From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

King Harald V inspects an honour guard during an official visit (not a state visit) to the United States.
King Harald V escorts the first lady of Brazil Marisa Silva to a state dinner in the Royal Palace, Oslo on their return visit in 2007. Princess Astrid, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit in the background.

Below is a complete list of state visits made and received by Harald V of Norway. Four state visits are usually made each year: two visits by King Harald and Queen Sonja to a foreign head of state and two visits by another head of state to Norway. The number of state visits has increased greatly during the 1900s. King Haakon VII reigned for 52 years from 1905 and made a total of 13 state visits to foreign countries. King Harald V had as of 2016 reigned for 25 years and had conducted 45 state visits. Today a state visit is accompanied by large trade delegations and is seen as an important venue to promote trade and other business relations as well as cultural and political ties between the two countries.

State visits made by Harald V

Date(s) Country Details
28–30 October 1991   Denmark Visiting Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik
12–14 May 1992   Sweden Visiting King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia
7–9 September 1992   Iceland Visiting President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
18–21 October 1994   Finland Visiting President Martti Ahtisaari
18–21 April 1994   Germany Visiting President Richard von Weizsäcker and Marianne von Weizsäcker
6–9 July 1994   United Kingdom Visiting Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
25–28 April 1995   Spain Visiting King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia
30–31 October 1995   United States of America Visiting President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton
14–16 March 1996   Poland Visiting President Aleksander Kwaśniewski and Jolanta Kwaśniewska
15–17 April 1996   the Netherlands Visiting Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus
18–19 April 1996   Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Visiting Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte
28–31 August 1996   Austria Visiting President Thomas Klestil
18–20 March 1997   Czech Republic Visiting President Václav Havel and Dagmar Havlová
23–30 October 1997   China Visiting President Jiāng Zémín and Wang Yeping
22–28 February 1998   South Africa Visiting President Nelson Mandela
25–30 May 1998   Russian Federation Visiting President Boris Yeltsin and Naina Yeltsina
31 August–1 September 1998   Estonia Visiting President Lennart Meri and Helle Meri
2–3 September 1998   Latvia Visiting President Guntis Ulmanis and Aina Ulmane
4–5 September 1998   Lithuania Visiting President Valdas Adamkus and Alma Adamkus
20–22 September 1999   Romania Visiting President Emil Constantinescu and Nadina Ileana Constantinescu
1–3 March 2000   French Republic Visiting President Jacques Chirac and Bernadette Chirac
25–31 March 2001   Japan Visiting Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko
23–25 October 2001   Italy Visiting President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Franca Ciampi
25 October 2001   State of the Vatican City Visiting Pope John Paul II
6–11 May 2002   Canada Visiting Governor General Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul
8–10 October 2002   Hungary Visiting President Ferenc Mádl and Dalma Mádl
20–22 June 2003   Belgium Visiting King Albert II and Queen Paola
7–11 October 2003   Brazil Visiting President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Marisa Letícia Lula da Silva
8–10 June 2004   Greece Visiting President Konstantinos Stephanopoulos
28–29 October 2004   Singapore Visiting President Sellapan Rama Nathan and Urmila Nandey
1–5 November 2004   Vietnam Visiting President Trần Đức Lương
5–6 April 2006    Switzerland Visiting President Moritz Leuenberger
18–20 September 2006   Ireland Visiting President Mary McAleese and Martin McAleese
5–7 June 2007   Finland Visiting President Tarja Halonen and Pentti Arajärvi
15–17 October 2007   Germany Visiting President Horst Köhler and Eva Bohnet
27–29 May 2008   Portugal Visiting President Aníbal Cavaco Silva and Maria Cavaco Silva
24–27 November 2009   South Africa Visiting President Jacob Zuma
26–28 October 2010   Slovakia Visiting President Ivan Gašparovič and Silvia Gašparovičová
9–10 May 2011   Slovenia Visiting President Danilo Türk and Barbara Türk
12–13 May 2011   Croatia Visiting President Ivo Josipović and Tatjana Josipović
9–11 May 2012   Poland Visiting President Bronisław Komorowski and Anna Komorowska
5–7 November 2013   Turkey Visiting President Abdullah Gül and Mrs. Hayrünnisa Gül
1–5 December 2014   Myanmar Visiting President Thein Sein
23–27 February 2015   Australia Visiting Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Hazel Cosgrove
6–8 April 2016   Italy Visiting President Sergio Mattarella
6–8 March 2018   Argentina Visiting President Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada
11–19 October 2018   China Visiting President Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan
26–31 March 2019   Chile Visiting President Sebastián Piñera and Cecilia Morel
2–4 March 2020   Jordan Visiting King Abdullah II of Jordan and Queen Rania of Jordan

State visits received by Harald V

King Harald V and Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia outside the Royal Palace, Oslo.
Date(s) Country Details
13–15 October 1992   Denmark visited by Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik
7–9 June 1993   Sweden visited by King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia
26–29 October   Iceland visited by President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
18–21 October 1994   Finland visited by President Martti Ahtisaari and Eeva Ahtisaari
14–16 March 1995   Poland visited by President Lech Wałęsa and Danuta Wałęsa
29–30 May   Austria visited by President Thomas Klestil
25–26 March 1996   Russia visited by President Boris Yeltsin and Naina Jeltsina
27–29 June   China visited by President Jiang Zemin and Wang Yeping
11–14 February 1997   Iceland visited by President Ólafur R. Grimsson and Guðrún Katrín Þorbergsdóttir
28–30 April   Belgium visited by King Albert II and Queen Paola
17–19 June 1998   Germany visited by President Roman Herzog and Christiane Herzog
16–17 March 1999   South Africa visited by President Nelson Mandela and Graça Machel
22–24 March   Hungary visited by President Árpád Göncz and Zsuzsanna Göncz
1 November   United States visited by President Bill Clinton
10–12 April 2000   Jordan visited by King Abdullah II and Queen Rania
20–21 September   Latvia visited by President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Imants Freiberg
25–26 October   Finland visited by President Tarja Halonen and Pentti Arajärvi
30 May–1 June 2001   United Kingdom visited by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
10–11 April 2002   Estonia visited by President Arnold Rüütel and Ingrid Rüütel
12 November   Russia visited by President Vladimir Putin
16–17 September 2003   Poland visited by President Aleksander Kwaśniewski and Jolanta Kwaśniewska
3–5 February 2004   Portugal visited by President Jorge Sampaio and Maria José Ritta
21–23 September   Italy visited by President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Franca Ciampi
10–13 May 2005   Japan visited by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko
6–8 June 2006   Spain visited by King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia
29–31 August   Bulgaria visited by President Georgi Parvanov and Zorka Parvanova
17–19 April 2007   Austria visited by President Heinz Fischer and Margit Fischer
13–14 September   Brazil visited by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Marisa Letícia da Silva
5–6 June 2008   Vietnam visited by President Nguyễn Minh Triết and Mrs. Tran Thi Kim Chi
14–16 October   Ireland visited by President Mary McAleese and Dr. Martin McAleese
28–30 April 2009   Canada visited by Governor-General Michaëlle Jean and Mr. Jean-Daniel Lafond
26–27 April 2010   Russia visited by President Dmitry Medvedev and Mrs. Svetlana Medvedeva
1–3 May   Netherlands visited by Queen Beatrix
14–15 October    Switzerland visited by President Doris Leuthard and Mr. Roland Hausin
5–6 April 2011   Lithuania visited by President Dalia Grybauskaitė
30 May–1 June   Luxembourg visited by Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
31 August–1 September   South Africa visited by President Jacob Zuma and Mrs. Tobeka Zuma
10–12 October 2012   Finland visited by President Sauli Niinistö and Mrs. Jenni Haukio
12–13 May 2014   Israel visited by President Shimon Peres
11–13 June   Germany visited by President Joachim Gauck and Ms Daniela Schadt
2 September   Estonia visited by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
13–14 October   India visited by President Pranab Mukherjee, accompanied by his daughter Sharmistha Mukherjee
18–19 March 2015   Latvia visited by President Andris Bērziņš
23–25 May 2016   Poland visited by President Andrzej Duda and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda
10–12 October   Singapore visited by President Tony Tan and Mrs. Mary Chee Bee Kiang
21–22 March 2017   Iceland visited by President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Mrs. Eliza Reid
4–6 June 2018   Slovakia visited by President Andrej Kiska
11–13 June 2019   South Korea visited by President Moon Jae-in and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook
6–7 November   Slovenia visited by President Borut Pahor
9–11 November 2021   Netherlands visited by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
11–12 May 2023   Norway visited by President Sergio Mattarella and his daughter Laura Mattarella
13–14 February 2024   Tanzania visited by President Samia Suluhu Hassan
6–8 May   Moldova visited by President Maia Sandu
14–15 May   Denmark visited by King Frederik X and Queen Mary

See also


External links

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

King Harald V inspects an honour guard during an official visit (not a state visit) to the United States.
King Harald V escorts the first lady of Brazil Marisa Silva to a state dinner in the Royal Palace, Oslo on their return visit in 2007. Princess Astrid, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit in the background.

Below is a complete list of state visits made and received by Harald V of Norway. Four state visits are usually made each year: two visits by King Harald and Queen Sonja to a foreign head of state and two visits by another head of state to Norway. The number of state visits has increased greatly during the 1900s. King Haakon VII reigned for 52 years from 1905 and made a total of 13 state visits to foreign countries. King Harald V had as of 2016 reigned for 25 years and had conducted 45 state visits. Today a state visit is accompanied by large trade delegations and is seen as an important venue to promote trade and other business relations as well as cultural and political ties between the two countries.

State visits made by Harald V

Date(s) Country Details
28–30 October 1991   Denmark Visiting Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik
12–14 May 1992   Sweden Visiting King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia
7–9 September 1992   Iceland Visiting President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
18–21 October 1994   Finland Visiting President Martti Ahtisaari
18–21 April 1994   Germany Visiting President Richard von Weizsäcker and Marianne von Weizsäcker
6–9 July 1994   United Kingdom Visiting Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
25–28 April 1995   Spain Visiting King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia
30–31 October 1995   United States of America Visiting President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton
14–16 March 1996   Poland Visiting President Aleksander Kwaśniewski and Jolanta Kwaśniewska
15–17 April 1996   the Netherlands Visiting Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus
18–19 April 1996   Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Visiting Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte
28–31 August 1996   Austria Visiting President Thomas Klestil
18–20 March 1997   Czech Republic Visiting President Václav Havel and Dagmar Havlová
23–30 October 1997   China Visiting President Jiāng Zémín and Wang Yeping
22–28 February 1998   South Africa Visiting President Nelson Mandela
25–30 May 1998   Russian Federation Visiting President Boris Yeltsin and Naina Yeltsina
31 August–1 September 1998   Estonia Visiting President Lennart Meri and Helle Meri
2–3 September 1998   Latvia Visiting President Guntis Ulmanis and Aina Ulmane
4–5 September 1998   Lithuania Visiting President Valdas Adamkus and Alma Adamkus
20–22 September 1999   Romania Visiting President Emil Constantinescu and Nadina Ileana Constantinescu
1–3 March 2000   French Republic Visiting President Jacques Chirac and Bernadette Chirac
25–31 March 2001   Japan Visiting Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko
23–25 October 2001   Italy Visiting President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Franca Ciampi
25 October 2001   State of the Vatican City Visiting Pope John Paul II
6–11 May 2002   Canada Visiting Governor General Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul
8–10 October 2002   Hungary Visiting President Ferenc Mádl and Dalma Mádl
20–22 June 2003   Belgium Visiting King Albert II and Queen Paola
7–11 October 2003   Brazil Visiting President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Marisa Letícia Lula da Silva
8–10 June 2004   Greece Visiting President Konstantinos Stephanopoulos
28–29 October 2004   Singapore Visiting President Sellapan Rama Nathan and Urmila Nandey
1–5 November 2004   Vietnam Visiting President Trần Đức Lương
5–6 April 2006    Switzerland Visiting President Moritz Leuenberger
18–20 September 2006   Ireland Visiting President Mary McAleese and Martin McAleese
5–7 June 2007   Finland Visiting President Tarja Halonen and Pentti Arajärvi
15–17 October 2007   Germany Visiting President Horst Köhler and Eva Bohnet
27–29 May 2008   Portugal Visiting President Aníbal Cavaco Silva and Maria Cavaco Silva
24–27 November 2009   South Africa Visiting President Jacob Zuma
26–28 October 2010   Slovakia Visiting President Ivan Gašparovič and Silvia Gašparovičová
9–10 May 2011   Slovenia Visiting President Danilo Türk and Barbara Türk
12–13 May 2011   Croatia Visiting President Ivo Josipović and Tatjana Josipović
9–11 May 2012   Poland Visiting President Bronisław Komorowski and Anna Komorowska
5–7 November 2013   Turkey Visiting President Abdullah Gül and Mrs. Hayrünnisa Gül
1–5 December 2014   Myanmar Visiting President Thein Sein
23–27 February 2015   Australia Visiting Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Hazel Cosgrove
6–8 April 2016   Italy Visiting President Sergio Mattarella
6–8 March 2018   Argentina Visiting President Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada
11–19 October 2018   China Visiting President Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan
26–31 March 2019   Chile Visiting President Sebastián Piñera and Cecilia Morel
2–4 March 2020   Jordan Visiting King Abdullah II of Jordan and Queen Rania of Jordan

