Welcome to the request an account page | ||
To prevent the automated creation of Wikipedia accounts using bots or scripts, Wikipedia uses an image verification method (called a CAPTCHA) to assure that new accounts are being created by a real person. To further combat account creation abuse, Wikipedia also prevents the creation of new accounts with usernames that are too similar to other existing Wikipedia accounts.
If you have attempted to create an account but are having trouble with the CAPTCHA image verification step (perhaps because you are using a screen reader or a browser that does not support images), or if you have chosen a username that is too similar to an existing username, you can request an account be created for you.
Your username must represent you as an individual personUsernames are not allowed on Wikipedia if they:
- only contain the names of companies, organizations, websites, musical groups or bands, teams, clubs, creative groups, or organized events
- only describe a particular role, title, position, department, or a group or team of people within a parent organization or group that can be represented or held by multiple people or by different people
- are promotional in nature, or appear intended to advertise, promote, sell, gain support, or increase the attention or user-base audience of any person, company, market, product, channel, website, or other good or service
- imply that your user account will be shared between more than one person
Your username must be truthful, appropriate, and not foster a negative editing environmentUsernames are not allowed on Wikipedia and will be immediately blocked upon discovery if they:
- are offensive, profane, violent, threatening, sexually explicit, or disruptive, or that advocate or encourage any such behavior (including criminal or illegal acts)
- contain statements that are libelous, contentious, or disparaging, or that disclose any private or non-public information about somebody else (either another editor, or a notable living person)
- are deliberately deceptive, confusing, misleading, unnecessarily long, similar to the username of other accounts, or attempt to impersonate or falsely represent somebody else (another editor, a notable living person, an "official" Wikimedia Foundation account, etc.) in bad faith
- imply that the account has explicit ownership of any articles, content, or topic areas, or any kind of "power" or "authority" over other editors, a different application of Wikipedia's policies and guidelines (such as implying that certain policies do not apply to them), or that the account has any administrative or "moderator" access levels or user rights
- imply the intent to troll, vandalize, disrupt, advertise, or spam Wikipedia
- imply the intent to personally attack, harass, or threaten other Wikipedia users
- imply that you are not here to build an encyclopedia or will use Wikipedia for purposes that it was not created for
To request an account using the 'Request an Account' process, please read and follow all of the instructions below:
We hope to process an account request the same day of its submission. However, it is not uncommon for requests to take 2-3 days depending on the work load and volume of requests currently pending review. In rare cases (such as server downtime or the sudden submission of an extremely high amount of legitimate account requests), requests may take longer. Please be patient; your request will be processed as soon as possible.
Before submitting a new request or inquiring about the progress of your current request:
Welcome to the request an account page | ||
To prevent the automated creation of Wikipedia accounts using bots or scripts, Wikipedia uses an image verification method (called a CAPTCHA) to assure that new accounts are being created by a real person. To further combat account creation abuse, Wikipedia also prevents the creation of new accounts with usernames that are too similar to other existing Wikipedia accounts.
If you have attempted to create an account but are having trouble with the CAPTCHA image verification step (perhaps because you are using a screen reader or a browser that does not support images), or if you have chosen a username that is too similar to an existing username, you can request an account be created for you.
Your username must represent you as an individual personUsernames are not allowed on Wikipedia if they:
- only contain the names of companies, organizations, websites, musical groups or bands, teams, clubs, creative groups, or organized events
- only describe a particular role, title, position, department, or a group or team of people within a parent organization or group that can be represented or held by multiple people or by different people
- are promotional in nature, or appear intended to advertise, promote, sell, gain support, or increase the attention or user-base audience of any person, company, market, product, channel, website, or other good or service
- imply that your user account will be shared between more than one person
Your username must be truthful, appropriate, and not foster a negative editing environmentUsernames are not allowed on Wikipedia and will be immediately blocked upon discovery if they:
- are offensive, profane, violent, threatening, sexually explicit, or disruptive, or that advocate or encourage any such behavior (including criminal or illegal acts)
- contain statements that are libelous, contentious, or disparaging, or that disclose any private or non-public information about somebody else (either another editor, or a notable living person)
- are deliberately deceptive, confusing, misleading, unnecessarily long, similar to the username of other accounts, or attempt to impersonate or falsely represent somebody else (another editor, a notable living person, an "official" Wikimedia Foundation account, etc.) in bad faith
- imply that the account has explicit ownership of any articles, content, or topic areas, or any kind of "power" or "authority" over other editors, a different application of Wikipedia's policies and guidelines (such as implying that certain policies do not apply to them), or that the account has any administrative or "moderator" access levels or user rights
- imply the intent to troll, vandalize, disrupt, advertise, or spam Wikipedia
- imply the intent to personally attack, harass, or threaten other Wikipedia users
- imply that you are not here to build an encyclopedia or will use Wikipedia for purposes that it was not created for
To request an account using the 'Request an Account' process, please read and follow all of the instructions below:
We hope to process an account request the same day of its submission. However, it is not uncommon for requests to take 2-3 days depending on the work load and volume of requests currently pending review. In rare cases (such as server downtime or the sudden submission of an extremely high amount of legitimate account requests), requests may take longer. Please be patient; your request will be processed as soon as possible.
Before submitting a new request or inquiring about the progress of your current request: