From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depok is a village in Cisompet sub-district, Garut, West Java, Indonesia. It is the southernmost village in Cisompet sub-district, Garut. Depok Village borders Sukanagara Village, Cisompet, Garut to the north. South is bordered by Pameungpeuk Subdistrict, namely Desa Paas and Desa Sirnabakti, to the west is bordered by Pameungpeuk Subdistrict, especially Desa Bojong, which is separated by the Padépokan Gunung Nagara Hills and to the East is bordered by Karyasari Village, Cibalong Subdistrict, which is separated by the Gajah Mountain Afdelling Plantation Hills.


According to the chronicles, the name Depok is associated with "padepokan," signifying that the village initially served as a resting place for spiritual leaders. In the sixties, as recounted by Ki Ecep, a village elder, Depok retained traditions akin to those of Baduy. However, a significant transformation occurred after the village was ravaged by the DI/TII. [1] insurgents, leading to perceptible changes. No longer would one find rows of elevated houses facing the qibla.

Within the village of Depok lies the ancient site of Gunung Nagara, a burial ground for royal figures from the Islamic period believed to be the final resting place of kings. This padepokan stands as a tribute from reigning monarchs to honor their predecessors. The notable figures interred in this burial complex include Eyang Ruhi Kudratullah, Eyang Balung Tunggal, Prabu Kiansantang, Sheikh Abdul Jabar, Prabu Kiansantang's wife (Ratu Gondowoni), Eyang Sembah Ibrohim, and Eyang Raksabumi [2].

Gunung Nagara is flanked by two rivers, namely the Cikaso River [3] and the Cipalebuh River, with local belief holding that these rivers serve as a divine means to absolve sins and seek forgiveness from Sang Hyang Widi. As such, the Legend of Kian Santang holds a special place in the hearts of Depok's residents, linking Gunung Nagara to the spread of Islam in the South Garut region, attributed to the efforts of Prabu Kian Santang.

The foundation of Depok village is intricately connected to the emergence of the padepokan along the banks of the Cikaso River and the presence of the Gunung Nagara site, shaping the social fabric of Depok's community to this day.


Regional Boundaries

North Sukanagara Village, Cisompet Subdistrict
South Paas and Sirnabakti Village, Pameungpeuk Subdistrict
West North Bojong and South Bojong Village, Pameungpeuk Subdistrict
East Karyasari Village, Cibalong Subdistrict


The village of Depok is situated in the southern part of the Garut Regency, characterized by a hilly and steep topography. The region of Desa Depok is flanked by two sub-districts to the west, east, and south, namely Cibalong Sub-District and Pameungpeuk Sub-District [4]. To the west of Depok village lies the Padepokan Gunung Nagara hill, serving as the boundary with Bojong Village in the Pameungpeuk Sub-District. On the eastern side, it is bordered by the Mount Gajah Rubber Plantation, directly adjacent to Karyasari Village in the Cibalong Sub-District

Depok village is situated at an elevation ranging from 40 to 100 meters above sea level.

The Cikaso River, a short watercourse, flows through Depok village and empties into the Indonesian Ocean. This river holds paramount importance for the community in Depok, serving both as an irrigation source and the initial settlement site, although over time, residential areas have shifted closer to the Pameungpeuk-Garut highway.

Land of Use

Based on the soil type and topographic terrain in Depok Village, land use is generally used for rice paddies, coconut plantations, and clearing fields [5]in the forest.



In the year 2022, the recorded population of Depok village, located in the Cisompet Sub-District of Garut Regency, stood at 5,730 individuals, with a population density of 210 people per square kilometer [6]. The majority of the residents in Depok are of Sundanese ethnicity, constituting 99% of the population, with a small percentage belonging to other ethnic groups such as Javanese, among others. The primary occupation of Depok's residents is predominantly farming, while the remainder is engaged in various sectors.

The densely populated areas are concentrated around the administrative center of Depok village, particularly in the vicinity of Kampung Pangligaran and Kampung Cipicung. This is largely due to these areas serving as key economic and governmental hubs within the village, attracting a significant portion of the population to settle in these regions.


