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This is a list of books in the English language which deal with Guernsey and its geography, history, inhabitants, culture, biota, etc.

  • Allisette R. - Islanders Kitbags
  • Alvarez J.E. - German Occupation of the Channel Islands
  • Anderson, O. D. – Analysing Time Series: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Guernsey, Channel Islands, in October 1979. [1]
  • Ansted, David Thomas and Robert Gordon Latham – The Channel Islands. [2]
  • A Bibliographical Guide to the Law of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. [3] [4]
  • Antill J.K. - A bibliography of the German Occupation of the CHannel Islands
  • Bachmann K.M. - The Prey of an Eagle
  • Backhurst M-L. - Tracing your Channel Island Ancestors
  • Barbet S. - Barbets guide to the Island of Guernsey
  • Bell W. - Guernsey Occupied but never Conquered, ISBN  978-0952047933
  • Bell W.M. - I beg to report, ISBN  978-0952047919
  • Bell W.M. The Commando who came to stay
  • Bell W.M. - Guernsey Green, ISBN  9780952047902
  • Berry W. - The history of the Island of Guernsey
  • Best M. - A family business
  • Bichard J & McClintock — Wild flowers of the Channel Islands
  • Bicknell E.E. - The little guides — the Channel Islands
  • Bihet M — A Child's War
  • Bihet M. - Reflections of Guernsey
  • Bihet M. - A time for memories: The Dame of Sark and Islanders lives remembered
  • Billing J — The hidden places of the Channel Islands
  • Binding T. - Island madness
  • Binding T. - Lying with the enemy, ISBN  978-0786706570
  • Black C.B. - Blacks guide to the Channel Islands
  • Blampied G. - Mayday Mayday a history of the Guernsey lifeboat station, ISBN  978-0902550100
  • Blicq R. - Au revoir, Sarnia Cherie, ISBN  978-0968698907
  • Bonnard B. - Alderney at War, ISBN  978-0750903431
  • Bonnard B. - Wrecked around Alderney, the Stories of Retired Alderney Pilot, Jack Quinain, ISBN  978-0952070702
  • Bonnard B & J — A natural history of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm
  • Bonser N.R.P — The Guernsey Railway, ISBN  978-0853613299
  • Bonser N.R.P. The Guernsey Railway the German occupation lines
  • Brett C.E.B. - National Trust of Guernsey. Buildings in the Town and Parish of St Peter Port
  • Briggs A. - The Channel Islands Occupation and Liberation, ISBN  978-0713478228
  • Brock C. - Clear shining after the rain — a Guernsey story
  • Broomhead R. - Jersey and Guernsey
  • Bunting M — The model occupation
  • Campbell, Alfred S. – Golden Guernsey. [5]
  • Carey E. — The Channel Islands
  • Carey William W., Edith F. Carey & Spencer C. Carey — The history of the Carey's of Guernsey (1938)
  • Carmen W.J. - Channel Island Transport a history of public transportin Alderney, Guernsey and Jersey by road and rail from 1788 to 1987
  • Chaney, Edward — Genius Friend: G.B. Edwards and The Book of Ebenezer Le Page (Blue Ormer, 2015) ISBN  978-0992879105
  • Channel Islands Occupation Society — Occupation Review — annual publication
  • Clarke L. — Tourist's guide to the Channel Islands
  • Clarke L. — Sark Discovered
  • Closs A. — Tastes of the Channel Islands
  • Cochrane J. — Life on Sark: Through the year
  • Cohen F. - The Jews in the Channel Islands During the German Occupation 1940-1945
  • Collenette V. - Elizabeth College in Exile 1940-45
  • Compton R. - The Complete Book of Traditional Guernsey and Jersey Knitting
  • Cook C. - The Guilberts of Hauteville
  • Coombe, Simon - John Wilson, Guernsey's Architect: A Celebration (Blue Ormer, 2018) ISBN  978-0992879181
  • Cooper B. - The Battle of the Torpedo Boats, ISBN  978-0330232432
  • Cortviend V.V. - Isolated Island — A historical and personal reminiscence of the German occupation of the Island of Guernsey June 1940 - May 1945
  • Cox, Gregory Stevens - St Peter Port 1680-1830: The History of an International Entrepot (Boydell & Brewer, 1999) ISBN  978-0851157580
  • Cox, Gregory Stevens - Guernsey Merchants and their World (Toucan Press, 2009) ISBN  978-0856946035
  • Cox, Gregory Stevens - Victor Hugo's St Peter Port (Blue Ormer, 2018) ISBN  978-0992879174
  • Coysh V. - Swastika over Guernsey
  • Coysh V. - Guernsey
  • Coysh V. - Alderney
  • Coysh V. - The Channel Islands — a new study
  • Coysh V. - Call of the Island — Guernsey Remembered
  • Coysh V. - Channel Islets
  • Coysh V. - The Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Jubilee Years, 1952-1977
  • Coysh V. - Royal Guernsey — a history of the Royal Guernsey Militia
  • Coysh V. - Old Guernsey in Pictures including Alderney, Sark, Herm and Jethou
  • Coysh V. - Sark — the last stronghold of feudalism
  • Coysh V. - Visitor's Guide, Guernsey, Alderney & Sark
  • Coysh V. & Toms C. - Bygone Guernsey, ISBN  978-0850336429
  • Coysh V. & Toms C. - Guernsey Through the Lens: Including Alderney, Sark, Herm and Jethou (1979) ISBN  9780850333114
  • Coysh V. & Toms C. - Guernsey — through the lens again
  • Cruickshank, Charles – The German Occupation of the Channel Islands. [6] [7]
  • Curtis – An account of the discovery of a cist or Dolmen of a type novel to Guernsey
  • Dafter Rayde – GUERNSEY SENTINEL, The Remarkable Les Hanois Lighthouse (2003)
  • de Garis, Marie – Folklore of Guernsey. [8]
  • de Guerin Basil C. – The Norman Isles (1952)
  • de Sausmarex, Haviland – The Extentes of Guernsey, 1248 to 1331, and Other Documents Relating to Ancient Usages and Customs in That Island. [9] [10]
  • de Sausmarex, Haviland  – Guernsey & The Imperial Contribution (Royal Court 1930)
  • Dobson, Roderick – The Birds of the Channel Islands. [11]
  • Durand, Ralph;– Guernsey under German Rule. ( Guernsey Society, 1946), 2nd ed. (Guernsey Society, 2018) [12]
  • Dury, G. – The Channel Islands. [13]
  • Eagleston, A. J. – The Channel Islands under Tudor Government, 1485-1642: A Study in Administrative History. ( Cambridge University Press for the Guernsey Society, 1949) [14] [15]
  • Falla, Frank - The Silent War, 4th ed. (Blue Ormer, 2018) ISBN  978-1999891312
  • Fleure, H. J. – British Landscape Through Maps. 3: Guernsey. [16]
  • Foster, Stephen - Zoffany's Daughter: Love and treachery on a small island (Blue Ormer, 2017) ISBN  978-0992879143
  • Forty, George - Channel Islands at War
  • Forty, George - German Occupation of the Channel Islands
  • Fraser, David – The Jews of the Channel Islands and the Rule of Law, 1940-1945: 'Quite contrary to the Principles of British Justice'. [17] [18]
  • Frossard, Cannon E.L. - The German Occupation of Guernsey
  • Gallienne, Osmond - My Life in Guernsey
  • Gavey, Ernie - German fortifications in Guernsey
  • Ginns, Michael - German tunnels in the Channel Islands
  • Girard, Peter - Peter Girard's Guernsey
  • Girard, Peter - More of Peter Girard's Guernsey
  • Goudge, Elizabeth - Island Magic
  • Goudge, Elizabeth - Green Dolphin Country
  • Guernsey Museums & Galleries - Maritime Guernsey (1992) ISBN  9781871560459
  • Guernsey Museums & Galleries - The Greatest Treasure Philip Saumarez and the Voyage of the Centurion (1994) ISBN  1871560861
  • Guernsey Society, members of "The Guernsey Farmhouse" ( De La Rue for the Guernsey Society, 1963)
  • Guillemette, Louis - The People's Messenger: the Occupation Diaries of Louis Guillemette, Guernsey 1940-45 (Blue Ormer, 2022) ISBN  9781999341565
  • Gurney, David - "Postal History of the Guernsey Sub-Post Offices"
  • Harris, J. Theodore and Sidney Webb – An Example of Communal Currency: the Facts about the Guernsey Market House. [19]
  • Hocart, Richard – An Island Assembly: The Development of the States of Guernsey, 1700-1949. [20]
  • Horwood, A. R. – A Hand-list of the Lichens of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. [21]
  • Hugo, George W.J.L. - Guernsey As It Used To Be: A Tour of the Town in Victorian Times (Blue Ormer, 2017) ISBN  978-0-992879129
  • Jamieson, A. G. – A People of the Sea: The Maritime History of the Channel Islands. [22] [23]
  • Jee, Nigel – The Landscape of the Channel Islands. [24]
  • Johnston, Peter, A Short History of Guernsey, 6th ed. ( Guernsey Society, 2014).
