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Python Code

This code may be used under either the license CC-BY-SA 3.0 or the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.


import re,urllib2,os,pickle,datetime,sys


    cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),".patent_lib_cache")
    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
    term_extension_file = os.path.join(cache_dir,"term_extension")
    if os.path.exists(term_extension_file):
        term_extension_dict = pickle.load(open(term_extension_file,"r"))
        term_extension_dict = {}

def get_patent_info(patent):
    patent_lines = download_patent_data(patent)
    return parse_patent_lines(patent,patent_lines)

def download_patent_data(patent):
    patent = get_canonical_name(patent)
        if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
        patent_file = os.path.join(cache_dir,"us"+patent)
        if os.path.exists(patent_file):
            patent_lines = open(patent_file).readlines()
            return patent_lines        
    first = urllib2.urlopen(""+patent)
    first_lines = first.readlines()
    refresh_line = line for line in first_lines if "REFRESH" in line][0
    refresh_url = ""+re.match('.*?URL=(.*?)">',refresh_line).group(1)
    #print refresh_url
    patent_connection = urllib2.urlopen(refresh_url)
    patent_lines = patent_connection.readlines()
    return patent_lines
def parse_patent_lines(patent,patent_lines):
    patent = get_canonical_name(patent)
    ret_dict = {}
    #print patent_lines
    grant_index = patent_lines.index('<TD ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="50%"> <B>\n')+1
    grant_date = patent_linesgrant_index.strip()
    file_index = patent_lines.index('  <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="10%">Filed:\n')+2
    file_line = patent_linesfile_index
    file_date = re.match(".*?<B>(.*?)</B>",file_line).group(1)
    summary_index = grant_index+5
    summary_end_index = patent_lines.index('</font><BR>\n',summary_index)
    summary = patent_linessummary_index][16:].strip()
    for i in range(summary_index+1,summary_end_index):
	summary += " "+patent_linesi.strip()
    related_patents_header = '<HR> <CENTER><B>Related U.S. Patent Documents</B></CENTER> <HR> <TABLE WIDTH="100%"> <TR><TD WIDTH="7%"></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR> <TR><TD align="left">\n'
    patent_case_header = "<CENTER><b><i>Parent Case Text</i></b></CENTER>\n"
    if patent_case_header in patent_lines:
        patent_case_index = patent_lines.index(patent_case_header)
        patent_case_end = patent_lines.index("<HR>\n",patent_case_index+2)
        patent_case_text = (" ".join([x.lstrip() for x in patent_linespatent_case_index+2:patent_case_end]])).replace("<BR><BR>","")
        ret_dict"patent_case_text" = patent_case_text
    if related_patents_header in patent_lines:
        related_index = patent_lines.index(related_patents_header)
        related_list = re.split("</TR><TR>",patent_linesrelated_index+1])[1:-1
        related_parsed = [[re.match("<TD.*>(.*)",x).group(1) for x in re.split("</TD>",y)[1:5]] for y in related_list
        related_info = [{"application_number":x0],"filing_date": find_related_exact_date(ret_dict,x1]),"patent_number":x2],"issue_date":x3]} for x in related_parsed
        related_info = keep_non_empty(x) for x in related_info
        ret_dict"related_info" = related_info
    pct_file_header = '  <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="10%">PCT Filed:\n'
    if pct_file_header in patent_lines:
        pct_file_index = patent_lines.index(pct_file_header)
        pct_date = patent_linespct_file_index+2.strip()
        ret_dict"pct_file_date" = pct_date
    terminal_disclaimer_header = '</TR>  <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="10%" NOWRAP><B>[*]</B> Notice: </TD>\n'
    if terminal_disclaimer_header in patent_lines:
        terminal_disclaimer_index = patent_lines.index(terminal_disclaimer_header)
        terminal_disclaimer_date = " ".join(patent_linesterminal_disclaimer_index+1.split()[-3:])
        ret_dict"terminal_disclaimer_date" = terminal_disclaimer_date
    if patent.lower().startswith("re"):
        reissue_index = -1
        for i in xrange(len(patent_lines)):
            if "Reissue of:" in patent_linesi]:
                reissue_index = i
        if reissue_index > 0:
            reissue_line = patent_linesreissue_index
            reissue_tail = re.match(".*?Reissue of:(.*)",reissue_line).group(1)
            reissue_parts = reissue_tail.replace("<TD align=center>","").split("</TD>")
            orig_file_date,orig_patent,orig_grant_date = reissue_parts2:5
	    return ret_dict
	    #print patent,file_date,grant_date,orig_patent,orig_file_date,orig_grant_date,"--",repr(summary)
	return ret_dict
	#print patent,file_date,grant_date,"--",repr(summary)

month_names = '', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
mon_names = name[:3.lower() for name in month_names

def get_numeric_date(date):
    #Could be two formats: "December 9, 1994" or "Mar., 1993"
    list = date.split()
    month = list0][:3.lower()
    year = int(list-1])
    if len(list) == 3:
        day = int(list1.strip(",")) 
        day = 32
    month = mon_names.index(month)
    return year,month,day