State visits received by Harald V

King Harald V and Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia outside the Royal Palace, Oslo.
Date(s) Country Details
13–15 October 1992   Denmark visited by Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik
7–9 June 1993   Sweden visited by King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia
26–29 October   Iceland visited by President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
18–21 October 1994   Finland visited by President Martti Ahtisaari and Eeva Ahtisaari
14–16 March 1995   Poland visited by President Lech Wałęsa and Danuta Wałęsa
29–30 May   Austria visited by President Thomas Klestil
25–26 March 1996   Russia visited by President Boris Yeltsin and Naina Jeltsina
27–29 June   China visited by President Jiang Zemin and Wang Yeping
11–14 February 1997   Iceland visited by President Ólafur R. Grimsson and Guðrún Katrín Þorbergsdóttir
28–30 April   Belgium visited by King Albert II and Queen Paola
17–19 June 1998   Germany visited by President Roman Herzog and Christiane Herzog
16–17 March 1999   South Africa visited by President Nelson Mandela and Graça Machel
22–24 March   Hungary visited by President Árpád Göncz and Zsuzsanna Göncz
1 November   United States visited by President Bill Clinton
10–12 April 2000   Jordan visited by King Abdullah II and Queen Rania
20–21 September   Latvia visited by President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Imants Freiberg
25–26 October   Finland visited by President Tarja Halonen and Pentti Arajärvi
30 May–1 June 2001   United Kingdom visited by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
10–11 April 2002   Estonia visited by President Arnold Rüütel and Ingrid Rüütel
12 November   Russia visited by President Vladimir Putin
16–17 September 2003   Poland visited by President Aleksander Kwaśniewski and Jolanta Kwaśniewska
3–5 February 2004   Portugal visited by President Jorge Sampaio and Maria José Ritta
21–23 September   Italy visited by President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Franca Ciampi
10–13 May 2005   Japan visited by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko
6–8 June 2006   Spain visited by King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia
29–31 August   Bulgaria visited by President Georgi Parvanov and Zorka Parvanova
17–19 April 2007   Austria visited by President Heinz Fischer and Margit Fischer
13–14 September   Brazil visited by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Marisa Letícia da Silva
5–6 June 2008   Vietnam visited by President Nguyễn Minh Triết and Mrs. Tran Thi Kim Chi
14–16 October   Ireland visited by President Mary McAleese and Dr. Martin McAleese
28–30 April 2009   Canada visited by Governor-General Michaëlle Jean and Mr. Jean-Daniel Lafond
26–27 April 2010   Russia visited by President Dmitry Medvedev and Mrs. Svetlana Medvedeva
1–3 May   Netherlands visited by Queen Beatrix
14–15 October    Switzerland visited by President Doris Leuthard and Mr. Roland Hausin
5–6 April 2011   Lithuania visited by President Dalia Grybauskaitė
30 May–1 June   Luxembourg visited by Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
31 August–1 September   South Africa visited by President Jacob Zuma and Mrs. Tobeka Zuma
10–12 October 2012   Finland visited by President Sauli Niinistö and Mrs. Jenni Haukio
12–13 May 2014   Israel visited by President Shimon Peres
11–13 June   Germany visited by President Joachim Gauck and Ms Daniela Schadt
2 September   Estonia visited by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
13–14 October   India visited by President Pranab Mukherjee, accompanied by his daughter Sharmistha Mukherjee
18–19 March 2015   Latvia visited by President Andris Bērziņš
23–25 May 2016   Poland visited by President Andrzej Duda and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda
10–12 October   Singapore visited by President Tony Tan and Mrs. Mary Chee Bee Kiang
21–22 March 2017   Iceland visited by President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Mrs. Eliza Reid
4–6 June 2018   Slovakia visited by President Andrej Kiska
11–13 June 2019   South Korea visited by President Moon Jae-in and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook
6–7 November   Slovenia visited by President Borut Pahor
9–11 November 2021   Netherlands visited by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
11–12 May 2023   Norway visited by President Sergio Mattarella and his daughter Laura Mattarella
13–14 February 2024   Tanzania visited by President Samia Suluhu Hassan
6–8 May   Moldova visited by President Maia Sandu
14–15 May   Denmark visited by King Frederik X and Queen Mary

See also


External links


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