  • Jorgensen-Earp, Cheryl R. – Discourse and Defiance Under Nazi Occupation: Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1940-1945 (2013) ISBN  9781611860825
  • Keeton, G. W., Dennis Lloyd, and George W. Keeton – The British Commonwealth: The Development of Its Laws and Constitutions, Volume 1: The United Kingdom, Part 2: Scotland and the Channgel Islands. [25]
  • Kendrick, T. D. – The Archaeology of the Channel Islands. In 2 Vols. Vol. 1. The Bailiwick of Guernsey. [26] [27]
  • King, Peter – The Channel Islands War, 1940-1945. [28]
  • Le Huray C.P. – The Bailiwick of Guernsey (1974) ISBN  9780340009598
  • Le Patourel, J. H. – The Medieval Administration of the Channel Islands, 1199-1399. [29] [30]
  • Lempriere Raoul – Portrait of the Channel Islands (1970)
  • Lempriere Raoul – Customs, Ceremonies & Traditions of the Channel Islands (1976)
  • Liddicoat, Anthony – A Grammar of the Norman French of the Channel Islands: The Dialects of Jersey and Sark. [31]
  • Lockley, R. M. – The Charm of the Channel Islands. [13]
  • Lyle, Lillian – The Marine Algae of Guernsey. [32]
  • MacCulloch, Edgar and Edith F. Carey – Guernsey Folk Lore. [33]
  • Mahy, Miriam M. – There Is an Occupation (1992) ISBN  9780951976708
  • Marr L. James – History of the Bailiwick of Guernsey (1982) ISBN  9780850334593
  • Marr L. James – More People in Guernsey's Story (1991)
  • Martin, Patrick – Wrecked: Guernsey Shipwreck (2015) ISBN  1871560152
  • Maxwell, W. Harold and Leslie F. Maxwell – A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Volume 1: English Law to 1800, including Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. [34]
  • McClintock, D. – The Life of Joshua Gosselin of Guernsey. [35] [36]
  • McClintock, David – Guernsey's Earliest Flora: Flora Samiensis by Joshua Gosselin. [37] [38]
  • McClintock, David – The Wild Flowers of Guernsey. [39]
  • McLaughlin, Roy;- The Sea was their Fortune 1997 ISBN  0948578866
  • Morris, Joseph E. – Beautiful Britain: The Channel Islands. [40]
  • Ogier, Darryl M. – Reformation and Society in Guernsey. (1997) ISBN  9780851156033 [41] [42] [43] [44]
  • Perrin, William F., Bernd Würsig & J. G. M. Thewissen – Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. [45]
  • Peterson, C. D., D. A. Pearlman, T. D. Dines, H. R. Arnold, and Jane M. Croft – New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora: An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. [46]
  • Ramisch, Heinrich – Variation of English in Guernsey/Channel Islands. [47]
  • Ramsey, Winston G. – The War in the Channel Islands: Then and Now. [48]
  • Richard, John D. and David McClintock – Wild Flowers of the Channel Islands. [49]
  • Roussel Leslie E. – Evacuation (1980) ISBN  9780861164417
  • Rule, Margaret & Jason Monaghan – (1993) ISBN  1871560039
  • Sauvary J.C. – Diary of the German occupation of Guernsey 1940-1945 (1990) ISBN  9781854210913
  • Sharp Frederick – The Church Bells of Guernsey Alderney & Sark. (1964)
  • Sheridan, L. A. – The United Kingdom: The Development of Its Laws and Constitution: The Channel Islands. [50] [51]
  • Sinel, Joseph – Prehistoric Times and Men of the Channel Islands. [52]
  • Thornton, Tim – The Channel Islands, 1370-1640: Between England and Normandy (2012) ISBN  9781843837114
  • Toms, Carol – Guernsey: Pictures from the Past (1991) ISBN  9780850337839
  • Toms, Carol – Guernsey's Forgotten Past (1992) ISBN  9780850338508
  • Uttley, John – The Story of the Channel Islands. [53]
  • Vaudin, Mike – 100 YEARS of the Fruit. A celebration of 100 years of the Blue Diamond Group
  • Warren, J. P. – Our Own Island: A Descriptive Account of Guernsey. [54]


  1. ^ Ray, W. D. (1981). "Review". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C. 30 (2). Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Statistical Society: 180–181. JSTOR  2346394.
  2. ^ "Review". The North American Review. 97 (200). University of Northern Iowa: 274–276. July 1863.[ permanent dead link]
  3. ^ Chloros, A. G. (September 1957). "Review". The Modern Law Review. 20 (5). Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Modern Law Review: 521–523. JSTOR  1091925.
  4. ^ Harvey, H. A. (July 1957). "Review". The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 6 (3): 575–576. doi: 10.1093/iclqaj/6.3.575. JSTOR  755213.
  5. ^ C. K. M., C. K. (November 1938). "Review". The Geographical Journal. 92 (5). Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): 455. JSTOR  1788057.
  6. ^ Fox, John P. (January 1976). "Review". International Affairs. 52 (1): 115–116. doi: 10.2307/2616106. JSTOR  2616106.
  7. ^ Callahan, Raymond (April 1976). "Review". The American Historical Review. 81 (2): 391–392. doi: 10.2307/1851231. JSTOR  1851231.
  8. ^ Grinsell, Leslie (1980). "Review". Folklore. 91 (2). Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Folklore Enterprises, Ltd.: 247. JSTOR  1260403.
  9. ^ Cam, H. M. (October 1935). "Review". The English Historical Review. 50 (200): 709–710. doi: 10.1093/ehr/ JSTOR  553502.
  10. ^ Keith, A. Barriedale (1937). "Review". The University of Toronto Law Journal. 2 (1): 161–162. doi: 10.2307/824786. JSTOR  824786.
  11. ^ Stettenheim, Peter (January 1953). "Review". The Auk. 70 (1): 100. doi: 10.2307/4081077. JSTOR  4081077.
  12. ^ Parkes, James (January 1947). "Review". International Affairs. 23 (1): 102–103. doi: 10.2307/3017792. JSTOR  3017792.
  13. ^ a b Fleure, H. J. (January 1952). "Review". Geographical Review. 42 (1): 163–164. doi: 10.2307/211269. JSTOR  211269.
  14. ^ J. E. N., J. E. (October 1950). "Review". The English Historical Review. 65 (257). Oxford University Press: 546. JSTOR  556256.
  15. ^ Wheeler, Harvey (February 1951). "Review". The Journal of Politics. 13 (1): 112–114. doi: 10.2307/2126130. JSTOR  2126130.
  16. ^ Kidson, C. (December 1962). "Review". The Geographical Journal. 128 (4): 511–512. doi: 10.2307/1792052. JSTOR  1792052.
  17. ^ Decoste, David (July 2001). "Review". The Modern Law Review. 64 (4). Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Modern Law Review: 644–646. JSTOR  1097065.
  18. ^ Bloxham, Donald (February 2002). "Review". The English Historical Review. 117 (470): 226–227. doi: 10.1093/ehr/117.470.226-a. JSTOR  579414.
  19. ^ Price, L. L. (March 1911). "Review". The Economic Journal. 21 (81): 73–77. doi: 10.2307/2222071. JSTOR  2222071.
  20. ^ Prest, J. M. (April 1992). "Review". The English Historical Review. 107 (423): 500. doi: 10.1093/ehr/cvii.423.500-a. JSTOR  575179.
  21. ^ Watson, W. (December 1912). "Review: List of British Lichens". New Phytologist. 11 (10): 414–416. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1912.tb05610.x. JSTOR  2427400.
  22. ^ Morriss, Roger (January 1990). "Review". The English Historical Review. 105 (414): 151. doi: 10.1093/ehr/cv.ccccxiv.151. JSTOR  570496.
  23. ^ Runyan, Timothy J. (February 1990). "Review". The American Historical Review. 95 (1): 173–174. doi: 10.2307/2163024. JSTOR  2163024.
  24. ^ Young, Bruce (July 1984). "Review". The Geographical Journal. 150 (2): 250–251. doi: 10.2307/635005. JSTOR  635005.
  25. ^ Inglis, B. D. (Autumn 1957). "Review". The American Journal of Comparative Law. 6 (4): 602–605. doi: 10.2307/838177. JSTOR  838177.
  26. ^ H. J. F., H. J. (October 1929). "Review: 137". Man. 29: 178. JSTOR  2789651.
  27. ^ H. J. F., H. J. (December 1929). "Review". The Geographical Journal. 74 (6). Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): 589. JSTOR  1785170.
  28. ^ Moore, Bob (November 1994). "Review". The English Historical Review. 109 (434): 1341. doi: 10.1093/ehr/cix.434.1341-a. JSTOR  574004.
  29. ^ Cam, H. M. (October 1939). "Review". The English Historical Review. 54 (216). Oxford University Press: 703–704. doi: 10.1093/ehr/LIV.CCXVI.703. JSTOR  554709.