Sundanese is the language spoken by the people of Depok Village, Cisompet Sub-district, as their mother tongue and lingua franca. Bahasa Indonesia is also actively used as a language of unity and education in Depok Village.


The people of Depok Village are 100% Muslim [7]


Depok Village boasts educational facilities ranging from Early Childhood Education (PAUD) to Elementary School (SD), managed by both governmental and foundation entities, whether they are public or private in status. Here is a list of educational facilities in the village:

Kindergarten (TK)

  • Taman Kanak-Kanak Aisyiyah' Desa Depok Kecamatan Cisompet

Elementary School (SD)

  • SD Negeri 1 Depok
  • SD Negeri 2 Depok
  • SD Negeri 3 Depok [8]
  • MI Nurussalam Desa Depok

Secondary and Higher Education

To pursue secondary education, residents of Depok Village often enroll their children in schools located outside the boundaries of Depok Village, such as:

  • SMP Negeri 2 Cisompet,
  • SMP Negeri 2 Pameungpeuk,
  • SMP Muhammadiyah Pameungpeuk,
  • SMA Negeri 5 Garut,
  • SMA Negeri 22 Garut and
  • SMK Gunung Nagara

or continue their education by migrating to areas beyond the village. Some residents of Depok Village pursue education up to the tertiary level in other regions, particularly in cities such as Garut, Bandung, and Tasikmalaya.

Health Facilities

Depok Village is equipped with a Sub-District Health Center (Puskesmas Pembantu) directly affiliated with the Cisompet Sub-District Health Center, Garut Regency. The village also has individual healthcare facilities, including health workers and midwife services, ensuring the well-being of the community.


Depok Village, being strategically located along the Garut-Pameungpeuk provincial road, has become a bustling area and a crucial route for traffic traveling from the northern to the southern parts of Garut. The village is well-connected and serves as a strategic thoroughfare. The local transportation unique to Depok Village is known as "Cisompetan," providing services on the Pameungpeuk-Depok route from 05:00 AM to 01:30 PM. Additionally, residents often utilize motorcycle taxi services stationed in various neighborhoods (RT/RW).


Depok Village boasts the renowned tourist destination of the Gunung Nagara Padepokan Site as its distinctive feature. In addition, there are several other tourist attractions such as:

  • Padepokan Gunung Nagara
  • Leuwi Tonjong
  • Leuwi Tamiang


  1. ^ Soerialaga, Dedi E. Kusmayadi. "Kupas Situs Gunung Nagara Kecamatan Cisompet" (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  2. ^ Infogarut (2022-02-14). "Napak Tilas Situs Gunung Nagara, Makam Keramat Para Raja Sunda di Garut". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  3. ^ Infogarut (2022-02-14). "Napak Tilas Situs Gunung Nagara, Makam Keramat Para Raja Sunda di Garut". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  4. ^ Qomariah, Maulani Nur Habibatul (2021-06-28). "Raden Wangsa Muhammad : Tokoh Islamisasi di desa Cinunuk kecamatan Wanaraja kabupaten Garut tahun abad ke-19". UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. {{ cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= ( help)
  5. ^ Mutakin, Jenal; Damayanti, Ayudita; Pratama, Rama Adi (2018-06-01). "PENGARUH SISTEM TANAM DAN JARAK TANAM TERHADAP DOMINASI GULMA, PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADI DI DESA DEPOK CISOMPET KABUPATEN GARUT". JAGROS : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology Science) (in Indonesian). 2 (2): 119–129. doi: 10.52434/jagros.v2i2.439. ISSN  2775-0485.
  6. ^ "Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut". Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut. Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  7. ^ "Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut". Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut. Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  8. ^ Nurhidayah, Linda; Gusrayani, Diah; Nugraha, Dadan (2020). "Efektivitas Pembelajaran Berbasis Online Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di Kecamatan Cisompet Kabupaten Garut". Jurnal Pena Ilmiah. 3 (2). doi: 10.17509/jpi.v3i2.27710. ISSN  2540-9174.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depok is a village in Cisompet sub-district, Garut, West Java, Indonesia. It is the southernmost village in Cisompet sub-district, Garut. Depok Village borders Sukanagara Village, Cisompet, Garut to the north. South is bordered by Pameungpeuk Subdistrict, namely Desa Paas and Desa Sirnabakti, to the west is bordered by Pameungpeuk Subdistrict, especially Desa Bojong, which is separated by the Padépokan Gunung Nagara Hills and to the East is bordered by Karyasari Village, Cibalong Subdistrict, which is separated by the Gajah Mountain Afdelling Plantation Hills.