#20 year term start date is first of related file date, pct file date or file date.
# If filed  or pct filed before June 8, 1995, 17 years from grant date or 20 years from 20 year term start
#After June 8, 1995, 20 years from first file date.
#If a reissued patent, Use original patent date, not final date.
#If it has a terminal disclaimer, use that instead of calculated date.  
#XXX: Note that this does not handle the possibility that the patent office 
# might have delayed granting the application and it could be extended because of that.
#XXX: Note that if maintenance fees are not paid, the patent might expire early
def get_patent_expiration(patent_info):
    reason = ""
    if patent_info.has_key("orig_patent"):
	filed = patent_info"orig_file_date"
	granted = patent_info"orig_grant_date"
	filed = patent_info"file_date"
	granted = patent_info"grant_date"
    file_date = get_numeric_date(filed)
    grant_date = get_numeric_date(granted)
    file_plus = file_date[:]
    file_plus0 += 20
    reason += "file+20: "+str(file_plus)    
    if "related_info" in patent_info and len(patent_info"related_info"]) > 0:
        related_file = sorted([get_numeric_date(x"filing_date"]) 
                               for x in patent_info"related_info" if "filing_date" in x])
        if len(related_file) > 0:
            related_file_plus = related_file0
            related_file_plus0 += 20
            file_plus = min(related_file_plus,file_plus)
            reason += " related_patent+20:"+str(related_file_plus)
    if "pct_file_date" in patent_info:
        pct_file_date = get_numeric_date(patent_info"pct_file_date"])
        pct_file_plus = pct_file_date[:]
        pct_file_plus0 += 20
        file_plus = min(file_plus,pct_file_plus)
        reason += " pct_file+20:"+str(pct_file_plus)
    if "override_reason" in patent_info:
        reason += " Override: "+patent_info"override_reason"
    if file_date < 1995,6,8 or ("pct_file_date" in patent_info and pct_file_date < 1995,6,8]):
        grant_plus = grant_date
        grant_plus0 += 17
        reason += " grant+17:"+str(grant_plus)
        max_date = max(file_plus,grant_plus)
        max_date,reason = adjust_expiration_date(patent_info,max_date,reason)
        return max_date,reason
        file_plus,reason = adjust_expiration_date(patent_info,file_plus,reason)
	return file_plus,reason

def adjust_expiration_date(patent,date,reason):
    """Adjusts date based on terminal disclaimers and term extensions"""
    if "terminal_disclaimer_date" in patent:
        new_date = get_numeric_date(patent"terminal_disclaimer_date"])
        reason += " terminal disclaimer date "+patent"terminal_disclaimer_date"
        return new_date,reason
    if "term_extension" in patent:
        term_extension = patent"term_extension"
        if term_extension >= 0:
            reason += " term extension "+str(term_extension)+" days "
        if term_extension > 0:
            delta = datetime.timedelta(term_extension)
            if date2 == 32:
                #If exact date is unknown, it is set to 32
                date = date0],date1],1
            date_o =],date1],date2])
            date_adjusted = date_o + delta
            new_date = date_adjusted.year,date_adjusted.month,
            return new_date,reason
    return date,reason

def find_related_exact_date(patent,date):
    if len(date) < 4:
        #Bad date, filtered out elsewhere
        return date
    numeric_date = get_numeric_date(date)
    if "patent_case_text" in patent:
        month = mon_namesnumeric_date1]]
        year = str(numeric_date0])
        case_text = patent"patent_case_text"
        dates = re.findall(month+".?\s+(\d{1,2}),\s+"+year,case_text.lower())+\
        if len(dates) == 1:
            #"December 9, 1994"
            month = month_namesnumeric_date1]]
            new_day = dates0
            return month+" "+new_day+", "+year
    return date

def get_first_date(patent_info):
    """ Calculates the first relevent date for patent prior art"""
    if patent_info.has_key("orig_patent"):
	filed = patent_info"orig_file_date"
	filed = patent_info"file_date"
    file_date = get_numeric_date(filed)
    first_date = file_date
    if "related_info" in patent_info and len(patent_info"related_info"]) > 0:
        related_file = sorted([get_numeric_date(x"filing_date"]) 
                               for x in patent_info"related_info" if "filing_date" in x])
        if len(related_file) > 0:
            related_file = related_file0
            first_date = min(related_file,first_date)
    if "pct_file_date" in patent_info:
        pct_file_date = get_numeric_date(patent_info"pct_file_date"])
        first_date = min(pct_file_date,first_date)
    return first_date

def get_canonical_name(patent):
    if patent.startswith("0"):
        patent = patent1:]
    patent = patent.replace(",","")
    return patent

def keep_non_empty(dic):
    new_dict = {}
    for key in dic:
        if dickey and dickey != '':
            new_dictkey = dickey
    return new_dict

def get_patent_term_extension(patent):
    patent = get_canonical_name(patent)
        if patent in term_extension_dict:
            return term_extension_dictpatent
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Patent Reader')]
    #print >> sys.stderr,"Opening "+""+patent
    google_search =""+patent)
    search_data =
    patent_url ="<a href=\"(\?id=.*?)\">",search_data).group(1)
    google_id ="id=(.*?)&",patent_url).group(1)
    #print >> sys.stderr,"Opening "+""+google_id+"&output=text&pg=PA1"
    patent_text_file =""+google_id+"&output=text&pg=PA1")
    patent_text =
    patent_search ="35 U.S.C. 154\(b\) by ([0-9]*) days.",patent_text)
    if patent_search:
        days = int(
        days = -1
        term_extension_dictpatent = days
        out_file = open(term_extension_file,"w")
    return days


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
        term_extension = patent_lib.get_patent_term_extension(patent"patent"])
        if term_extension >= 0:
            patent"term_extension" = term_extension
            #print "Adding",patent["patent"],term_extension
            #print "Not adding",patent["patent"],term_extension
	print "**",patent
	print line,