  30. ^ Strayer, Joseph R. (April 1938). "Review". The American Historical Review. 43 (3): 593–594. doi: 10.2307/1865631. JSTOR  1865631.
  31. ^ Ashby, William J. (April 1996). "Review". The French Review. 69 (5). American Association of Teachers of French: 841. JSTOR  397181.
  32. ^ Tansley, A. G. (December 1920). "Review". Journal of Ecology. 8 (3): 244. doi: 10.2307/2255626. JSTOR  2255626.
  33. ^ Burne, Cahrlotte S. (25 March 1904). "Review". Folklore. 15 (1). Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Folklore Enterprises, Ltd.: 119–123. JSTOR  1254571.
  34. ^ R. H. G., R. H. (April 1956). "Review". The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 5 (2): 335–336. doi: 10.1093/iclqaj/5.2.335. JSTOR  755858.
  35. ^ Parry, V. T. H. (1978). "Review". Kew Bulletin. 32 (4): 474–475. doi: 10.2307/4109784. JSTOR  109784.
  36. ^ Thacker, Christopher (Spring 1978). "Review". Garden History. 6 (1): 17. doi: 10.2307/1586552. JSTOR  1586552.
  37. ^ Bowden, Jean K. (1985). "Review". Kew Bulletin. 40 (3): 666. doi: 10.2307/4109636. JSTOR  4109636.
  38. ^ Browne, Janet; John Hendry (March 1984). "Review". The British Journal for the History of Science. 17 (1): 122. doi: 10.1017/s0007087400020781. JSTOR  4026065. S2CID  144832795.
  39. ^ Frost, L. C. (November 1975). "Review". New Phytologist. 75 (3): 660–661. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1975.tb01430.x. JSTOR  2431624.
  40. ^ Brown, R. M.; Hogarth, D. G. (1912). "Review" (PDF). Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. 44 (2): 139. doi: 10.2307/200243. JSTOR  200242.
  41. ^ Hazlett, Ian (Summer 1998). "Review". The Sixteenth Century Journal. 29 (2): 516–517. doi: 10.2307/2544534. JSTOR  2544534.
  42. ^ Davies, C. S. L. (February 1999). "Review". The English Historical Review. 114 (455): 175–176. doi: 10.1093/ehr/114.455.175. JSTOR  579963.
  43. ^ Palmer, William (Summer 1998). "Review". Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies. 30 (2): 280–281. doi: 10.2307/4053542. JSTOR  4053542.
  44. ^ Pinson, Matthew (March 1999). "Review". Church History. 68 (1): 182–183. doi: 10.2307/3170148. JSTOR  3170148. S2CID  161527060.
  45. ^ Schusterman, Ronald J. (5 July 2002). "Review: Mammals of the Sea in Science and Culture". Science. New. 297 (5578): 58–59. doi: 10.1126/science.1071503. JSTOR  3077211. S2CID  140149796.
  46. ^ Schmid, Rudolf (November 2003). "Review". Taxon. 52 (4): 884–885. doi: 10.2307/3647375. JSTOR  3647378.
  47. ^ Bernstein, Cynthia; Ramisch, Heinrich (Winter 1991). "Review: The Island That Conquered England, Eh?". American Speech. 66 (4): 437–441. doi: 10.2307/455692. JSTOR  455692.
  48. ^ RH, R. H. (February 1982). "Review". Military Affairs. 46 (1): 51. doi: 10.2307/1988191. JSTOR  1988191.
  49. ^ Townsend, C. C. (1978). "Review". Kew Bulletin. 33 (2): 381–382. doi: 10.2307/4109592. JSTOR  4109592.
  50. ^ Thomas, T. C. (November 1957). "Review". The Cambridge Law Journal. 15 (2): 245–248. doi: 10.1017/S0008197300082143. JSTOR  4504470. S2CID  153136850.
  51. ^ Walker, David M. (November 1956). "Review". The Modern Law Review. 19 (6). Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Modern Law Review: 710–712. JSTOR  1091150.
  52. ^ Johnston, H. H.; Sinel, Joseph (June 1915). "Review: Early Man in the Channel Islands". The Geographical Journal. 45 (6): 530–531. doi: 10.2307/1780157. JSTOR  1780157.
  53. ^ Grierson, John (March 1967). "Review". The Geographical Journal. 133 (1): 71. doi: 10.2307/1794381. JSTOR  1794381.
  54. ^ E. A. P., E. A. (December 1928). "Review". The Geographical Journal. 72 (6). Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): 567. JSTOR  1783454.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of books in the English language which deal with Guernsey and its geography, history, inhabitants, culture, biota, etc.