According to the chronicles, the name Depok is associated with "padepokan," signifying that the village initially served as a resting place for spiritual leaders. In the sixties, as recounted by Ki Ecep, a village elder, Depok retained traditions akin to those of Baduy. However, a significant transformation occurred after the village was ravaged by the DI/TII. [1] insurgents, leading to perceptible changes. No longer would one find rows of elevated houses facing the qibla.

Within the village of Depok lies the ancient site of Gunung Nagara, a burial ground for royal figures from the Islamic period believed to be the final resting place of kings. This padepokan stands as a tribute from reigning monarchs to honor their predecessors. The notable figures interred in this burial complex include Eyang Ruhi Kudratullah, Eyang Balung Tunggal, Prabu Kiansantang, Sheikh Abdul Jabar, Prabu Kiansantang's wife (Ratu Gondowoni), Eyang Sembah Ibrohim, and Eyang Raksabumi [2].

Gunung Nagara is flanked by two rivers, namely the Cikaso River [3] and the Cipalebuh River, with local belief holding that these rivers serve as a divine means to absolve sins and seek forgiveness from Sang Hyang Widi. As such, the Legend of Kian Santang holds a special place in the hearts of Depok's residents, linking Gunung Nagara to the spread of Islam in the South Garut region, attributed to the efforts of Prabu Kian Santang.

The foundation of Depok village is intricately connected to the emergence of the padepokan along the banks of the Cikaso River and the presence of the Gunung Nagara site, shaping the social fabric of Depok's community to this day.


Regional Boundaries

North Sukanagara Village, Cisompet Subdistrict
South Paas and Sirnabakti Village, Pameungpeuk Subdistrict
West North Bojong and South Bojong Village, Pameungpeuk Subdistrict
East Karyasari Village, Cibalong Subdistrict


The village of Depok is situated in the southern part of the Garut Regency, characterized by a hilly and steep topography. The region of Desa Depok is flanked by two sub-districts to the west, east, and south, namely Cibalong Sub-District and Pameungpeuk Sub-District [4]. To the west of Depok village lies the Padepokan Gunung Nagara hill, serving as the boundary with Bojong Village in the Pameungpeuk Sub-District. On the eastern side, it is bordered by the Mount Gajah Rubber Plantation, directly adjacent to Karyasari Village in the Cibalong Sub-District

Depok village is situated at an elevation ranging from 40 to 100 meters above sea level.

The Cikaso River, a short watercourse, flows through Depok village and empties into the Indonesian Ocean. This river holds paramount importance for the community in Depok, serving both as an irrigation source and the initial settlement site, although over time, residential areas have shifted closer to the Pameungpeuk-Garut highway.

Land of Use

Based on the soil type and topographic terrain in Depok Village, land use is generally used for rice paddies, coconut plantations, and clearing fields [5]in the forest.



In the year 2022, the recorded population of Depok village, located in the Cisompet Sub-District of Garut Regency, stood at 5,730 individuals, with a population density of 210 people per square kilometer [6]. The majority of the residents in Depok are of Sundanese ethnicity, constituting 99% of the population, with a small percentage belonging to other ethnic groups such as Javanese, among others. The primary occupation of Depok's residents is predominantly farming, while the remainder is engaged in various sectors.

The densely populated areas are concentrated around the administrative center of Depok village, particularly in the vicinity of Kampung Pangligaran and Kampung Cipicung. This is largely due to these areas serving as key economic and governmental hubs within the village, attracting a significant portion of the population to settle in these regions.