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = line5:].strip().replace(" ","").upper()
	#print patent,
	print "**",patent_lib.get_patent_info(patent)
	print line,

#print get_patent_info("4,864,393")
#print get_patent_info("RE39,080")


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
	#print patent,
	if patent.has_key("orig_patent"):
	    orig_patent = patent_lib.get_patent_info(patent"orig_patent"])
	    patent"orig_grant_date" = orig_patent"grant_date"
	    patent"orig_file_date" = orig_patent"file_date"
            patent"related_info" = patent.get("related_info",[])+orig_patent.get("related_info",[])
            if "pct_file_date" in orig_patent:
                patent"pct_file_date" = orig_patent"pct_file_date"
	print "**",patent
	print line,

#print get_patent_info("4,864,393")
#print get_patent_info("RE39,080")


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()

company = "???"
for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
	patent"company" = company
	#print patent,
	print "**",patent
    elif line.startswith("*"):
	company = lineline.index("[[")+2:line.index("]]")]
	print line,
	print line,


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    override_lines = open(sys.argv2]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
    override_lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()

override_dict = {}
for line in override_lines:
    if len(line.strip()) == 0 or line.startswith("#"):
        pass #skip
        patent = line.split()[0
        override = eval(linelen(patent):])
        override_dictpatent = override

#print override_dict

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
        patent_number = patent"patent"
        if patent_number in override_dict:
            sub_dict = override_dictpatent_number
            overridden = {}
            for key in sub_dict.keys():
                if key in patent:
                    overriddenkey = patentkey                    
                patentkey = sub_dictkey
            if len(overridden) > 0:
                patent"before_override" = overridden
	print "**",patent
	print line,


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

def to_wiki_date_s(string):
    return to_wiki_date(patent_lib.get_numeric_date(string))

def to_wiki_date(list):
    year,month,day = list
    return "%02d %s %d" % (day,patent_lib.mon_namesmonth],year)

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

print """{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Patent!!Filed!!Granted!!First File!!Expiration!!Summary!!Notes!!Company"""

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
        expire_date,reason = patent_lib.get_patent_expiration(patent)
	expiration = to_wiki_date(expire_date)
	if patent.has_key("orig_patent"):
	    filed = to_wiki_date_s(patent"orig_file_date"])
	    granted = to_wiki_date_s(patent"orig_grant_date"])
	    notes = "Reissue of "+patent"orig_patent"+" filed "+to_wiki_date_s(patent"file_date"])+" granted "+to_wiki_date_s(patent"grant_date"])
	    filed = to_wiki_date_s(patent"file_date"])
	    granted = to_wiki_date_s(patent"grant_date"])
	    notes = ""
        first_date = to_wiki_date(patent_lib.get_first_date(patent))
	notes += " ["+patent"patent"+"]"+" "+reason
        if "patent_case_text" in patent:
            notes += " Case Text: "+patent"patent_case_text".replace("\n","")
	print '|-'
	print '|',patent"patent"],"||",filed,"||",granted,"||",first_date,"||",expiration,"||",patent"summary"],"||",notes,"||","[["+patent.get("company","Unknown")+"]]"
	#print patent,
	#if patent.has_key("orig_patent"):

print '|-\n|}'


Fix handling of Continuation patents. Example:,289,308 This patent's application date is Jun., 1990, so the expiration date should be June, 2010, instead of 08 mar 2020. More or less done. The information that is easy to parse is parsed.

Fix handling of Foreign patents. Example: This patent has foreign patent priority data, so the 20 year terms starts earlier. The expiration date should be October 3, 2012, not 26 apr 2013 that the program reports. More or less done.

Ask USPTO to include Patent term adjustment data. Done. (No response yet, and its been a month). Maybe could grab from google instead. Search to get id number, then to get text version (already OCRed) and see if there is a patent term adjustment.

PCT filed patents have the PCT filing date as filing date, not the US filing date.

The filing date for determining if there is a 17 year term is the PCT filing date or the last filing date. The filing date from the first continuation only determines the start of the 20 year term.


Test Data

Short Test Data

** US 4,849,812
** US 4,864,393
** US RE39,080

MPEG-2 Patent List

  • MPEGLA patents [1]
  • Alcatel-Lucent
    • US 4,833,543
    • US 4,970,590
    • US 5,453,790
  • AT&T Bell Laboratories
    • US 5,136,377
  • Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
    • US 4,383,272
  • British Telecommunications plc
    • US 5,291,284
  • Canon Inc.
    • US 4,982,270
    • US 5,068,724
    • US 5,091,782
    • US 5,093,720
  • Columbia University
    • US Re 35,093
  • France Télécom ( CNET)
    • US 4,796,087
  • Fujitsu
    • US 5,235,618
  • General Electric Capital Corporation
    • US 4,706,260
    • US 4,813,056
  • General Instrument Corp. (now the broadband division of Motorola)
    • US 4,394,774
    • US 4,698,672
  • GE Technology Development, Inc.
    • US 5,426,464
    • US 5,486,864
    • US 5,491,516
    • US 5,600,376
    • US 5,796,743
  • Hewlett-Packard Company
    • US 5,867,501
  • Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
    • US 4,849,812
    • US 4,901,075
    • US 5,021,879
    • US 5,027,206
    • US 5,128,758
    • US 5,179,442
    • US 5,333,135
    • US 5,606,539
    • US 5,608,697
    • US 5,699,476
    • US 5,740,310
    • US 5,844,867
    • US 6,181,712
    • US 6,792,001
  • KDDI Corporation (KDDI)
  • LG Electronics Inc.
    • US Re 37,057
    • US Re 37,568
  • Matsushita now Panasonic Corporation
    • US 5,113,255
    • US Re 35,910
    • US Re 36,015
    • US Re 36,507
    • US Re 39,276
    • US Re 39,278
    • US Re 39,280
    • US 5,223,949
    • US 5,412,430
    • US 5,784,107
  • Mitsubishi
    • US 4,954,892
    • US 5,072,295
    • US 5,268,846
    • US 5,949,489
    • US 5,963,258
    • US 5,970,175
    • US 5,990,960
    • US 6,002,439
    • US 6,097,759
    • US 6,188,794
    • US 6,307,973
    • US 7,362,805
    • US 7,376,184
    • US 7,756,202
    • US 7,936,817
  • Multimedia Patent Trust
    • US 4,958,226
    • US 5,227,878
    • US 5,500,678
    • US 5,563,593
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation ( NTT)
  • NXP
  • Philips
    • US 4,849,812
    • US 4,901,075
    • US 5,021,879
    • US 5,027,206
    • US 5,128,758
    • US 5,179,442
    • US 5,333,135
    • US 5,606,539
    • US 5,608,697
    • US 5,740,310
    • US 5,844,867
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Samsung
    • US 5,461,421
    • US 5,467,086
    • US 5,654,706
    • US 6,680,975
    • US 7,292,657
    • US 7,609,760
    • US 7,616,687
    • US 7,684,490
    • US 7,724,821
    • US 7,724,822
    • US 7,724,823
    • US 7,724,824
    • US 7,724,828
    • US 7,724,829
    • US 7,742,522
    • US 7,742,527
    • US 7,764,735
    • US 7,782,956
    • US 7,787,538
  • Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
  • Scientific Atlanta
    • US 5,418,782
    • US 5,420,866
    • US 5,457,701
  • Sharp
  • Sony
    • US 4,864,393
    • US Re 37,222
    • US 5,191,436
    • US 5,291,486
    • US 5,298,991
    • US 5,343,248
    • US 5,428,396
    • US 5,461,420
    • US 5,481,553
    • US 5,510,840
    • US 5,539,466
    • US 5,543,847
    • US 5,559,557
    • US 5,663,763
    • US 5,666,461
    • US 5,701,164
    • US 5,946,042
    • US 5,982,437
    • US 6,040,863
    • US 6,160,849
    • US 7,627,041
  • The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
    • US Re 35,093
  • Thomson Licensing S.A.
    • US 4,800,432
    • US 4,969,055
    • US 5,289,276
    • US 5,365,272
    • US 5,381,181
    • US 5,422,676
    • US 5,442,400
    • US 5,459,789
    • US 5,483,287
    • US 5,565,923
    • US 5,784,110
    • US 7,020,204
    • US 7,334,248
  • Toshiba
    • US 5,317,397
    • US 5,424,779
    • US 5,467,136
    • US 5,742,344
    • US 5,986,713
  • Victor Company of Japan, Limited ( JVC).
    • US Re 34,965
    • US Re 35,158
    • US Re 36,822
    • US 5,103,307
    • US 5,175,618
  • Alcatel-Lucent [2]
    • US 5,341,457
    • US RE39,080
  • Audio MPEG, Inc [3]
    • US 4,972,484
    • US 5,214,678
    • US 5,323,396
    • US 5,539,829
    • US 5,606,618
    • US 5,530,655
    • US 5,777,992
    • US 6,289,308
    • US 5,481,643
    • US 5,544,247
    • US 5,610,985
    • US 5,740,317
    • US 5,878,080
    • US 5,960,037
    • US 5,991,715
    • US 6,023,490
  • Thomson [4]
    • US 4,821,260
    • US 4,942,607
    • US 5,214,742
    • US 5,227,990
    • US 5,384,811
    • US 5,736,943
    • US 5,455,833
    • US 5,559,834
    • US 5,321,729
    • US 5,706,309
    • US 5,701,346
    • US 5,742,735
    • US 5,812,672
    • US 5,579,430
    • US 6,185,539
    • US 6,009,399
    • US 5,924,060
    • US 5,703,999


6792001 {'related_info': [{'application_number': '537701', 'patent_number': '6181712','filing_date': 'Feb. 23, 1995'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed date'}
7609760 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7616687 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7684490 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724821 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724822 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724823 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724824 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7742522 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7742527 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7764735 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7787538 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
5701164 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 24, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed PCT date'}
5946042 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 24, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed PCT date'}
6040863 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 24, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed PCT date'}
7627041 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Jan. 13, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed old filing date'}
7334248 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Apr. 22, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Error in original patent, fixed in correction B2'}
4394774 {'terminal_disclaimer_date': 'December 15, 1998','override_reason': 'Referenced patent had its term changed'}
7627041 {'term_extension': 889, 'override_reason': 'Error in original patent, fixed in correction B2'}

Philips Video CD US patent list

Script for MPEG-2 patents

./ bare_mpeg2_patents | ./ | ./ | ./ | ./  mpeg2_overrides  > grabbed_company_mpeg2_patent_info
./ grabbed_re_mpeg2_patent_info > mpeg2_wiki_table
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Python Code

This code may be used under either the license CC-BY-SA 3.0 or the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.