  • Allisette R. - Islanders Kitbags
  • Alvarez J.E. - German Occupation of the Channel Islands
  • Anderson, O. D. – Analysing Time Series: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Guernsey, Channel Islands, in October 1979. [1]
  • Ansted, David Thomas and Robert Gordon Latham – The Channel Islands. [2]
  • A Bibliographical Guide to the Law of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. [3] [4]
  • Antill J.K. - A bibliography of the German Occupation of the CHannel Islands
  • Bachmann K.M. - The Prey of an Eagle
  • Backhurst M-L. - Tracing your Channel Island Ancestors
  • Barbet S. - Barbets guide to the Island of Guernsey
  • Bell W. - Guernsey Occupied but never Conquered, ISBN  978-0952047933
  • Bell W.M. - I beg to report, ISBN  978-0952047919
  • Bell W.M. The Commando who came to stay
  • Bell W.M. - Guernsey Green, ISBN  9780952047902
  • Berry W. - The history of the Island of Guernsey
  • Best M. - A family business
  • Bichard J & McClintock — Wild flowers of the Channel Islands
  • Bicknell E.E. - The little guides — the Channel Islands
  • Bihet M — A Child's War
  • Bihet M. - Reflections of Guernsey
  • Bihet M. - A time for memories: The Dame of Sark and Islanders lives remembered
  • Billing J — The hidden places of the Channel Islands
  • Binding T. - Island madness
  • Binding T. - Lying with the enemy, ISBN  978-0786706570
  • Black C.B. - Blacks guide to the Channel Islands
  • Blampied G. - Mayday Mayday a history of the Guernsey lifeboat station, ISBN  978-0902550100
  • Blicq R. - Au revoir, Sarnia Cherie, ISBN  978-0968698907
  • Bonnard B. - Alderney at War, ISBN  978-0750903431
  • Bonnard B. - Wrecked around Alderney, the Stories of Retired Alderney Pilot, Jack Quinain, ISBN  978-0952070702
  • Bonnard B & J — A natural history of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm
  • Bonser N.R.P — The Guernsey Railway, ISBN  978-0853613299
  • Bonser N.R.P. The Guernsey Railway the German occupation lines
  • Brett C.E.B. - National Trust of Guernsey. Buildings in the Town and Parish of St Peter Port
  • Briggs A. - The Channel Islands Occupation and Liberation, ISBN  978-0713478228
  • Brock C. - Clear shining after the rain — a Guernsey story
  • Broomhead R. - Jersey and Guernsey
  • Bunting M — The model occupation
  • Campbell, Alfred S. – Golden Guernsey. [5]
  • Carey E. — The Channel Islands
  • Carey William W., Edith F. Carey & Spencer C. Carey — The history of the Carey's of Guernsey (1938)
  • Carmen W.J. - Channel Island Transport a history of public transportin Alderney, Guernsey and Jersey by road and rail from 1788 to 1987
  • Chaney, Edward — Genius Friend: G.B. Edwards and The Book of Ebenezer Le Page (Blue Ormer, 2015) ISBN  978-0992879105
  • Channel Islands Occupation Society — Occupation Review — annual publication
  • Clarke L. — Tourist's guide to the Channel Islands
  • Clarke L. — Sark Discovered
  • Closs A. — Tastes of the Channel Islands
  • Cochrane J. — Life on Sark: Through the year
  • Cohen F. - The Jews in the Channel Islands During the German Occupation 1940-1945
  • Collenette V. - Elizabeth College in Exile 1940-45
  • Compton R. - The Complete Book of Traditional Guernsey and Jersey Knitting
  • Cook C. - The Guilberts of Hauteville
  • Coombe, Simon - John Wilson, Guernsey's Architect: A Celebration (Blue Ormer, 2018) ISBN  978-0992879181
  • Cooper B. - The Battle of the Torpedo Boats, ISBN  978-0330232432
  • Cortviend V.V. - Isolated Island — A historical and personal reminiscence of the German occupation of the Island of Guernsey June 1940 - May 1945
  • Cox, Gregory Stevens - St Peter Port 1680-1830: The History of an International Entrepot (Boydell & Brewer, 1999) ISBN  978-0851157580
  • Cox, Gregory Stevens - Guernsey Merchants and their World (Toucan Press, 2009) ISBN  978-0856946035
  • Cox, Gregory Stevens - Victor Hugo's St Peter Port (Blue Ormer, 2018) ISBN  978-0992879174
  • Coysh V. - Swastika over Guernsey
  • Coysh V. - Guernsey
  • Coysh V. - Alderney
  • Coysh V. - The Channel Islands — a new study
  • Coysh V. - Call of the Island — Guernsey Remembered
  • Coysh V. - Channel Islets
  • Coysh V. - The Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Jubilee Years, 1952-1977
  • Coysh V. - Royal Guernsey — a history of the Royal Guernsey Militia
  • Coysh V. - Old Guernsey in Pictures including Alderney, Sark, Herm and Jethou
  • Coysh V. - Sark — the last stronghold of feudalism
  • Coysh V. - Visitor's Guide, Guernsey, Alderney & Sark
  • Coysh V. & Toms C. - Bygone Guernsey, ISBN  978-0850336429
  • Coysh V. & Toms C. - Guernsey Through the Lens: Including Alderney, Sark, Herm and Jethou (1979) ISBN  9780850333114
  • Coysh V. & Toms C. - Guernsey — through the lens again
  • Cruickshank, Charles – The German Occupation of the Channel Islands. [6] [7]
  • Curtis – An account of the discovery of a cist or Dolmen of a type novel to Guernsey
  • Dafter Rayde – GUERNSEY SENTINEL, The Remarkable Les Hanois Lighthouse (2003)
  • de Garis, Marie – Folklore of Guernsey. [8]
  • de Guerin Basil C. – The Norman Isles (1952)
  • de Sausmarex, Haviland – The Extentes of Guernsey, 1248 to 1331, and Other Documents Relating to Ancient Usages and Customs in That Island. [9] [10]
  • de Sausmarex, Haviland  – Guernsey & The Imperial Contribution (Royal Court 1930)
  • Dobson, Roderick – The Birds of the Channel Islands. [11]
  • Durand, Ralph;– Guernsey under German Rule. ( Guernsey Society, 1946), 2nd ed. (Guernsey Society, 2018) [12]
  • Dury, G. – The Channel Islands. [13]
  • Eagleston, A. J. – The Channel Islands under Tudor Government, 1485-1642: A Study in Administrative History. ( Cambridge University Press for the Guernsey Society, 1949) [14] [15]
  • Falla, Frank - The Silent War, 4th ed. (Blue Ormer, 2018) ISBN  978-1999891312
  • Fleure, H. J. – British Landscape Through Maps. 3: Guernsey. [16]
  • Foster, Stephen - Zoffany's Daughter: Love and treachery on a small island (Blue Ormer, 2017) ISBN  978-0992879143
  • Forty, George - Channel Islands at War
  • Forty, George - German Occupation of the Channel Islands
  • Fraser, David – The Jews of the Channel Islands and the Rule of Law, 1940-1945: 'Quite contrary to the Principles of British Justice'. [17] [18]
  • Frossard, Cannon E.L. - The German Occupation of Guernsey
  • Gallienne, Osmond - My Life in Guernsey
  • Gavey, Ernie - German fortifications in Guernsey
  • Ginns, Michael - German tunnels in the Channel Islands
  • Girard, Peter - Peter Girard's Guernsey
  • Girard, Peter - More of Peter Girard's Guernsey
  • Goudge, Elizabeth - Island Magic
  • Goudge, Elizabeth - Green Dolphin Country
  • Guernsey Museums & Galleries - Maritime Guernsey (1992) ISBN  9781871560459
  • Guernsey Museums & Galleries - The Greatest Treasure Philip Saumarez and the Voyage of the Centurion (1994) ISBN  1871560861
  • Guernsey Society, members of "The Guernsey Farmhouse" ( De La Rue for the Guernsey Society, 1963)
  • Guillemette, Louis - The People's Messenger: the Occupation Diaries of Louis Guillemette, Guernsey 1940-45 (Blue Ormer, 2022) ISBN  9781999341565
  • Gurney, David - "Postal History of the Guernsey Sub-Post Offices"
  • Harris, J. Theodore and Sidney Webb – An Example of Communal Currency: the Facts about the Guernsey Market House. [19]
  • Hocart, Richard – An Island Assembly: The Development of the States of Guernsey, 1700-1949. [20]
  • Horwood, A. R. – A Hand-list of the Lichens of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. [21]
  • Hugo, George W.J.L. - Guernsey As It Used To Be: A Tour of the Town in Victorian Times (Blue Ormer, 2017) ISBN  978-0-992879129
  • Jamieson, A. G. – A People of the Sea: The Maritime History of the Channel Islands. [22] [23]
  • Jee, Nigel – The Landscape of the Channel Islands. [24]
  • Johnston, Peter, A Short History of Guernsey, 6th ed. ( Guernsey Society, 2014).
