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      1. Phonology

Rittic phonology combines elements of Sami and Celtic languages, featuring sounds that are common in both.

        1. Consonants

- Plosives: /p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/, /g/ - Fricatives: /f/, /s/, /ʃ/ (sh), /v/, /z/, /ʒ/ (zh) - Nasals: /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ (ng) - Liquids: /l/, /r/ - Glides: /j/ (y), /w/

        1. Vowels

- Front: /i/, /e/, /ɛ/ (as in bet) - Central: /ə/ (schwa), /a/ (as in father) - Back: /u/, /o/, /ɔ/ (as in thought)

      1. Grammar

Rittic has a relatively free word order, much like Sami languages, but with some fixed structures influenced by Celtic syntax.

        1. Nouns

- Nouns are marked for case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative). - Singular and plural forms are indicated through vowel changes or suffixes.

Example: - *haap* (house) -> *haapu* (houses) - *saari* (island) -> *saarii* (islands)

        1. Pronouns

- Personal pronouns have different forms for subject and object cases.

| | Singular | Plural | |-----------|----------|--------| | 1st Person | më (I) | vi (we) | | 2nd Person | të (you) | ti (you all) | | 3rd Person | hän (he/she) | he (they) |

        1. Verbs

- Verbs conjugate for tense (past, present, future) and mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive). - Regular verb endings change based on tense.

Example (to go): - Present: *lähin* (I go), *lähit* (you go), *lähit* (he/she goes) - Past: *lähtin* (I went), *lähtit* (you went), *lähtit* (he/she went) - Future: *lähen* (I will go), *lähes* (you will go), *lähet* (he/she will go)

      1. Lexicon

Rittic incorporates both Sami and Celtic roots, forming words that might be reminiscent of both language families.

        1. Basic Vocabulary

- Water: *vassi* (from Sami *vassje*) - Mountain: *benn* (from Irish *binn*) - Forest: *skovi* (from Norwegian *skog* and Sami *skovva*) - Fire: *taur* (from Old Irish *tēine* and Sami *dovd*)

      1. Example Sentences

1. **Më lähin haapu.**

  - I go to the house.

2. **Ti lähit saarii.**

  - You all go to the islands.

3. **Hän taurat vassi.**

  - He/She sees the water.
      1. Rittic Dictionary
        1. Nouns

- **Air**: _aith_ - **Animal**: _beist_ - **Bird**: _faal_ - **Child**: _balg_ - **Day**: _déi_ - **Earth**: _jord_ - **Family**: _famh_ - **Fire**: _taur_ - **Fish**: _isk_ - **Flower**: _blöm_ - **Forest**: _skovi_ - **Friend**: _ven_ - **Home**: _haap_ - **Lake**: _jävri_ - **Man**: _man_ - **Mountain**: _benn_ - **Night**: _noct_ - **River**: _elvi_ - **Sea**: _mara_ - **Sky**: _himl_ - **Star**: _stjar_ - **Sun**: _sól_ - **Tree**: _arv_ - **Village**: _bygd_ - **Water**: _vassi_ - **Wind**: _vind_ - **Woman**: _kvinn_

        1. Pronouns

- **I**: _më_ - **You (singular)**: _të_ - **He/She**: _hän_ - **We**: _vi_ - **You (plural)**: _ti_ - **They**: _he_

        1. Verbs

- **To be**: _veri_

 - Present: _veri_ (am/is/are)
 - Past: _veritin_ (was/were)
 - Future: _verin_ (will be)

- **To have**: _hevi_

 - Present: _hevi_ (have/has)
 - Past: _hevitin_ (had)
 - Future: _hevin_ (will have)

- **To go**: _lähi_

 - Present: _lähi_ (go/goes)
 - Past: _lähtin_ (went)
 - Future: _lähen_ (will go)

- **To see**: _tauri_

 - Present: _tauri_ (see/sees)
 - Past: _taurit_ (saw)
 - Future: _taurín_ (will see)

- **To come**: _komi_

 - Present: _komi_ (come/comes)
 - Past: _komit_ (came)
 - Future: _komín_ (will come)