import re,urllib2,os,pickle,datetime,sys


    cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),".patent_lib_cache")
    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
    term_extension_file = os.path.join(cache_dir,"term_extension")
    if os.path.exists(term_extension_file):
        term_extension_dict = pickle.load(open(term_extension_file,"r"))
        term_extension_dict = {}

def get_patent_info(patent):
    patent_lines = download_patent_data(patent)
    return parse_patent_lines(patent,patent_lines)

def download_patent_data(patent):
    patent = get_canonical_name(patent)
        if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
        patent_file = os.path.join(cache_dir,"us"+patent)
        if os.path.exists(patent_file):
            patent_lines = open(patent_file).readlines()
            return patent_lines        
    first = urllib2.urlopen(""+patent)
    first_lines = first.readlines()
    refresh_line = line for line in first_lines if "REFRESH" in line][0
    refresh_url = ""+re.match('.*?URL=(.*?)">',refresh_line).group(1)
    #print refresh_url
    patent_connection = urllib2.urlopen(refresh_url)
    patent_lines = patent_connection.readlines()
    return patent_lines
def parse_patent_lines(patent,patent_lines):
    patent = get_canonical_name(patent)
    ret_dict = {}
    #print patent_lines
    grant_index = patent_lines.index('<TD ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="50%"> <B>\n')+1
    grant_date = patent_linesgrant_index.strip()
    file_index = patent_lines.index('  <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="10%">Filed:\n')+2
    file_line = patent_linesfile_index
    file_date = re.match(".*?<B>(.*?)</B>",file_line).group(1)
    summary_index = grant_index+5
    summary_end_index = patent_lines.index('</font><BR>\n',summary_index)
    summary = patent_linessummary_index][16:].strip()
    for i in range(summary_index+1,summary_end_index):
	summary += " "+patent_linesi.strip()
    related_patents_header = '<HR> <CENTER><B>Related U.S. Patent Documents</B></CENTER> <HR> <TABLE WIDTH="100%"> <TR><TD WIDTH="7%"></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR> <TR><TD align="left">\n'
    patent_case_header = "<CENTER><b><i>Parent Case Text</i></b></CENTER>\n"
    if patent_case_header in patent_lines:
        patent_case_index = patent_lines.index(patent_case_header)
        patent_case_end = patent_lines.index("<HR>\n",patent_case_index+2)
        patent_case_text = (" ".join([x.lstrip() for x in patent_linespatent_case_index+2:patent_case_end]])).replace("<BR><BR>","")
        ret_dict"patent_case_text" = patent_case_text
    if related_patents_header in patent_lines:
        related_index = patent_lines.index(related_patents_header)
        related_list = re.split("</TR><TR>",patent_linesrelated_index+1])[1:-1
        related_parsed = [[re.match("<TD.*>(.*)",x).group(1) for x in re.split("</TD>",y)[1:5]] for y in related_list
        related_info = [{"application_number":x0],"filing_date": find_related_exact_date(ret_dict,x1]),"patent_number":x2],"issue_date":x3]} for x in related_parsed
        related_info = keep_non_empty(x) for x in related_info
        ret_dict"related_info" = related_info
    pct_file_header = '  <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="10%">PCT Filed:\n'
    if pct_file_header in patent_lines:
        pct_file_index = patent_lines.index(pct_file_header)
        pct_date = patent_linespct_file_index+2.strip()
        ret_dict"pct_file_date" = pct_date
    terminal_disclaimer_header = '</TR>  <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="10%" NOWRAP><B>[*]</B> Notice: </TD>\n'
    if terminal_disclaimer_header in patent_lines:
        terminal_disclaimer_index = patent_lines.index(terminal_disclaimer_header)
        terminal_disclaimer_date = " ".join(patent_linesterminal_disclaimer_index+1.split()[-3:])
        ret_dict"terminal_disclaimer_date" = terminal_disclaimer_date
    if patent.lower().startswith("re"):
        reissue_index = -1
        for i in xrange(len(patent_lines)):
            if "Reissue of:" in patent_linesi]:
                reissue_index = i
        if reissue_index > 0:
            reissue_line = patent_linesreissue_index
            reissue_tail = re.match(".*?Reissue of:(.*)",reissue_line).group(1)
            reissue_parts = reissue_tail.replace("<TD align=center>","").split("</TD>")
            orig_file_date,orig_patent,orig_grant_date = reissue_parts2:5
	    return ret_dict
	    #print patent,file_date,grant_date,orig_patent,orig_file_date,orig_grant_date,"--",repr(summary)
	return ret_dict
	#print patent,file_date,grant_date,"--",repr(summary)

month_names = '', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
mon_names = name[:3.lower() for name in month_names

def get_numeric_date(date):
    #Could be two formats: "December 9, 1994" or "Mar., 1993"
    list = date.split()
    month = list0][:3.lower()
    year = int(list-1])
    if len(list) == 3:
        day = int(list1.strip(",")) 
        day = 32
    month = mon_names.index(month)
    return year,month,day