  • Jorgensen-Earp, Cheryl R. – Discourse and Defiance Under Nazi Occupation: Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1940-1945 (2013) ISBN  9781611860825
  • Keeton, G. W., Dennis Lloyd, and George W. Keeton – The British Commonwealth: The Development of Its Laws and Constitutions, Volume 1: The United Kingdom, Part 2: Scotland and the Channgel Islands. [25]
  • Kendrick, T. D. – The Archaeology of the Channel Islands. In 2 Vols. Vol. 1. The Bailiwick of Guernsey. [26] [27]
  • King, Peter – The Channel Islands War, 1940-1945. [28]
  • Le Huray C.P. – The Bailiwick of Guernsey (1974) ISBN  9780340009598
  • Le Patourel, J. H. – The Medieval Administration of the Channel Islands, 1199-1399. [29] [30]
  • Lempriere Raoul – Portrait of the Channel Islands (1970)
  • Lempriere Raoul – Customs, Ceremonies & Traditions of the Channel Islands (1976)
  • Liddicoat, Anthony – A Grammar of the Norman French of the Channel Islands: The Dialects of Jersey and Sark. [31]
  • Lockley, R. M. – The Charm of the Channel Islands. [13]
  • Lyle, Lillian – The Marine Algae of Guernsey. [32]
  • MacCulloch, Edgar and Edith F. Carey – Guernsey Folk Lore. [33]
  • Mahy, Miriam M. – There Is an Occupation (1992) ISBN  9780951976708
  • Marr L. James – History of the Bailiwick of Guernsey (1982) ISBN  9780850334593
  • Marr L. James – More People in Guernsey's Story (1991)
  • Martin, Patrick – Wrecked: Guernsey Shipwreck (2015) ISBN  1871560152
  • Maxwell, W. Harold and Leslie F. Maxwell – A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Volume 1: English Law to 1800, including Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. [34]
  • McClintock, D. – The Life of Joshua Gosselin of Guernsey. [35] [36]
  • McClintock, David – Guernsey's Earliest Flora: Flora Samiensis by Joshua Gosselin. [37] [38]
  • McClintock, David – The Wild Flowers of Guernsey. [39]
  • McLaughlin, Roy;- The Sea was their Fortune 1997 ISBN  0948578866
  • Morris, Joseph E. – Beautiful Britain: The Channel Islands. [40]
  • Ogier, Darryl M. – Reformation and Society in Guernsey. (1997) ISBN  9780851156033 [41] [42] [43] [44]
  • Perrin, William F., Bernd Würsig & J. G. M. Thewissen – Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. [45]
  • Peterson, C. D., D. A. Pearlman, T. D. Dines, H. R. Arnold, and Jane M. Croft – New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora: An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. [46]
  • Ramisch, Heinrich – Variation of English in Guernsey/Channel Islands. [47]
  • Ramsey, Winston G. – The War in the Channel Islands: Then and Now. [48]
  • Richard, John D. and David McClintock – Wild Flowers of the Channel Islands. [49]
  • Roussel Leslie E. – Evacuation (1980) ISBN  9780861164417
  • Rule, Margaret & Jason Monaghan – (1993) ISBN  1871560039
  • Sauvary J.C. – Diary of the German occupation of Guernsey 1940-1945 (1990) ISBN  9781854210913
  • Sharp Frederick – The Church Bells of Guernsey Alderney & Sark. (1964)
  • Sheridan, L. A. – The United Kingdom: The Development of Its Laws and Constitution: The Channel Islands. [50] [51]
  • Sinel, Joseph – Prehistoric Times and Men of the Channel Islands. [52]
  • Thornton, Tim – The Channel Islands, 1370-1640: Between England and Normandy (2012) ISBN  9781843837114
  • Toms, Carol – Guernsey: Pictures from the Past (1991) ISBN  9780850337839
  • Toms, Carol – Guernsey's Forgotten Past (1992) ISBN  9780850338508
  • Uttley, John – The Story of the Channel Islands. [53]
  • Vaudin, Mike – 100 YEARS of the Fruit. A celebration of 100 years of the Blue Diamond Group
  • Warren, J. P. – Our Own Island: A Descriptive Account of Guernsey. [54]


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  52. ^ Johnston, H. H.; Sinel, Joseph (June 1915). "Review: Early Man in the Channel Islands". The Geographical Journal. 45 (6): 530–531. doi: 10.2307/1780157. JSTOR  1780157.
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