- **To eat**: _ëti_

 - Present: _ëti_ (eat/eats)
 - Past: _ëtit_ (ate)
 - Future: _ëtin_ (will eat)
        1. Adjectives

- **Big**: _stor_ - **Small**: _litin_ - **Good**: _gód_ - **Bad**: _ond_ - **Happy**: _glad_ - **Sad**: _sorg_ - **Old**: _gamm_ - **Young**: _ung_ - **New**: _ny_ - **Beautiful**: _vack_

        1. Adverbs

- **Quickly**: _snabb_ - **Slowly**: _sakt_ - **Today**: _idag_ - **Yesterday**: _går_ - **Tomorrow**: _morgon_

        1. Conjunctions

- **And**: _och_ - **But**: _men_ - **Or**: _eller_ - **Because**: _för_

      1. Example Sentences

1. **Më verin glad.**

  - I will be happy.

2. **Hän stor faal taurit.**

  - He/She saw a big bird.

3. **Vi komít haap.**

  - We came home.

4. **Të ëtin blöm.**

  - You ate a flower.

5. **He veri ung och gód.**

  - They are young and good.

Expanded Rittic Dictionary Nouns • Book: bók • Bridge: brog • City: stadi • Clothing: klæð • Country: land • Dog: hund • Door: dør • Eye: aug • Father: fað • Food: mat • Forest: skovi • Ground: golf • Hand: hond • Heart: hjart • Horse: hest • House: haap • King: konung • Leg: fót • Light: ljós • Love: elsk • Moon: máni • Mother: móð • Mountain: benn • Path: stig • Person: mann • Road: veg • Sky: himl • Star: stjar • Storm: storm • Sun: sól • Sword: sverd • Village: bygd • Water: vassi • Woman: kvinn • World: verð Verbs • To ask: spyrja • Present: spyr (ask/asks) • Past: spyrði (asked) • Future: spyrin (will ask) • To build: byggja • Present: bygg (build/builds) • Past: byggði (built) • Future: byggin (will build) • To drink: drekka • Present: drek (drink/drinks) • Past: drakk (drank) • Future: drekin (will drink) • To give: giva • Present: giv (give/gives) • Past: gav (gave) • Future: givan (will give) • To help: hjalpa • Present: hjalp (help/helps) • Past: hjálpði (helped) • Future: hjalpin (will help) • To live: lifa • Present: lif (live/lives) • Past: lifði (lived) • Future: lifin (will live) • To run: renna • Present: renn (run/runs) • Past: rann (ran) • Future: rennin (will run) • To sleep: sova • Present: sov (sleep/sleeps) • Past: svaf (slept) • Future: sovan (will sleep) • To think: hugsa • Present: hugs (think/thinks) • Past: hugsaði (thought) • Future: hugsin (will think) • To work: arbeiða • Present: arbeið (work/works) • Past: arbeiðði (worked) • Future: arbeiðin (will work) Adjectives • Angry: reið • Cold: kald • Dark: døk • Fast: skynd • Heavy: þung • Light (weight): lett • Long: lang • Short: stutt • Strong: sterk • Weak: veik • Wet: våt • Wide: breið • Thin: þunn Adverbs • Always: alltid • Never: aldri • Often: ofta • Rarely: sjaldan • Soon: snart • Then: þá • There: þar • Where: hvar Conjunctions • Although: þótt • If: ef • When: þegar • While: meðan Example Sentences Using Expanded Vocabulary 1. Më verin reið. • I will be angry. 2. Hän sovit í haap. • He/She slept in the house. 3. Vi byggin ny stadi. • We will build a new city. 4. Të drekin vassi. • You will drink water. 5. He eru sterk och skynd. • They are strong and fast. 6. Konung veri í benn. • The king is in the mountain. 7. Móð elskar fað. • Mother loves father. 8. Mann renni til haapu. • The person runs to the house. 9. Hann æt ný mat í dag. • He/She eats new food today. 10. Við fara til mara snart. • We will go to the sea soon.