#20 year term start date is first of related file date, pct file date or file date.
# If filed  or pct filed before June 8, 1995, 17 years from grant date or 20 years from 20 year term start
#After June 8, 1995, 20 years from first file date.
#If a reissued patent, Use original patent date, not final date.
#If it has a terminal disclaimer, use that instead of calculated date.  
#XXX: Note that this does not handle the possibility that the patent office 
# might have delayed granting the application and it could be extended because of that.
#XXX: Note that if maintenance fees are not paid, the patent might expire early
def get_patent_expiration(patent_info):
    reason = ""
    if patent_info.has_key("orig_patent"):
	filed = patent_info"orig_file_date"
	granted = patent_info"orig_grant_date"
	filed = patent_info"file_date"
	granted = patent_info"grant_date"
    file_date = get_numeric_date(filed)
    grant_date = get_numeric_date(granted)
    file_plus = file_date[:]
    file_plus0 += 20
    reason += "file+20: "+str(file_plus)    
    if "related_info" in patent_info and len(patent_info"related_info"]) > 0:
        related_file = sorted([get_numeric_date(x"filing_date"]) 
                               for x in patent_info"related_info" if "filing_date" in x])
        if len(related_file) > 0:
            related_file_plus = related_file0
            related_file_plus0 += 20
            file_plus = min(related_file_plus,file_plus)
            reason += " related_patent+20:"+str(related_file_plus)
    if "pct_file_date" in patent_info:
        pct_file_date = get_numeric_date(patent_info"pct_file_date"])
        pct_file_plus = pct_file_date[:]
        pct_file_plus0 += 20
        file_plus = min(file_plus,pct_file_plus)
        reason += " pct_file+20:"+str(pct_file_plus)
    if "override_reason" in patent_info:
        reason += " Override: "+patent_info"override_reason"
    if file_date < 1995,6,8 or ("pct_file_date" in patent_info and pct_file_date < 1995,6,8]):
        grant_plus = grant_date
        grant_plus0 += 17
        reason += " grant+17:"+str(grant_plus)
        max_date = max(file_plus,grant_plus)
        max_date,reason = adjust_expiration_date(patent_info,max_date,reason)
        return max_date,reason
        file_plus,reason = adjust_expiration_date(patent_info,file_plus,reason)
	return file_plus,reason

def adjust_expiration_date(patent,date,reason):
    """Adjusts date based on terminal disclaimers and term extensions"""
    if "terminal_disclaimer_date" in patent:
        new_date = get_numeric_date(patent"terminal_disclaimer_date"])
        reason += " terminal disclaimer date "+patent"terminal_disclaimer_date"
        return new_date,reason
    if "term_extension" in patent:
        term_extension = patent"term_extension"
        if term_extension >= 0:
            reason += " term extension "+str(term_extension)+" days "
        if term_extension > 0:
            delta = datetime.timedelta(term_extension)
            if date2 == 32:
                #If exact date is unknown, it is set to 32
                date = date0],date1],1
            date_o =],date1],date2])
            date_adjusted = date_o + delta
            new_date = date_adjusted.year,date_adjusted.month,
            return new_date,reason
    return date,reason

def find_related_exact_date(patent,date):
    if len(date) < 4:
        #Bad date, filtered out elsewhere
        return date
    numeric_date = get_numeric_date(date)
    if "patent_case_text" in patent:
        month = mon_namesnumeric_date1]]
        year = str(numeric_date0])
        case_text = patent"patent_case_text"
        dates = re.findall(month+".?\s+(\d{1,2}),\s+"+year,case_text.lower())+\
        if len(dates) == 1:
            #"December 9, 1994"
            month = month_namesnumeric_date1]]
            new_day = dates0
            return month+" "+new_day+", "+year
    return date

def get_first_date(patent_info):
    """ Calculates the first relevent date for patent prior art"""
    if patent_info.has_key("orig_patent"):
	filed = patent_info"orig_file_date"
	filed = patent_info"file_date"
    file_date = get_numeric_date(filed)
    first_date = file_date
    if "related_info" in patent_info and len(patent_info"related_info"]) > 0:
        related_file = sorted([get_numeric_date(x"filing_date"]) 
                               for x in patent_info"related_info" if "filing_date" in x])
        if len(related_file) > 0:
            related_file = related_file0
            first_date = min(related_file,first_date)
    if "pct_file_date" in patent_info:
        pct_file_date = get_numeric_date(patent_info"pct_file_date"])
        first_date = min(pct_file_date,first_date)
    return first_date

def get_canonical_name(patent):
    if patent.startswith("0"):
        patent = patent1:]
    patent = patent.replace(",","")
    return patent

def keep_non_empty(dic):
    new_dict = {}
    for key in dic:
        if dickey and dickey != '':
            new_dictkey = dickey
    return new_dict

def get_patent_term_extension(patent):
    patent = get_canonical_name(patent)
        if patent in term_extension_dict:
            return term_extension_dictpatent
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Patent Reader')]
    #print >> sys.stderr,"Opening "+""+patent
    google_search =""+patent)
    search_data =
    patent_url ="<a href=\"(\?id=.*?)\">",search_data).group(1)
    google_id ="id=(.*?)&",patent_url).group(1)
    #print >> sys.stderr,"Opening "+""+google_id+"&output=text&pg=PA1"
    patent_text_file =""+google_id+"&output=text&pg=PA1")
    patent_text =
    patent_search ="35 U.S.C. 154\(b\) by ([0-9]*) days.",patent_text)
    if patent_search:
        days = int(
        days = -1
        term_extension_dictpatent = days
        out_file = open(term_extension_file,"w")
    return days


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
        term_extension = patent_lib.get_patent_term_extension(patent"patent"])
        if term_extension >= 0:
            patent"term_extension" = term_extension
            #print "Adding",patent["patent"],term_extension
            #print "Not adding",patent["patent"],term_extension
	print "**",patent
	print line,


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = line5:].strip().replace(" ","").upper()
	#print patent,
	print "**",patent_lib.get_patent_info(patent)
	print line,

