No changes were found for this wildcard/CIDR range.'));




  for(var i=0;i<cidr.length;i++) {

    var id = 'cr-' + escapeID(cidri].user);

    // group each result set based on the user name, create new div for new names

    if(!document.getElementById(id)) {

      var hdiv = document.createElement('div');

      hdiv.setAttribute('id','d-' + id);

      addlinkchild(hdiv,'javascript:prefixContribsToggleDiv("' + id +'")',cidri].user,'m-' + id,'cr-toggle-hidden');



      var rul = document.createElement('ul');


       rul.setAttribute('class','cr-list'); = 'none';




    var ul = document.getElementById(id);


    var li = document.createElement('li');

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cidri].timestamp.replace(/T[\d:]*Z/,' ')));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Contributions/' + cidri].user ), cidri].user);

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ('));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( 'User_talk:' + cidri].user ), 'talk','','mw-mightexist');

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(') edited ('));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( cidri].title, { curid: cidri].pageid, diff: 'prev', oldid: cidri].revid } ), 'diff');

     li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(') '));

     addlinkchild(li, mw.util.getUrl( cidri].title, { curid: cidri].pageid } ), cidri].title);

     if(cidri].comment) li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' (' + cidri].comment + ')'));



  mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire($('.cr-list'));


  crMax = crMax - cidr.length;

  var prog = document.getElementById('prefixcontribs-prog');

  if(!obj'query-continue' || !obj'query-continue'].usercontribs || !obj'query-continue'].usercontribs.uccontinue) {






  var url = crContURI + '&uccontinue='+ obj'query-continue'].usercontribs.uccontinue;

  if(crMax <= 0 && queryString('crshowall') != 'true') {

    prog.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Whoa! Finding a lot. To see them all click '));

    var ga = document.createElement('a');

     var gaurl = document.location.href;

     if(gaurl.indexOf('#') != -1) gaurl = gaurl.substr(0,gaurl.indexOf('#'));

     if(gaurl.indexOf('?') == -1) gaurl += '?';

     gaurl += '&crshowall=true';




    prog.appendChild(document.createTextNode('. (Warning: May bog down browser!)'));



  } else {






 * Remove the jQuery spinner if the spinner ResourceLoader module is

 * ready. If it’s not ready yet, the spinner hasn’t been added in the

 * first place; set `loadingReady` to true to prevent its addition in

 * the future.


function removeSpinner() {

  loadingReady = true;

  if (mw.loader.getState('jquery.spinner') === 'ready') {





 * Add the number of edits next to each user found. This only opens the

 * contributions for the found user if there’s only one.


function prefixContribsNumerate() {

  var lsts = $( '' );

  for(var i=0;i<lsts.length;i++) {

    var dv = document.getElementById('d-' + lstsi].getAttribute('id'));

    dv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + lstsi].getElementsByTagName('li').length + ' found'));


  if(lsts.length == 1) prefixContribsToggleDiv(lsts0].id);



 * Toggle the contributions listing for all users. The direction depends

 * on the first user listing’s state: if it’s collapsed, all users are

 * uncollapsed; if it’s uncollapsed, all users are collapsed.


window.prefixContribsToggleAll = function () {

  var lsts = $( '' );

  if(!lsts.length) return;

  var togglefrom = lsts0].style.display;

  for(var i=0;i<lsts.length;i++) {

    if(lstsi].style.display == togglefrom) prefixContribsToggleDiv(lstsi].id);




 * Toggle the contributions listing of a given user.

 * @param {string} id ID of the user to toggle.


window.prefixContribsToggleDiv = function (id) {

  var i = document.getElementById(id);

  var m = document.getElementById('m-' + id);

  if(!i || !m) return;

  if( == 'none') { = 'block';

    m.className = 'cr-toggle-shown';

  } else { = 'none';

    m.className = 'cr-toggle-hidden';




 * Create a link and append to the given element.

 * @param {Node} obj Node to add the link child to.

 * @param {string} href The link target.

 * @param {string} text The link text.

 * @param {string} [id] The link anchor ID.

 * @param {string} [classes] Classes to apply to the link as a space-separated list.

 * @returns {HTMLAnchorElement} The newly created link element.


function addlinkchild(obj,href,text,id,classes) {

  if(!obj || !href || !text) return false;

  var a = document.createElement('a');



  if(id) a.setAttribute('id',id);

  if(classes) a.setAttribute('class',classes);


  return a;



 * Escape a text to make it suitable to be used in an HTML ID.

 * @param {string} txt The text to escape.

 * @returns {string} The escaped text.


function escapeID(txt) {

  var id = txt;

  id = id.replace(/ /g,'_');

  id = encodeURIComponent(id);

  id = id.replace(/\%3A/g,':');

  id = id.replace(/\%/g,'.');

  return id;



 * Get a query string parameter from the document’s URL.

 * @param {string} p The parameter’s name.

 * @returns {string|null} The parameter’s value, or `null` if the

 *  parameter is not found.


function queryString(p) {

  var re = RegExp('[&?#]' + p + '=([^&#]*)');

  var matches = re.exec(document.location);

  if (matches) {

    try { 

      return decodeURI(matches1]);

    } catch (e) {



  return null;


if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == 'Contributions') { 

  var crContURI = ''; //query URI for continuing later

  var crLimit = 500; //limit for each query

  var crMax = 10000; //bypass with &crshowall=true URI parameter

  var loadingReady = false; // whether the loading has been finished and the spinner should not be added anymore

  var crImgHid = '//';

  var crImgSho = '//';

  mw.util.addCSS('.cr-list {padding-left:5px;}\ {padding-left:16px;background: transparent no-repeat center left url("' + crImgHid + '")}' +

    '\ {padding-left:16px;background: transparent no-repeat center left url("' + crImgSho + '")}\ {font-style:italic;}' +

    '\n#results-from-CIDR {border:1px solid black;padding:.5em}\n#prefixcontribs-tog {float:right;border:1px solid black;text-decoration:none;color:black;padding:0 5px;}');



}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );


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