  1. ^ Rittia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      1. Phonology

Rittic phonology combines elements of Sami and Celtic languages, featuring sounds that are common in both.

        1. Consonants

- Plosives: /p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/, /g/ - Fricatives: /f/, /s/, /ʃ/ (sh), /v/, /z/, /ʒ/ (zh) - Nasals: /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ (ng) - Liquids: /l/, /r/ - Glides: /j/ (y), /w/

        1. Vowels

- Front: /i/, /e/, /ɛ/ (as in bet) - Central: /ə/ (schwa), /a/ (as in father) - Back: /u/, /o/, /ɔ/ (as in thought)

      1. Grammar

Rittic has a relatively free word order, much like Sami languages, but with some fixed structures influenced by Celtic syntax.

        1. Nouns

- Nouns are marked for case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative). - Singular and plural forms are indicated through vowel changes or suffixes.

Example: - *haap* (house) -> *haapu* (houses) - *saari* (island) -> *saarii* (islands)

        1. Pronouns

- Personal pronouns have different forms for subject and object cases.

| | Singular | Plural | |-----------|----------|--------| | 1st Person | më (I) | vi (we) | | 2nd Person | të (you) | ti (you all) | | 3rd Person | hän (he/she) | he (they) |

        1. Verbs

- Verbs conjugate for tense (past, present, future) and mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive). - Regular verb endings change based on tense.

Example (to go): - Present: *lähin* (I go), *lähit* (you go), *lähit* (he/she goes) - Past: *lähtin* (I went), *lähtit* (you went), *lähtit* (he/she went) - Future: *lähen* (I will go), *lähes* (you will go), *lähet* (he/she will go)

      1. Lexicon

Rittic incorporates both Sami and Celtic roots, forming words that might be reminiscent of both language families.

        1. Basic Vocabulary

- Water: *vassi* (from Sami *vassje*) - Mountain: *benn* (from Irish *binn*) - Forest: *skovi* (from Norwegian *skog* and Sami *skovva*) - Fire: *taur* (from Old Irish *tēine* and Sami *dovd*)

      1. Example Sentences

1. **Më lähin haapu.**

  - I go to the house.

2. **Ti lähit saarii.**

  - You all go to the islands.

3. **Hän taurat vassi.**

  - He/She sees the water.
      1. Rittic Dictionary
        1. Nouns

- **Air**: _aith_ - **Animal**: _beist_ - **Bird**: _faal_ - **Child**: _balg_ - **Day**: _déi_ - **Earth**: _jord_ - **Family**: _famh_ - **Fire**: _taur_ - **Fish**: _isk_ - **Flower**: _blöm_ - **Forest**: _skovi_ - **Friend**: _ven_ - **Home**: _haap_ - **Lake**: _jävri_ - **Man**: _man_ - **Mountain**: _benn_ - **Night**: _noct_ - **River**: _elvi_ - **Sea**: _mara_ - **Sky**: _himl_ - **Star**: _stjar_ - **Sun**: _sól_ - **Tree**: _arv_ - **Village**: _bygd_ - **Water**: _vassi_ - **Wind**: _vind_ - **Woman**: _kvinn_

        1. Pronouns

- **I**: _më_ - **You (singular)**: _të_ - **He/She**: _hän_ - **We**: _vi_ - **You (plural)**: _ti_ - **They**: _he_

        1. Verbs

- **To be**: _veri_

 - Present: _veri_ (am/is/are)
 - Past: _veritin_ (was/were)
 - Future: _verin_ (will be)

- **To have**: _hevi_

 - Present: _hevi_ (have/has)
 - Past: _hevitin_ (had)
 - Future: _hevin_ (will have)

- **To go**: _lähi_

 - Present: _lähi_ (go/goes)
 - Past: _lähtin_ (went)
 - Future: _lähen_ (will go)

- **To see**: _tauri_

 - Present: _tauri_ (see/sees)
 - Past: _taurit_ (saw)
 - Future: _taurín_ (will see)

- **To come**: _komi_

 - Present: _komi_ (come/comes)
 - Past: _komit_ (came)
 - Future: _komín_ (will come)

- **To eat**: _ëti_

 - Present: _ëti_ (eat/eats)
 - Past: _ëtit_ (ate)
 - Future: _ëtin_ (will eat)
        1. Adjectives

- **Big**: _stor_ - **Small**: _litin_ - **Good**: _gód_ - **Bad**: _ond_ - **Happy**: _glad_ - **Sad**: _sorg_ - **Old**: _gamm_ - **Young**: _ung_ - **New**: _ny_ - **Beautiful**: _vack_

        1. Adverbs

- **Quickly**: _snabb_ - **Slowly**: _sakt_ - **Today**: _idag_ - **Yesterday**: _går_ - **Tomorrow**: _morgon_

        1. Conjunctions

- **And**: _och_ - **But**: _men_ - **Or**: _eller_ - **Because**: _för_

      1. Example Sentences

1. **Më verin glad.**

  - I will be happy.

2. **Hän stor faal taurit.**

  - He/She saw a big bird.

3. **Vi komít haap.**

  - We came home.

4. **Të ëtin blöm.**

  - You ate a flower.

5. **He veri ung och gód.**

  - They are young and good.

Expanded Rittic Dictionary Nouns • Book: bók • Bridge: brog • City: stadi • Clothing: klæð • Country: land • Dog: hund • Door: dør • Eye: aug • Father: fað • Food: mat • Forest: skovi • Ground: golf • Hand: hond • Heart: hjart • Horse: hest • House: haap • King: konung • Leg: fót • Light: ljós • Love: elsk • Moon: máni • Mother: móð • Mountain: benn • Path: stig • Person: mann • Road: veg • Sky: himl • Star: stjar • Storm: storm • Sun: sól • Sword: sverd • Village: bygd • Water: vassi • Woman: kvinn • World: verð Verbs • To ask: spyrja • Present: spyr (ask/asks) • Past: spyrði (asked) • Future: spyrin (will ask) • To build: byggja • Present: bygg (build/builds) • Past: byggði (built) • Future: byggin (will build) • To drink: drekka • Present: drek (drink/drinks) • Past: drakk (drank) • Future: drekin (will drink) • To give: giva • Present: giv (give/gives) • Past: gav (gave) • Future: givan (will give) • To help: hjalpa • Present: hjalp (help/helps) • Past: hjálpði (helped) • Future: hjalpin (will help) • To live: lifa • Present: lif (live/lives) • Past: lifði (lived) • Future: lifin (will live) • To run: renna • Present: renn (run/runs) • Past: rann (ran) • Future: rennin (will run) • To sleep: sova • Present: sov (sleep/sleeps) • Past: svaf (slept) • Future: sovan (will sleep) • To think: hugsa • Present: hugs (think/thinks) • Past: hugsaði (thought) • Future: hugsin (will think) • To work: arbeiða • Present: arbeið (work/works) • Past: arbeiðði (worked) • Future: arbeiðin (will work) Adjectives • Angry: reið • Cold: kald • Dark: døk • Fast: skynd • Heavy: þung • Light (weight): lett • Long: lang • Short: stutt • Strong: sterk • Weak: veik • Wet: våt • Wide: breið • Thin: þunn Adverbs • Always: alltid • Never: aldri • Often: ofta • Rarely: sjaldan • Soon: snart • Then: þá • There: þar • Where: hvar Conjunctions • Although: þótt • If: ef • When: þegar • While: meðan Example Sentences Using Expanded Vocabulary 1. Më verin reið. • I will be angry. 2. Hän sovit í haap. • He/She slept in the house. 3. Vi byggin ny stadi. • We will build a new city. 4. Të drekin vassi. • You will drink water. 5. He eru sterk och skynd. • They are strong and fast. 6. Konung veri í benn. • The king is in the mountain. 7. Móð elskar fað. • Mother loves father. 8. Mann renni til haapu. • The person runs to the house. 9. Hann æt ný mat í dag. • He/She eats new food today. 10. Við fara til mara snart. • We will go to the sea soon.


  1. ^ Rittia


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