#print get_patent_info("4,864,393")
#print get_patent_info("RE39,080")


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
	#print patent,
	if patent.has_key("orig_patent"):
	    orig_patent = patent_lib.get_patent_info(patent"orig_patent"])
	    patent"orig_grant_date" = orig_patent"grant_date"
	    patent"orig_file_date" = orig_patent"file_date"
            patent"related_info" = patent.get("related_info",[])+orig_patent.get("related_info",[])
            if "pct_file_date" in orig_patent:
                patent"pct_file_date" = orig_patent"pct_file_date"
	print "**",patent
	print line,

#print get_patent_info("4,864,393")
#print get_patent_info("RE39,080")


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()

company = "???"
for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
	patent"company" = company
	#print patent,
	print "**",patent
    elif line.startswith("*"):
	company = lineline.index("[[")+2:line.index("]]")]
	print line,
	print line,


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    override_lines = open(sys.argv2]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
    override_lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()

override_dict = {}
for line in override_lines:
    if len(line.strip()) == 0 or line.startswith("#"):
        pass #skip
        patent = line.split()[0
        override = eval(linelen(patent):])
        override_dictpatent = override

#print override_dict

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
        patent_number = patent"patent"
        if patent_number in override_dict:
            sub_dict = override_dictpatent_number
            overridden = {}
            for key in sub_dict.keys():
                if key in patent:
                    overriddenkey = patentkey                    
                patentkey = sub_dictkey
            if len(overridden) > 0:
                patent"before_override" = overridden
	print "**",patent
	print line,


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import patent_lib

def to_wiki_date_s(string):
    return to_wiki_date(patent_lib.get_numeric_date(string))

def to_wiki_date(list):
    year,month,day = list
    return "%02d %s %d" % (day,patent_lib.mon_namesmonth],year)

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    lines = open(sys.argv1]).readlines()
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

print """{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Patent!!Filed!!Granted!!First File!!Expiration!!Summary!!Notes!!Company"""

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("**"):
	patent = eval(line3:].strip())
        expire_date,reason = patent_lib.get_patent_expiration(patent)
	expiration = to_wiki_date(expire_date)
	if patent.has_key("orig_patent"):
	    filed = to_wiki_date_s(patent"orig_file_date"])
	    granted = to_wiki_date_s(patent"orig_grant_date"])
	    notes = "Reissue of "+patent"orig_patent"+" filed "+to_wiki_date_s(patent"file_date"])+" granted "+to_wiki_date_s(patent"grant_date"])
	    filed = to_wiki_date_s(patent"file_date"])
	    granted = to_wiki_date_s(patent"grant_date"])
	    notes = ""
        first_date = to_wiki_date(patent_lib.get_first_date(patent))
	notes += " ["+patent"patent"+"]"+" "+reason
        if "patent_case_text" in patent:
            notes += " Case Text: "+patent"patent_case_text".replace("\n","")
	print '|-'
	print '|',patent"patent"],"||",filed,"||",granted,"||",first_date,"||",expiration,"||",patent"summary"],"||",notes,"||","[["+patent.get("company","Unknown")+"]]"
	#print patent,
	#if patent.has_key("orig_patent"):

print '|-\n|}'


Fix handling of Continuation patents. Example:,289,308 This patent's application date is Jun., 1990, so the expiration date should be June, 2010, instead of 08 mar 2020. More or less done. The information that is easy to parse is parsed.

Fix handling of Foreign patents. Example: This patent has foreign patent priority data, so the 20 year terms starts earlier. The expiration date should be October 3, 2012, not 26 apr 2013 that the program reports. More or less done.

Ask USPTO to include Patent term adjustment data. Done. (No response yet, and its been a month). Maybe could grab from google instead. Search to get id number, then to get text version (already OCRed) and see if there is a patent term adjustment.

PCT filed patents have the PCT filing date as filing date, not the US filing date.

The filing date for determining if there is a 17 year term is the PCT filing date or the last filing date. The filing date from the first continuation only determines the start of the 20 year term.