Sundanese is the language spoken by the people of Depok Village, Cisompet Sub-district, as their mother tongue and lingua franca. Bahasa Indonesia is also actively used as a language of unity and education in Depok Village.


The people of Depok Village are 100% Muslim [7]


Depok Village boasts educational facilities ranging from Early Childhood Education (PAUD) to Elementary School (SD), managed by both governmental and foundation entities, whether they are public or private in status. Here is a list of educational facilities in the village:

Kindergarten (TK)

  • Taman Kanak-Kanak Aisyiyah' Desa Depok Kecamatan Cisompet

Elementary School (SD)

  • SD Negeri 1 Depok
  • SD Negeri 2 Depok
  • SD Negeri 3 Depok [8]
  • MI Nurussalam Desa Depok

Secondary and Higher Education

To pursue secondary education, residents of Depok Village often enroll their children in schools located outside the boundaries of Depok Village, such as:

  • SMP Negeri 2 Cisompet,
  • SMP Negeri 2 Pameungpeuk,
  • SMP Muhammadiyah Pameungpeuk,
  • SMA Negeri 5 Garut,
  • SMA Negeri 22 Garut and
  • SMK Gunung Nagara

or continue their education by migrating to areas beyond the village. Some residents of Depok Village pursue education up to the tertiary level in other regions, particularly in cities such as Garut, Bandung, and Tasikmalaya.

Health Facilities

Depok Village is equipped with a Sub-District Health Center (Puskesmas Pembantu) directly affiliated with the Cisompet Sub-District Health Center, Garut Regency. The village also has individual healthcare facilities, including health workers and midwife services, ensuring the well-being of the community.


Depok Village, being strategically located along the Garut-Pameungpeuk provincial road, has become a bustling area and a crucial route for traffic traveling from the northern to the southern parts of Garut. The village is well-connected and serves as a strategic thoroughfare. The local transportation unique to Depok Village is known as "Cisompetan," providing services on the Pameungpeuk-Depok route from 05:00 AM to 01:30 PM. Additionally, residents often utilize motorcycle taxi services stationed in various neighborhoods (RT/RW).


Depok Village boasts the renowned tourist destination of the Gunung Nagara Padepokan Site as its distinctive feature. In addition, there are several other tourist attractions such as:

  • Padepokan Gunung Nagara
  • Leuwi Tonjong
  • Leuwi Tamiang


  1. ^ Soerialaga, Dedi E. Kusmayadi. "Kupas Situs Gunung Nagara Kecamatan Cisompet" (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  2. ^ Infogarut (2022-02-14). "Napak Tilas Situs Gunung Nagara, Makam Keramat Para Raja Sunda di Garut". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  3. ^ Infogarut (2022-02-14). "Napak Tilas Situs Gunung Nagara, Makam Keramat Para Raja Sunda di Garut". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  4. ^ Qomariah, Maulani Nur Habibatul (2021-06-28). "Raden Wangsa Muhammad : Tokoh Islamisasi di desa Cinunuk kecamatan Wanaraja kabupaten Garut tahun abad ke-19". UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. {{ cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= ( help)
  5. ^ Mutakin, Jenal; Damayanti, Ayudita; Pratama, Rama Adi (2018-06-01). "PENGARUH SISTEM TANAM DAN JARAK TANAM TERHADAP DOMINASI GULMA, PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADI DI DESA DEPOK CISOMPET KABUPATEN GARUT". JAGROS : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology Science) (in Indonesian). 2 (2): 119–129. doi: 10.52434/jagros.v2i2.439. ISSN  2775-0485.
  6. ^ "Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut". Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut. Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  7. ^ "Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut". Desa Depok kec. Cisompet kab. Garut. Retrieved 2022-12-04.
  8. ^ Nurhidayah, Linda; Gusrayani, Diah; Nugraha, Dadan (2020). "Efektivitas Pembelajaran Berbasis Online Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di Kecamatan Cisompet Kabupaten Garut". Jurnal Pena Ilmiah. 3 (2). doi: 10.17509/jpi.v3i2.27710. ISSN  2540-9174.


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