Test Data

Short Test Data

** US 4,849,812
** US 4,864,393
** US RE39,080

MPEG-2 Patent List

  • MPEGLA patents [1]
  • Alcatel-Lucent
    • US 4,833,543
    • US 4,970,590
    • US 5,453,790
  • AT&T Bell Laboratories
    • US 5,136,377
  • Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
    • US 4,383,272
  • British Telecommunications plc
    • US 5,291,284
  • Canon Inc.
    • US 4,982,270
    • US 5,068,724
    • US 5,091,782
    • US 5,093,720
  • Columbia University
    • US Re 35,093
  • France Télécom ( CNET)
    • US 4,796,087
  • Fujitsu
    • US 5,235,618
  • General Electric Capital Corporation
    • US 4,706,260
    • US 4,813,056
  • General Instrument Corp. (now the broadband division of Motorola)
    • US 4,394,774
    • US 4,698,672
  • GE Technology Development, Inc.
    • US 5,426,464
    • US 5,486,864
    • US 5,491,516
    • US 5,600,376
    • US 5,796,743
  • Hewlett-Packard Company
    • US 5,867,501
  • Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
    • US 4,849,812
    • US 4,901,075
    • US 5,021,879
    • US 5,027,206
    • US 5,128,758
    • US 5,179,442
    • US 5,333,135
    • US 5,606,539
    • US 5,608,697
    • US 5,699,476
    • US 5,740,310
    • US 5,844,867
    • US 6,181,712
    • US 6,792,001
  • KDDI Corporation (KDDI)
  • LG Electronics Inc.
    • US Re 37,057
    • US Re 37,568
  • Matsushita now Panasonic Corporation
    • US 5,113,255
    • US Re 35,910
    • US Re 36,015
    • US Re 36,507
    • US Re 39,276
    • US Re 39,278
    • US Re 39,280
    • US 5,223,949
    • US 5,412,430
    • US 5,784,107
  • Mitsubishi
    • US 4,954,892
    • US 5,072,295
    • US 5,268,846
    • US 5,949,489
    • US 5,963,258
    • US 5,970,175
    • US 5,990,960
    • US 6,002,439
    • US 6,097,759
    • US 6,188,794
    • US 6,307,973
    • US 7,362,805
    • US 7,376,184
    • US 7,756,202
    • US 7,936,817
  • Multimedia Patent Trust
    • US 4,958,226
    • US 5,227,878
    • US 5,500,678
    • US 5,563,593
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation ( NTT)
  • NXP
  • Philips
    • US 4,849,812
    • US 4,901,075
    • US 5,021,879
    • US 5,027,206
    • US 5,128,758
    • US 5,179,442
    • US 5,333,135
    • US 5,606,539
    • US 5,608,697
    • US 5,740,310
    • US 5,844,867
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Samsung
    • US 5,461,421
    • US 5,467,086
    • US 5,654,706
    • US 6,680,975
    • US 7,292,657
    • US 7,609,760
    • US 7,616,687
    • US 7,684,490
    • US 7,724,821
    • US 7,724,822
    • US 7,724,823
    • US 7,724,824
    • US 7,724,828
    • US 7,724,829
    • US 7,742,522
    • US 7,742,527
    • US 7,764,735
    • US 7,782,956
    • US 7,787,538
  • Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
  • Scientific Atlanta
    • US 5,418,782
    • US 5,420,866
    • US 5,457,701
  • Sharp
  • Sony
    • US 4,864,393
    • US Re 37,222
    • US 5,191,436
    • US 5,291,486
    • US 5,298,991
    • US 5,343,248
    • US 5,428,396
    • US 5,461,420
    • US 5,481,553
    • US 5,510,840
    • US 5,539,466
    • US 5,543,847
    • US 5,559,557
    • US 5,663,763
    • US 5,666,461
    • US 5,701,164
    • US 5,946,042
    • US 5,982,437
    • US 6,040,863
    • US 6,160,849
    • US 7,627,041
  • The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
    • US Re 35,093
  • Thomson Licensing S.A.
    • US 4,800,432
    • US 4,969,055
    • US 5,289,276
    • US 5,365,272
    • US 5,381,181
    • US 5,422,676
    • US 5,442,400
    • US 5,459,789
    • US 5,483,287
    • US 5,565,923
    • US 5,784,110
    • US 7,020,204
    • US 7,334,248
  • Toshiba
    • US 5,317,397
    • US 5,424,779
    • US 5,467,136
    • US 5,742,344
    • US 5,986,713
  • Victor Company of Japan, Limited ( JVC).
    • US Re 34,965
    • US Re 35,158
    • US Re 36,822
    • US 5,103,307
    • US 5,175,618
  • Alcatel-Lucent [2]
    • US 5,341,457
    • US RE39,080
  • Audio MPEG, Inc [3]
    • US 4,972,484
    • US 5,214,678
    • US 5,323,396
    • US 5,539,829
    • US 5,606,618
    • US 5,530,655
    • US 5,777,992
    • US 6,289,308
    • US 5,481,643
    • US 5,544,247
    • US 5,610,985
    • US 5,740,317
    • US 5,878,080
    • US 5,960,037
    • US 5,991,715
    • US 6,023,490
  • Thomson [4]
    • US 4,821,260
    • US 4,942,607
    • US 5,214,742
    • US 5,227,990
    • US 5,384,811
    • US 5,736,943
    • US 5,455,833
    • US 5,559,834
    • US 5,321,729
    • US 5,706,309
    • US 5,701,346
    • US 5,742,735
    • US 5,812,672
    • US 5,579,430
    • US 6,185,539
    • US 6,009,399
    • US 5,924,060
    • US 5,703,999


6792001 {'related_info': [{'application_number': '537701', 'patent_number': '6181712','filing_date': 'Feb. 23, 1995'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed date'}
7609760 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7616687 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7684490 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724821 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724822 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724823 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7724824 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7742522 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7742527 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7764735 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
7787538 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 1, 1993'}],'override_reason':'Autoparse missed application Ser. No. 08/024,305, filed Mar. 1, 1993.'}
5701164 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 24, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed PCT date'}
5946042 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 24, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed PCT date'}
6040863 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Mar. 24, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed PCT date'}
7627041 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Jan. 13, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Auto parse missed old filing date'}
7334248 {'related_info': [{'filing_date': 'Apr. 22, 1994'}],'override_reason':'Error in original patent, fixed in correction B2'}
4394774 {'terminal_disclaimer_date': 'December 15, 1998','override_reason': 'Referenced patent had its term changed'}
7627041 {'term_extension': 889, 'override_reason': 'Error in original patent, fixed in correction B2'}

Philips Video CD US patent list

Script for MPEG-2 patents

./ bare_mpeg2_patents | ./ | ./ | ./ | ./  mpeg2_overrides  > grabbed_company_mpeg2_patent_info
./ grabbed_re_mpeg2_patent_info > mpeg2_wiki_table


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